Dedication: Volume II of ‘Journeys, Memories and Testimonies of Pioneers’, a portal of the pioneers of Burkinabe communication


Ouagadougou: The Association of Retirees of Communication and Information of Burkina Faso (ARCI-BF) signed on Friday, Volume II of the book “Journey, Memories and Testimonies of Pioneers”, a 196-page work which highlights the journey of 19 Burkinabe media elders, aged 75 to 81.

Volume II of the book ‘Journeys, Memories and Testimonies of Pioneers’ draws portraits of emblematic figures of communication and journalism in Burkina Faso.

According to the president of ARCI, Bélibié Soumaïla Bassolé, the work traces the careers of information professionals such as Fidèle Toe, Boureima Jérémie Sigué, Jean-Baptiste Ilboudo, Bitiou Germain Nama, Serge-Théophile Balima, and many others.

In this document, ARCI also pays tribute to Somlawendé Clément Zéda, a radioelectricity engineer who passed away in December 2022, after having devoted his career to national television.

“These retired professionals are people capable of consistently and beautifully supporting the development of our country through constructive infor
mation and communication,” acknowledged Mr. Bassolé to his predecessors.

The dean, Jean-Hubert Bazié, also recalled the importance of transmitting lessons from the past to younger generations through written and audiovisual testimonies in order to make a good projection into the future.

The publication of this volume II is the logical continuation of the first work, published in October 2020, which retraced the careers of around twenty deans of communication aged 74 to 85.

This first work paid tribute to three deceased figures who played a central role in the creation and strengthening of ARCI-BF.

The two volumes of “Parcours, Souvenirs et Témoignages de Pionniers” are available at the price of 2000 CFA francs. They are a valuable archive for future generations, testifying to the invaluable contributions of these pioneers in the field of media and communication in Burkina Faso, according to their authors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency