China, Ethiopia Leadership Academies Sign Memorandum of Understanding


Addis Ababa, China National Academy of Governance and the African Leadership Excellence Academy have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to work together in training and research.

China National Academy of Governance Vice President, Professor Gong Weibin inked the MoU today.

Speaking on the occasion, Professor Gong said this marks a new turning point of long-term friendship and cooperation between Ethiopia and China.

He noted that this is implementation of the decision made by President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in the recent BRICS meeting.

“I hope the partnership between our two academies will be taken to a higher level,” the vice president said.

According to him, the agreement will bring the relationship between the two countries to a higher level; and support will be provided to build the capacity of Ethiopia’s top leaders through training, research, and consulting.

The agreement would also play a crucial role in enhancing exchange of experts, academic research, and other collaborations, among the institutions.

African Leadership Excellence Academy Chief, Zadig Abreha said on his part that the Chinese academy has a distinct track record in the field of supplying capable leaders, and “we want to learn from them.”

The academy has a great vision of making Ethiopia a land of efficient and effective leaders, he added.

“Our mission also stretches itself to the entire Africa. We want to help Africa and the entire content to have efficient and effective leaders so that Africa’s effort of making itself prosperous could be achieved within a short period.”

According to the chief, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has a great vision for both Ethiopia and Africa; and this initiative is meant to realize the vision of creating capable and efficient leaders.

The MoU heralds a hope of optimism for both Ethiopia and Africa as it would put both in a better position to undertake missions, Zadig stated.

The African Leadership Excellence Academy owns state-of-the-art training facility and was established in June 2021.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency