LeddarTech annonce l’inauguration de son centre de développement en fusion de données de capteurs et perception à Tel Aviv, Israël, le 9 juin 2022

QUÉBEC et TEL AVIV, Israel, 24 mai 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, chef de file de calibre mondial en technologie de détection précise, robuste et polyvalente pour les systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systèmes AD), est heureuse d’annoncer l’inauguration officielle de son centre de développement en fusion de données de capteurs et perception à Tel Aviv, Israël, le 9 juin à 15 h 00, heure standard d’Israël.

L’événement sera animé par Charles Boulanger, chef de la direction de LeddarTech et Ronny Cohen, Vice-président et directeur général, Fusion de données de capteurs et perception pour systèmes ADAS et AD. En plus d’accueillir des invités et des dignitaires au centre, cet événement constitue également une reconnaissance de nos ingénieurs hautement qualifiés et professionnels ainsi que de leur contribution à notre développement technologique.

L’événement se voudra de type informel avec de la nourriture, des boissons et des cadeaux. Il y aura également une présentation d’un conférencier invité, le Dr. Ami Appelbaum, président de l’Autorité israélienne de l’innovation et scientifique en chef au ministère de l’Économie et de l’Industrie, qui débattra de « Mobilité intelligente – Potentiel pour Israël, opportunités et risques ». De plus, les invités auront l’occasion de rencontrer l’équipe, de réseauter et de voir des démonstrations de la plateforme de fusion de données de capteurs et de perception LeddarVision™, qui appuie les systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome (niveaux 2 à 5) des véhicules automobiles et industriels. LeddarVision combine l’intelligence artificielle et des technologies de vision numérique ainsi que des réseaux de neurones profonds et l’efficacité computationnelle afin d’optimiser la performance des capteurs et du matériel embarqués essentielle à la planification du parcours, tout en améliorant l’efficacité de la détection et la sécurité de la conduite autonome.

« Je suis très fier d’accueillir cet événement en Israël », a déclaré M. Charles Boulanger, chef de la direction de LeddarTech. « Notre équipe en Israël, soutenue par nos sites de R&D au Québec et en Ontario, a fait un travail extraordinaire en développant une technologie de fusion de données brutes de capteurs et de perception dernier cri ». Avant de poursuivre : « Le centre de développement en fusion de données de capteurs et perception à Tel Aviv marque pour LeddarTech une véritable réussite alors que continuons de nous développer et de collaborer avec certains des meilleurs talents au monde », a conclu M. Boulanger.

À propos de LeddarTech

Fondée en 2007, LeddarTech propose des solutions de détection environnementale exhaustives et intégrées qui permettent à ses clients de résoudre des problèmes critiques en matière de détection, de fusion de données et de perception tout au long de la chaîne de valeur. LeddarTech offre des solutions de perception optimisées et évolutives appuyant les niveaux d’autonomie 2 (aide à la conduite) jusqu’à 5 (autonomie complète) avec LeddarVision™, une plateforme de fusion de données brutes de capteurs et de perception qui génère un modèle environnemental 3D détaillé à partir d’une variété de configurations et de types de capteurs. LeddarTech soutient également les fabricants de LiDARs et les fournisseurs automobiles de rang 1 et 2 en proposant des blocs technologiques clés comme l’orientation numérique du faisceau LeddarSteer™ ou le LeddarEngine™, bâti sur la technologie Leddar™ de LeddarTech et qui recourt à des techniques d’acquisition et de traitement de signal brevetées pour générer un signal de retour plus riche et plus net à moindre coût. Le LeddarEngine est une combinaison SoC et logicielle LiDAR évolutive hautement intégrée qui permet aux développeurs de LiDARs et aux fournisseurs automobiles de rang 1-2 de concevoir leurs propres solutions LiDAR. Détentrice de plus de 120 brevets accordés ou en instance, la société a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de télédétection de pointe destinées au marché automobile et de la mobilité et qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur www.leddartech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tél. : + 1-418-653-9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Contact relations investisseurs : InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, LeddarEcho, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

A LeddarTech anuncia a grande inauguração do Sensor Fusion and Perception Development Center (Centro de Desenvolvimento de Fusão e Percepção de Sensores) em Tel Aviv, Israel, no dia 9 de junho de 2022

QUEBEC e TEL AVIV, Israel, May 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, líder global no fornecimento de tecnologia de detecção ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance System – Sistemas Avançados de Assistência à Condução) e AD (Autonomous Driving – Condução Autônoma) mais flexível, robusta e precisa, tem o prazer de anunciar a grande inauguração oficial do Sensor Fusion and Perception Development Center da LeddarTech em Tel Aviv, Israel, em 9 de junho às 15h. (IST).

O evento será apresentado por Charles Boulanger, CEO da LeddarTech e Ronny Cohen, Vice-Presidente e Gerente Geral de ADAS e AD Sensor Fusion and Perception. Além de receber os convidados e as personalidades no centro, este evento também é uma celebração de nossos engenheiros altamente qualificados e profissionais e suas contribuições para nosso desenvolvimento tecnológico.

O evento será realizado como uma festa casual com comidas, bebidas e brindes. Também haverá uma apresentação do palestrante convidado pelo Dr. Ami Appelbaum, Presidente da Innovation Authority e Cientista-Chefe do Ministério da Economia e Indústria em Israel, que irá discutir o tema “Smart Mobility – Israel’s Potential, Opportunities and Risks” (Mobilidade Inteligente – O potencial, as oportunidades e os riscos de Israel). Além disso, os convidados terão a oportunidade de conhecer a equipe, fazer networking e ver demonstrações da plataforma de fusão e percepção de sensores LeddarVision™. Esta plataforma permite veículos on-road e off-road ADAS e AD de nível 2-5. A LeddarVision combina tecnologia de Inteligência Artificial e visão de computador e redes neurais profundas com eficiência computacional para aumentar o desempenho dos sensores ADAS/AD e hardware essenciais para o planejamento do caminho para condução, proporcionando uma condução autônoma mais segura com melhor detecção.

“Estou muito orgulhoso por sediar este evento em Israel”, declarou o Sr. Charles Boulanger, CEO da LeddarTech. “Nossa equipe em Israel, apoiada por nossas instalações de P&D em Quebec e Ontário, realizou um trabalho extraordinário ao desenvolver tecnologia inovadora de fusão e percepção de dados brutos”. Sr. Boulanger continua: “O Sensor Fusion and Perception Development Center em Tel Aviv marca uma conquista real para a LeddarTech à medida que continuamos a expandir e nos comprometer com alguns de nossos melhores talentos no mundo”, concluiu o Sr. Boulanger.

Sobre a LeddarTech

Fundada em 2007, a LeddarTech é uma empresa de percepção ambiental integral e abrangente que permite que os clientes resultam desafios de percepção e fusão críticos em toda a cadeia de valor. A LeddarTech oferece soluções de percepção econômicas escaláveis de ADAS Nível 2 para Nível 5 com autonomia total com a LeddarVision™, uma plataforma de fusão e percepção do sensor de dados brutos que gera um modelo ambiental 3D abrangente a partir de uma grande variedade de tipos e configurações de sensores. A LeddarTech também oferece suporte aos fabricantes de LiDAR e fornecedores automotivos Categoria 1-2 com os principais blocos de construção tecnológica, como a direção por feixe digital LeddarSteer™ e o LeddarEngine™, que é fabricado com a tecnologia LeddarTech’s Leddar™, empregando técnicas patenteadas de aquisição e processamento de sinais para gerar um sinal de retorno mais rico e limpo a um custo menor. O LeddarEngine compreende um LiDAR SoC altamente integrado e escalável e uma combinação de softwares que permite que os desenvolvedores da LiDAR e os fornecedores automotivos de Categoria 1-2 projetem suas soluções LiDAR. A empresa é responsável por diversas inovações em avançados aplicativos automotivos e de mobilidade com detecção remota, oferecendo mais de 120 tecnologias patenteadas (incluindo patentes concedidas e em aprovação) para aprimorar o ADAS e os recursos de condução.

Informações adicionais sobre a LeddarTech estão acessíveis em www.leddartech.com e no LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicações e Relações com Investidores, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Contato de Relações com Investidores:InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, LeddarEcho, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator e logotipos relacionados são marcas comerciais ou registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

Hitachi launches Lumada Inspection Insights and strengthens digital and green portfolio

Committed to driving customer value and growth by combining world-class IT and OT expertise from Hitachi Energy and Hitachi Vantara within expanded Lumada portfolio

Zurich, Switzerland, May 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE:6501) today announced the launch of Lumada Inspection Insights, its end-to-end portfolio of digital solutions for the inspection, monitoring, and optimization of critical assets. Pioneered by Hitachi Energy and Hitachi Vantara, Lumada Inspection Insights enables customers to automate asset inspection, support sustainability goals, improve physical security, and reduce risks and impacts related to storms or fires by using powerful artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze photographs and video, including LiDAR, thermal and satellite imagery.

The launch of the new portfolio is fully aligned with Hitachi’s Mid-term Management Plan 2024 announced last month by Keiji Kojima, President & CEO, Hitachi, Ltd. In the Plan, Hitachi has set out its growth strategy and commitment to strengthening its digital and green portfolio, which is centered on the Lumada ecosystem. Central to Hitachi’s commitment to social innovation, the Lumada ecosystem is accelerating the journey towards sustainable society through the data-driven cycle of value co-creation with customers. The company is also focused on growing its IT/OT/Products business through constant portfolio transformation.

The new Lumada Inspection Insights portfolio addresses various root causes of failures and forced shutdowns by deploying AI and machine learning (ML) to analyze a wide spectrum of image types, assets and risks. Predictive analytics assesses the risks to operations or environment, and organizations can streamline remediation before outages occur. Available as a comprehensive solution or standalone, the portfolio’s four core applications are Hitachi Image Based Inspections, Hitachi Intelligent Infrastructure Monitoring, Hitachi Vegetation Manager, and Hitachi Map. These represent the company’s latest advancements in its growing Data Operations (DataOps) and Industrial IoT offerings. More information on each solution is below.

Massimo Danieli, Managing Director of Hitachi Energy’s Grid Automation business, said, “The energy transition is one of the most urgent issues of our times and together with customers, we are co-creating pioneering digital solutions to enable the carbon-neutral future.” He added, “In collaboration with Hitachi Vantara, we are delighted to launch the Lumada Inspection Insights portfolio, which gives industrial organizations the tools they need to get the right information to the right teams when they need it most. The result is improved reliability, safety, and sustainability.”

Frank Antonysamy, Chief Digital Solutions Officer, Hitachi Vantara, said, “Becoming data driven is essential to accelerating digitalization and sustainability. This collaboration across Hitachi creates better outcomes for businesses, broader society and our environment by harnessing data and AI to solve multiple operational and business challenges. Together, we can improve industrial asset reliability, prevent wildfires and accelerate global sustainability efforts.”

Lumada Inspection Insights features comprehensive, microservices-based capabilities that allow visibility of assets and factors such as current state, asset health, and encroachment, in a “single pane of glass” actionable view, from a variety of sources. With these unified insights, organizations can improve safety, reliability, and agility. The use of high-resolution, autonomous, and accurate wide-area surveillance ensures that truck rolls and workforce deployments are optimized, reducing waste and furthering a sustainable approach to operations and maintenance.

Utilities around the world are dealing with unprecedented climate-related challenges. In 2021, global wildfires generated an estimated total of 6,450 megatons of COequivalent – approximately 148 percent more than the EU’s total fossil fuel emissions in 2020.*(1) These wildfires and other extreme weather events also take a significant toll on transmission lines and other utility assets, threatening worker safety and grid reliability.

*(1) Source: https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/wildfires-wreaked-havoc-2021-cams-tracked-their-impact

“Inspection, planning and monitoring are among the most critical tasks utilities undertake to maintain grid reliability and resiliency,” said John Villali, Research Director, IDC Energy Insights. He added, “Lumada Inspection Insights combines a variety of visual asset data types with advanced analytics and AI. This empowers utilities to improve decision making, optimize operations and as a result, achieve their reliability, safety, and sustainability goals.”

Hitachi is exhibiting Lumada Inspection Insights at DISTRIBUTECH INTERNATIONAL 2022, which is held from May 23 at Dallas, Texas, United States.

Editor’s Notes

About the four main solutions comprising Lumada Inspection Insights

1. Hitachi Image Based Inspections (HIBI):

Conventional asset inspection methods, such as climbing tall towers or hanging from helicopters, put technicians at risk. Hitachi Image Based Inspections replaces these dangerous, expensive, and time-consuming approaches by leveraging the industry’s most sophisticated AI and machine learning (ML) capabilities in one fully automated and integrated platform. This solution provides scalable image inferencing and processing to help asset managers classify assets, detect defects and categorize defect severity. It automates defect assessment, instantly preprocessing and analyzing thousands of images. The solution’s highly optimized human-in-the-loop capabilities enable continuous retraining of model-based subject matter expert input for a wide range of asset classes and image quality.

2. Hitachi Intelligent Infrastructure Monitoring:

Utilities and other asset intensive organizations are challenged with the need to ensure that their service territories are safe and the service they provide is reliable. To meet this goal, utilities need to have insights to prevent safety incidents, or respond effectively when they happen. Hitachi Intelligent Infrastructure Monitoring leverages video, a powerful data type that is generally utilized to a fraction of its potential. With it, organizations can gather new data though smart cameras, 3D LiDAR sensors and edge gateways, and integrate with CRM, ERP, and other sources of data as required. Operators can gain granular, continuous 3D intelligence for sensitive areas (such as substations), find correlations, causations and real-time incidents.

3. Hitachi Vegetation Manager:

Hitachi Vegetation Manager is the first of its kind, closed-loop vegetation resource planning solution that leverages artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of an organization’s vegetation job activities and planning efforts.

The solution utilizes images from a variety of visual sources, including photo, video, and imagery from industry-leading Maxar satellites. The incorporation of satellite technology allows utilities to cover and survey their entire territory to automatically confirm line clearances and maintain compliance with regulations. Satellite technology also provides organizations with more comprehensive insights at scale, allowing them to reduce cost and emissions by minimizing truck and helicopter trips. By combining the images with climate, ecosystem and cut plan data and machine learning algorithms, Hitachi Vegetation Manager enables instant grid-wide visibility and better insights so that organizations can optimize decision-making.

4. Hitachi Map:

Hitachi Map is designed to be the primary interaction point for users, from field technicians looking for work orders in a specific area to a control center team managing a city-wide outage. It’s a “single pane of glass” from which users can access essential information, make informed decisions, and take immediate action.​ Hitachi Map combines information from numerous applications such as EAM, APM, FSM, ADMS, GIS, and more into a single, interactive and easy-to-use geospatial view. Users have intuitive access to key information at their fingertips without having to navigate multiple systems, interpret contextual variations. This approach eliminates extra and duplicative work and reduces carbon emissions from unnecessary travel to and from a site.


Rebecca Bleasdale
Hitachi Energy Ltd.
+41 78643 2613

Late-breaking Results Show Efficacy for CCM in Patients With HFpEF

Investigators Report Positive Findings From Feasibility Study of CCM in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction at the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure 2022 Congress

MADRID and MARLTON, N.J., May 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Impulse Dynamics, a global medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with heart failure (HF), announced today a late-breaking presentation of results from the CCM-HFpEF Piloty Study, which is the largest clinical trial to date studying the effects of the company’s proprietary CCM® therapy to treat HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The results presented — including a substantial 18 point improvement in the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) quality of life score — indicate that, for patients with heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥50%, CCM therapy not only offered meaningful improvement in quality of life but also substantially decreased hospitalizations versus the patient’s experience prior to the Optimizer® implant. The results were presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s Heart Failure 2022 Congress.

Patients with HFpEF suffer from debilitating symptoms and have very few therapeutic options. This patient population is a similar size as the one with reduced ejection fraction and has been shown to have similar struggles with quality of life, hospitalizations, and mortality.

Cecilia Linde, MD, Professor and Consultant in Cardiology at the Heart and Vascular Theme of Karolinska University Hospital and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, who was the co-principal investigator for this investigation, said, “The CCM-HFpEF Pilot Study was conducted to explore the hypothesis that CCM therapy might benefit patients with HFpEF. Our hypothesis was based on evidence of greater benefits in CCM HFrEF studies in those with higher LVEF range and from case reports of HFpEF patients. In our CCM-HFpEF-Pilot Study, we found significant benefits from CCM therapy in patients with preserved LVEF, supporting prior findings. I look forward to following the progress of the recently begun pivotal AIM HIGHer trial to continue this journey further.”

Dr. Ishu Rao, Medical Director for Impulse Dynamics, welcomed these results because they confirm the potential for positive results in the company’s recently initiated AIM HIGHer trial. “We are also excited to announce that enrollment is well underway for this landmark IDE-approved, multicenter, randomized, and blinded pivotal trial designed not only to confirm Dr. Linde’s groundbreaking work presented today but to go further yet by providing the first long term morbidity and mortality results for a modern Optimizer CCM device. While Dr. Linde specifically studied patients with EFs ≥50%, in AIM HIGHer, we are examining the efficacy of CCM therapy in 1,500 patients with EFs between 40% and 60%. This represents a large cohort of patients who currently have minimal treatment options and are clamoring for help. If AIM HIGHer’s results are consistent with Dr. Linde’s findings, we may finally begin to close the significant gap in care that exists for millions of patients afflicted with HF and higher EF.”

HF affects more than 64 million people worldwide and leads to dramatic declines in a patient’s quality of life. Patients are often classified by a measure of cardiac function known as the ejection fraction (EF), which describes the percentage of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeat. CCM therapy is currently indicated in Europe for patients that have an EF below 50% and has been proven to reduce hospitalizations. However, HF patients with higher EF have had few therapeutic options thus far to alleviate their symptoms and treat their disease.

The purpose of the AIM HIGHer trial — the largest randomized, sham-controlled, device-based interventional heart failure trial — is to further assess the potential of CCM to improve performance and reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality for these patients. CCM therapy for HFpEF has already received the FDA’s breakthrough device designation. The Breakthrough Devices Program is a voluntary program for certain medical devices that provide more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions. The goal of the Breakthrough Devices Program is to provide patients and health care providers with timely access to these medical devices by speeding up their development, assessment, and review while preserving the statutory standards consistent with the Agency’s mission to protect and promote public health.

The Optimizer Smart Mini delivers CCM therapy which consists of precisely timed electrical pulses sent to the heart. These signals are designed to improve the heart’s ability to function properly, allowing more oxygen-rich blood to be pushed out through the body.

About Impulse Dynamics

Impulse Dynamics, based in Marlton, NJ, is dedicated to helping healthcare providers enhance the lives of people with heart failure by transforming how the condition is treated. The company has pioneered CCM® therapy, which is delivered by the company’s Optimizer® Smart Mini, an FDA-approved treatment verified to improve the quality of life for certain heart failure patients. CCM therapy is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment option for many heart failure patients who otherwise have few effective options available to them. To learn more, visit www.ImpulseDynamics.com, or follow the company on LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook.

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as ‘‘may,’’ ‘‘will,’’ ‘‘should,’’ ‘‘expect,’’ ‘‘plan,’’ ‘‘anticipate,’’ ‘‘could,’’ ‘‘intend,’’ ‘‘target,’’ ‘‘project,’’ ‘‘contemplate,’’ ‘‘believe,’’ ‘‘estimate,’’ ‘‘predict,’’ ‘‘potential’’ or ‘‘continue’’ or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning: potential benefits of CCM therapy and the ability for CCM therapy and our products to fill a significant unmet medical need for patients with heart failure; and the short-term and long-term benefits of the Optimizer Smart Mini and CCM therapy in patients with heart failure, as well as to the physicians treating those patients. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Other important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those contemplated in this press release include, without limitation: the Company’s future research and development costs, capital requirements and the Company’s needs for additional financing; commercial success and market acceptance of CCM therapy; the Company’s ability to achieve and maintain adequate levels of coverage or reimbursement for Optimizer Smart and Optimizer Smart Mini systems or any future products the Company may seek to commercialize; competitive companies and technologies in the industry; the Company’s ability to expand its indications and develop and commercialize additional products and enhancements to its current products; the Company’s business model and strategic plans for its products, technologies and business, including its implementation thereof; the Company’s ability to expand, manage and maintain its direct sales and marketing organization; the Company’s ability to commercialize or obtain regulatory approvals for CCM therapy and its products, or the effect of delays in commercializing or obtaining regulatory approvals; FDA or other U.S. or foreign regulatory actions affecting us or the healthcare industry generally, including healthcare reform measures in the United States and international markets; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals; and the Company’s ability to establish and maintain intellectual property protection for CCM therapy and products or avoid claims of infringement. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements and expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s views as of any date subsequent to the date of this press release.

Rex Richmond, Director (Media Relations)
Impulse Dynamics

Harriss Currie, CFO (Investor Relations)
Impulse Dynamics

Ian Segal, Manager (Public Relations)
Impulse Dynamics



Partnership Addresses the Growing Alzheimer’s Epidemic in Africa


  • Research Will Produce Digital Cognitive Assessments and Collect Blood Samples for Gene Sequencing Models
  • Clinical Trial Will Conduct Late-Stage Potential Treatment for Alzheimer’s
  • Builds on AKU’s Brain and Mind Institute to Develop Integrated Brain Health Frameworks

The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative (DAC), the organization leading an unprecedented global response to Alzheimer’s disease, today announced a partnership with the Brain & Mind Institute at Aga Khan University (AKU) in Kenya, East Africa to launch a two-part research program for Alzheimer’s: a cohort research study, and a clinical trial. Both will address the longstanding lack of diversity in Alzheimer’s research, aim to improve care, and increase access to future innovative treatments throughout Africa.

To date, nearly all studies of Alzheimer’s disease have been conducted on white populations of Western European origin, meaning that 90 percent of the world’s population has been left out.[1] The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative is responding to this lack of diversity by building a cohort of one million people, to date, 30 cohorts from 23 countries within North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and with this new partnership with the Brain & Mind Institute (BMI), AKU, Africa.

The partnership with the BMI/AKU is a trailblazing collaboration to fundamentally rethink Alzheimer’s data collection and analysis. Because the research will be open source, it will help scientists and researchers worldwide gain a better understanding of Alzheimer’s in vulnerable and underserved populations; which in turn, can accelerate the development of new treatments reflecting a precision medicine approach.

“To make progress on Alzheimer’s Disease, it is essential that research include all races and ethnicities, especially diverse populations who have been left out of previous research efforts,” said George Vradenburg, Founding Chairman of the Board, Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, and Convener, The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease. This partnership with the Brain and Mind Institute/Aga Khan University will build knowledge across racial, ethnic, gender, and national boundaries which will lay the foundation for new breakthroughs.”

DAC and BMI will use local networks and on-the-ground healthcare providers to collect blood and conduct digital cognitive assessments, which are critical to identifying biomarkers that may indicate the presence of Alzheimer’s disease.

“We are excited to partner on this cutting-edge study to broaden our understanding of Alzheimer’s disease in Sub-Saharan Africa,” said Zul Merali, Founding Director of the Brain and Mind Institute, AKU. “This work comes at a critical time as the entire continent of Africa is grappling with issues of healthy aging and ill health, particularly pertaining to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.”

DAC is transforming research in Alzheimer’s, working with researchers to make sure they have tools and technology to gather data, then pooling this information so the global scientific community can understand the heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease. The DAC/AKU partnership will play a key role in shaping a future of accessible, globally competent Alzheimer’s treatment.

 About the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative

Launched at the World Economic Forum’s 2021 meeting on The Davos Agenda, The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to aligning stakeholders with a new vision for our collective global response against the challenges Alzheimer’s presents to patients, caregivers and healthcare infrastructures. Convened by The World Economic Forum and The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease (CEOi) and fueled by a mission of service to the estimated 150 million families and half a billion people inevitably impacted by this disease by 2050, DAC is a collaborative for the benefit of all people, in all places.

About the Brain and Mind Institute, AKU

The Brain and Mind Institute (BMI) at the Aga Khan University, operates in East Africa and Central/South Asia.  BMI’s ethos is to span from neuron to the neighborhood, and across multi-country campuses.  The operational model is to empower and strengthen neuroscience and mental health research and interventions through capacity building and partnerships; connecting the rich tapestry of academics, research entities, stakeholders, and communities of lived experience.  BMI facilitates interdisciplinary research, education and innovation in mental health and neurosciences. Through transdisciplinary research approaches, BMI aims to impact the lives of people who are affected by debilitating neurological and mental health problems. Whether it is uncovering the causes of illness or advancing breakthrough research into treatments or interventions, BMI’s approach is always mindful of the local needs of the people and communities at risk.

[1] https://www.davosalzheimerscollaborative.org/cohorts

Susan Oliver
Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative


$4.5 Million in Grant Funding Expands New Alzheimer’s Early Detection and Healthcare System Preparedness Efforts

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, May 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative (DAC)the organization leading an unprecedented global response to Alzheimer’s disease, today announced the recipients of a grant program aiming for early detection of cognitive symptoms. The early detection grants total $4.5 Million from 8 countries across North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The grants are an initiative of the DAC Healthcare System Preparedness Project, which aims to advance how healthcare systems worldwide detect, diagnose, treat, and care for people with or at risk for Alzheimer’s.

Grantees are located throughout the US, Brunei, Kenya, Germany, Japan, Canada, Cuba, and Armenia. Several grants will focus on expanding cognition screening and training for primary care providers. Others are harnessing innovative technologies to utilize optometrists and pharmacists. This will expand the pool of frontline workers available to screen for early detection, and reduce the unnecessary use of  specialist care. Another deploys a mobile clinic to offer direct clinical support or equip digital tablets to volunteer workers to rapidly improve detection  rates.

According to George Vradenburg, Founding Chairman of the Board, Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, “Each grant will bring unique and measurable benefits to its local health system and community and, through DAC’s global learning network, will also spread their learnings broadly around the world. Finding new and innovative ways to advance early detection is paramount to improving healthcare systems’ abilities to provide better care today, and to prepare for the future availability of treatments.”

The grant application process was extensive, with DAC receiving 76 responses from 21 countries in two months. A diverse panel of experts, including a family member of an Alzheimer’s patient living with the disease, served as an independent review committee for these grants:

  • Tarun Dua (Global) – World Health Organization
  • Wendy Weidner (Global) – Alzheimer’s Disease International
  • Ricardo Allegri (Argentina) – University of Buenos Aires & World Dementia Council
  • Chirine Chehab (Lebanon) – American University Hospital of Beirut
  • Lori Frank (United States) – RAND Corporation & New York Academy of Medicines
  • Ryoji Noritake (Japan) – Health and Global Policy Institute
  • Terry Fulmer (United States) – John A. Hartford Foundation
  • Chandresh Harjivan (Canada) – Family member of an Alzheimer’s patient

“Early detection of cognitive decline is critical for patients and families and I am excited to see the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative tackling this challenge with their Health System Preparedness Initiative,” says Chandresh Harjivan, a family member of an Alzheimer’s patient. “I was honored to be asked to be part of such an esteemed review committee and am very happy that families living with the disease were part of the evaluation process.”

A summary of each grant can be found below. 

About the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative

Launched at the World Economic Forum’s 2021 meeting on The Davos Agenda, The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative is a multi-stakeholder partnership committed to aligning stakeholders with a new vision for our collective global response against the challenges Alzheimer’s presents to patients, caregivers and healthcare infrastructures. Convened by The World Economic Forum and The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease (CEOi) and fueled by a mission of service to the estimated 150 million families and half a billion people inevitably impacted by this disease by 2050, DAC is a collaborative for the benefit of all people, in all places.

About DAC’s Healthcare System Preparedness Project

DAC’s Healthcare System Preparedness Project (DAC-SP) is funding innovative approaches that measurably increase rates of cognitive screening, early detection and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s through pilot projects and early detection grants. The pilot projects are: AdventHealth Central Florida, FL, USA; Municipality of Volta Redonda, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Alzheimer Scotland; University of the West Indies (UWI), Caribbean Institute for Health Research, Jamaica; Kobe University, Japan; INGER/National Institute of Geriatrics, Mexico; and, Indiana University School of Medicine/Indiana University Health, IN, USA. These initiatives are incorporated into DAC Learning Labs, a network of governments and public health and healthcare system leaders, to share best practices that can be scaled globally.

***PLEASE NOTE: Click here to view a recorded discussion with some of the grant recipients, in which over 500 global leaders from 53 countries tuned in to learn about early detection. Click here to be kept informed about updated information regarding the DAC initiative.

Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative Early Detection Grants

Toronto Memory Program and RetiSpec (Canada)

This project implements the world’s first screening model that leverages collaboration between optometry and a local Alzheimer Society chapter to enable accessible identification of individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease and referral to a qualified clinician, facilitating a faster diagnosis. The two community-based entry points include: (1) optometry clinics, where individuals can receive a non-invasive RetiSpec retinal scan for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease; and (2) the Alzheimer Society of Toronto, where individuals can undergo cognitive assessment.

Ludwig-Maximillans University (Germany)       

Partners with two Universities, a health and social care charity, and three industry partners to conduct three screening types on seniors in Germany. This study will identify the best screening method by offering digital cognitive assessments, SCD questionnaire screening, and blood AD biomarkers testing to different groups. This study will also generate a patient registry to enroll patients in the global cohort and clinical trials workstreams, establish a fluid biobank, and train Artificial Intelligence diagnostic systems to better analyze speech patterns.

University of Havana (Cuba)

Provides a two-month training to primary care providers to integrate tablet based cognitive assessments Brain Health Assessment (BHA). The care provider will be assisted by informants, meaning a family-member or other person close to the patient, to help primary care providers determine if a dementia diagnosis is warranted.

Avant Institute (US – Multiple States)

This project implements Cognivue Clarity, a self-administered 10-minute cognitive performance screening tool, to increase access to digital cognitive screening assessments in 20-30 Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services Network (CPESN) pharmacy sites across rural, urban, and underserved communities throughout the United States. This project provides training and onboarding for pharmacies to use Cognivue to screen patients and evaluate the results to make further recommendations and referrals.

Africa Mental Health Research and Training Foundation (Kenya)

This project redeploys existing volunteer staff in the Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Developing Countries (STRiDE) project and trains community health workers to screen 2,400 people aged 60 and above. Workers are equipped with tablets to conduct the screening Instrument for Dementia (CSI-D) cognitive assessment and informant interview, word list recall task, and Euro-Dementia scale. Ultimately, results will inform health system policy and practices in Kenya. 

Alzheimer’s Care Armenia (Armenia)

This cognitive screening education programs utilizes a van that has been outfitted as a multidisciplinary mobile clinic to offer educational programs and work with local clinical staff to screen for cognitive issues using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA). The program provides citizens who test positive for cognitive decline with healthcare resources and offers workshops to caregivers on providing support. 

Advocate Aurora Health (US- Illinois)

This project aims to educate primary care providers on the importance of early cognitive screening and provide them with EPIC electronic health record-based digital testing tools to manage their patients efficiently. Clinicians get access to continuing education programming, eConsult support services, and participate in a monthly Project ECHO-type case conference to discuss topics on dementia.

Kobe City Pharmaceutical Association (Japan)   

This project evaluates the value of pharmacy-based digital cognitive tests. It combines the cognitive test with a regular healthcare consultation to increase regular cognitive testing, the rate of early detection of cognitive decline, and timely and accurate diagnosis of dementia in local community-based healthcare system.

University of Washington (US- Washington)     

This project expands the pilot site success of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Kickstart, Assess, Evaluate and Refer (KAER Toolkit, 2020 Edition) into a fully operational Cognition in Primary Care (CPC) protocol in seven new primary care clinics across the University of Washington. The CPC model includes provider education training and incorporates two validated tests, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCa) and the Ascertain Dementia 8-Item Informant Questionnaire (AD8), and a structured Cognitive Checklist. This model checks for comorbidities of dementia and provides guidance on follow-up counseling and referrals to community resources. 

Demensia (Brunei)

This project will perform a pilot test of community screening and information in Senior Citizen Activity Centers, followed by a focus group discussion to select an initial paper-based cognitive assessment. The project will systematically involve communities at grassroots levels – senior citizen activity centres, engagement of village heads and community centres, targeting older people and those with dementia risk factors. Community links formed by the association are available for multisectoral support with this initiative. Other project activities also include training of field workers regarding community screening and cognitive assessment and training workshops for primary care (followed by relevant specialties).

American Academy of Physician Associates and Cleveland Clinic (US – Ohio)

Through partnership with The American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA), the Physician Associate (PA) Foundation, and Cleveland Clinic, this project develops cognitive assessment toolkit for non-specialist medical practitioners to be trained in administering screenings, interpreting results, communicating those results and offering additional provider and patient resources. The pilot implementation will be followed by outcomes reporting and dissemination of the toolkit to the network of PA schools and all Cleveland Clinic locations.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) (US – Massachusetts)

This project uses a systems redesign approach, working with approximately eight teams across a range of settings on testing and measuring the results of intervention strategies that increase assessment rates. IHI will build and operate a learning community to encourage peer learning among participating teams, provide guidance, and teach scientific improvement methods to facilitate the teams’ testing. Project outputs include a prototype set of interventions, implementation guidance, and an associated measurement set that will be ready to share and scale more widely.

Susan Oliver
Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative

Crocus Delivers the Future of High Precision, High Current Contactless Isolated Current Sense

The CT45x showcases the advantages of TMR sensors to rethink and simplify solutions in the high precision, high current application space

MILPITAS, Calif., May 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crocus Technology Inc., the leading supplier of disruptive TMR (Tunnel Magneto-Resistance) XtremeSense® sensors, today announced the CT45x family of contactless isolated current sensors to enable high precision and high current measurements in a more simplified solution. Unlike existing solutions, the CT45x allows manufacturers to eliminate costly shields, concentrators or cores. The CT452 and CT453 offers contactless 0.7% accuracy, 1 MHz bandwidth, and better than -50 dB immunity to external magnetic fields without additional mechanical components. This combination of performance and accuracy enables customers to reduce their overall product size and weight which enables them to replace large and costly current sense modules with a small and simple solution.

As current requirements have been increasing so have the challenges of accurately measuring high currents, typically >200 A and often up to 2,000 A. Shunt resistors with isolated amplifiers are broadly used but present an issue with I2R losses and tend to be large and costly. Existing magnetic based solutions like Hall Effect and AMR are less accurate and have high temperature drift. The CT45x products are based on XtremeSense TMR technology that delivers the future with a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) contactless approach which can scale with the system requirements, high bandwidth and fast response time, common-model field rejection, combined with high accuracy measurements over temperature.

In addition, many applications now require very accurate current measurements in the milliamp range up to the 1,000 A range or more. Often this type of solution involves multiple current sensors to achieve the desired system performance with many design compromises and complexities. Using Crocus’ XtremeSense TMR current sensors allows for a no-compromise and simple solution using a single CT45x sensor which provides a large dynamic range and a high SNR. For example, the CT45x is able to measure down to 500 mA resolution and up to 1,800 A while maintaining better than 0.7% accuracy.

The CT45x offers groundbreaking noise performance, as low as 0.55 mVRMS, to enable applications to sense small current levels and small changes or variations in current through a busbar. This performance is almost 10 times better than existing Hall Effect solutions. This results in a SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) as high as 77 dB for the CT45x measurement which allows the system to process higher resolution data with higher accuracy.

“With the introduction of the CT45x family of contactless current sense products, we now have a complete portfolio of products for our customers from small currents to larger currents,” states Zack Deiri, President and CEO of Crocus Technology. “This product based on Crocus’ cutting-edge TMR technology is the most exciting for us as the benefits of our XtremeSense TMR are addressing the needs of higher current applications that can’t be met with existing solutions without compromises. Crocus is excited to be addressing new high current markets such as BMS, Inverters, DC/DC Converter and many others.”

Product features and performance:

CT450 & CT452 (5 V version) & CT453 (3.3 V version)

Isolated Contactless Current Sensor

Capable of measuring currents from 5 mA to >2,000 A

Total output error ±0.7% Full-Scale

300 ns response time, 1 MHz bandwidth

Available in six different configured field ranges

Protection capability with Over Field Detection (OFD)

Integrated Common Mode Field Rejection (CMFR) with >90% immunity (CT452/3)

Uniform magnetic field sensing (CT450)

Targeting applications in EV Chargers, Battery Management Systems (BMS), DC/DC Converters, 48-V system, Bidirectional Charging and AC/DC Inverters.

The CT450 is available in TSSOP-8 package. The CT452/3 are available in TSSOP-16 package For more information, please visit the product webpage:

CT450 https://crocus-technology.com/products/ct450/

CT452 https://crocus-technology.com/products/ct452/

CT453 https://crocus-technology.com/products/ct453/

About Crocus Technology

Crocus Technology develops and manufactures state-of-the-art magnetic sensors based on its patented XtremeSense® TMR sensor technology. Crocus’ disruptive magnetic sensor technology enables the highest sensitivity, the lowest power consumption and smallest size over a wide temperature range. Crocus is headquartered in Milpitas, California. For more information, please visit http://www.crocus-technology.com.

For more information, please contact:

Crocus Technology
Email: info@crocus-technology.com