Crurated lance la première cave virtuelle du genre pour offrir des vins français et italiens pendant les fêtes de fin d’année et au-delà

Les membres peuvent offrir des vins de leur cave Crurated ou les acheter sur la plateforme pour les envoyer directement à leurs amis et à leurs proches

LONDRES, 12 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dans un souci d’innovation dans l’industrie du vin, Crurated, une communauté viticole basée sur la blockchain et les membres, a lancé le concept de caves virtuelles pour offrir des vins à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année et au-delà. Ce programme, le premier du genre, permet à ses membres d’offrir de grands vins français et italiens depuis la plateforme qui sont stockés dans la cave de Crurated en Bourgogne et disponibles virtuellement. Les vins à offrir commencent au prix de 50 euros et sont accompagnés d’un abonnement Explorer gratuit et d’une cave virtuelle qui permet au destinataire de voir ses vins et de les expédier dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde. Les vins sont authentifiés et tracés via la technologie de blockchain et proviennent directement du domaine.

« Tandis que nos membres peuvent offrir des vins provenant de leur cave personnelle Crurated, nous avons également ajouté une gamme complète de vins français et italiens parfaits pour offrir », a déclaré Alfonso de Gaetano, fondateur de Crurated. « Ce nouveau programme facilite les cadeaux de dernière minute. Il n’y a pas besoin de se rendre dans une boutique ou d’expédition à faire car le cadeau est disponible instantanément et peut être expédié lorsque le destinataire est prêt à déguster son vin. »

« Notre partenariat de distribution directe au consommateur avec Crurated garantit à n’importe quel amateur de vin de pouvoir accéder à nos vins », a commenté Charles Lachaux, le vigneron le plus avant-gardiste de Bourgogne. « Cette nouvelle offre contribuera à servir une plus large communauté d’œnophiles et constitue le cadeau idéal pour les fêtes mais aussi à tout moment de l’année. »

En plus des sélections de cave personnelle d’un membre, des vins supplémentaires sont disponibles à l’achat auprès des producteurs référencés chez Crurated de régions telles que Barolo et la Bourgogne ou la Toscane.

Chaque cadeau est accompagné d’un abonnement gratuit et évolutif Explorer avec des avantages incluant :

  • L’accès à des collections de découverte qui mettent en avant les styles uniques de différentes régions et producteurs
  • Un certificat de blockchain sur toutes les bouteilles
  • La possibilité de stocker gratuitement jusqu’à 50 bouteilles
  • Une allocation de fût maximale de 3 litres
  • Pas de prime à l’achat

Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les abonnements Crurated sur la page :

À propos de Crurated
Lancée en 2021 en mettant un accent particulier sur la France et l’Italie, Crurated est une communauté de vignerons basée sur l’adhésion conçue pour mettre en relation les connaisseurs et les producteurs de renommée mondiale. Une équipe de spécialistes fournit des services personnalisés et des expériences authentiques, tandis que le service logistique transparent de Crurated garantit la qualité et l’origine grâce à un stockage sécurisé de caves à vin et une technologie de blockchain innovante. Pour en savoir plus sur Crurated, veuillez consulter le site

Contact RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711939

Crurated Lança Primeira Adega Virtual do Mundo de Vinhos Franceses e Italianos para Presentes de Festas e Todo o Ano

Os associados podem presentear vinhos das suas adegas Crurated ou comprar da plataforma com envio direto para amigos e entes queridos

LONDRES, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Com um olho na inovação na indústria do vinho, a Crurated, uma comunidade de vinhos com base em blockchain e associados, lançou adegas virtuais com vinhos que podem ser presentados nas festas e durante todo o ano. Com este primeiro programa do seu tipo, os associados podem presentear vinhos finos franceses e italianos da plataforma armazenados na adega Crurated na Borgonha e disponíveis virtualmente. Os vinhos para presente têm preços a partir de 50 euros, vêm com uma assinatura gratuita do Explorer, além de uma adega virtual que permite que o presenteado veja os vinhos que podem ser enviados para muitos países do mundo. Os vinhos são autenticados e rastreados com a tecnologia blockchain e vêm diretamente do Domaine.

“Além da adega Crurated virtual pessoal que os associados podem usar para dar presentes, adicionamos uma gama completa de vinhos franceses e italianos que também são perfeitos para presentes”, disse Alfonso de Gaetano, Fundador da Crurated. “Este novo programa facilita a escolha de um presente de última hora. Com a loja virtual, o vinho está instantaneamente disponível e pode ser enviado quando o presenteado estiver pronto para degustar o vinho.”

“Com a nossa parceria direta com o consumidor por meio da Crurated, todos os amantes de vinhos têm a oportunidade de acessar os nossos vinhos”, disse Charles Lachaux, o enólogo mais visionário da Borgonha. “Esta nova oferta ajudará a promover uma comunidade maior de enófilos e é o presente perfeito para as festas e para qualquer época do ano.”

Além das seleções da adega pessoal de um associado, mais vinhos estão disponíveis para compra de produtores Crurated de Barolo, Borgonha, Toscana e outras regiões.

Cada presente vem com uma assinatura gratuita e atualizável do Explorer com benefícios que incluem:

  • Acesso a coleções de descobertas que destacam os estilos exclusivos de várias regiões e produtores
  • Certificado Blockchain em todas as garrafas
  • Armazenamento gratuito para até 50 garrafas
  • Alocação Máxima em Barril – 3l
  • Sem ágio para o Comprador

Para mais detalhes sobre a Crurated Memberships, visite:

Sobre a Crurated
Lançada em 2021 com ênfase na França e na Itália, a Crurated é uma associação da comunidade vinícola criada para conectar conhecedores e produtores de todo o mundo. Uma equipe de especialistas oferece serviços personalizados e experiências autênticas, enquanto o serviço de logística contínuo da Crurated garante a qualidade e a proveniência, graças ao armazenamento seguro da adega e à inovadora tecnologia blockchain. Para mais informação sobre a Crurated, visite

Contato de RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711939

St Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister takes lessons from Dubai to position twin-island federation as a business hub

Basseterre, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prime Minister Terrance Drew of the island nation of St Kitts and Nevis was in Dubai recently for a state visit that not only aims to strengthen bilateral relations but also glean lessons from the United Arab Emirates that will pivot the island into a sought-after business and leisure hub in the Caribbean.

The new prime minister and his delegation had several meetings and engagements over the four-day trip which took place from 29 November to 3 December 2022.

The two regions have enjoyed years of fruitful relations that have resulted in several areas of cooperation in which both countries have achieved together. This includes the signing of a historic Air Services Agreement. The seminal move paved the way for air traffic between the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis and the UAE.

The UAE also expressed previous interest in assisting the twin island Federation in adapting stronger climate change resilient measures, particularly as it relates to infrastructure. As climate related weather patterns become more fierce, St Kitts and Nevis is looking to tap into Dubai’s knowledge and expertise in constructing durable and resilient structures.

Just as recently as the 1960s, Dubai’s economy was merely dependent on the revenues generated from trade and oil exploration concessions. A major chunk of revenue obtained from oil reserves started to flow in 1969 and the rapid development of Dubai began – including major infrastructure like schools and hos­pitals and, over the years, it trans­formed Dubai into the business hub we know today.

St Kitts and Nevis developed and instituted its citizenship by investment programme in 1984 as a way to increase and diversify revenue generation. For nearly 40 years the programme has been instrumental in catapulting the nation from just a small island in the Caribbean to a globally recognized investment destination.

Without this foreign direct investment into the nation, St Kitts and Nevis would have certainly progressed at a much slower pace than desired.

The government of St Kitts and Nevis has made considerable progress in reducing its public debt and is among other countries in the Caribbean that supplement their economic activity through CBI programmes which provide astute investors with the option to obtain citizenship by investing in the country. The new government administration of St Kitts and Nevis believes that residents of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have a lot to benefit from its CBI programme.

The country is looking to build its reputation on the international stage and the CBI programme is one way to direct foreign direct investment to innovative projects across the spheres of education, health, agriculture and tourism.

For example, the travel and tourism sector accounted for one tenth of the gross domestic product (GPD) in St Kitts and Nevis in 2021, dropping for the second consecutive year. Part of the funds channeled the citizenship by investment programme will be used to revitalize the sector and re-establish St Kitts and Nevis as must-visit destination.

Attracting the right kind of developers who will inject cash into developing attractive real estate projects that will charm discerning investors, is one way to grow the tourism sector. Not only that but the upgrading and development of important infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, airports and hotel chains is another way the funds will be used to not only bring up tourist numbers but investors too.

The visit was also aimed at deepening relationships with important stakeholders including international investors and government approved agents, who play a vital role in promoting and supporting the country’s recently upgraded citizenship by investment programme.

St Kitts and Nevis is the first country of the Caribbean Community to establish a formal diplomatic presence in the UAE, recently opening an embassy and consulate in the region.

The members of the delegation which included, Cabinet Secretary, Dr Natta, Attorney General, Mr. Wilkin, Minister of Tourism, Ms. Henderson, Mr. Anthony and Ms. Galloway, were positive following the visit and believe that there were many lessons learned from visit that they could take back home and implement.

The visit also signifies to the world St Kitts and Nevis is open for business. During the visit, business partners, investors and citizens were able to meet the Prime Minister and the accompanying delegation members at an exclusive cocktail event that was hosted by the High Commission of St Kitts and Nevis during the trip.

The visit provided an opportunity for St Kitts and Nevis to attract investors who seek mutually beneficial partnerships with the nation.

Saint Kitts and Nevis administers one of the most successful citizenship by investment programmes in the world. This government delegation was aimed at showing investors, entrepreneurs and families from the UAE that they are all welcome in Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The Prime Minister’s visit has come at a time when the economies of many countries are affected by the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and by the consequences of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Prime Minister Drew is on a drive to find and implement solutions that will prosper St Kitts and Nevis and one of those actions included upgrading the country’s CBI programme – the government is taking measures to sustain and enhance the image of the twin-island federation’s CBI programme, so it is more transparent and follows the principles of integrity and good governance.

The St Kitts and Nevis government also recently launched its “Venture Deeper” campaign. This is a branding campaign aimed at highlighting the country’s famous and marked natural environment while introducing elements of introspective self-discovery and intention.

The campaign’s visual assets, showcased at a May 20 media premiere in New York, highlighted St Kitts and Nevis’ lush natural environment, including the territory’s rainforest, abundant historic landmarks and immersive cultural experiences.

St Kitts and Nevis’ revamped citizenship by investment programme is aimed at intelligent investors looking not only to prosper themselves, but those who are sustainability minded in their investment decisions.

PR St Kitts and Nevis
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8712457

Park Place Technologies Acquires CentricsIT Global Services Division

Purchase Strengthens Park Place as Global Leader for all IT Infrastructure Solutions, as Economy and Skills Gap Challenges Impact Global Business.

CLEVELAND, Dec. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Park Place Technologies, the leading global data center and networking optimization firm, has acquired the TPM and Professional Services assets of CentricsIT, an IT services provider based in Atlanta, Georgia.

The demand for Professional Services is growing globally, driven by economic conditions and skills gaps. Park Place’s Professional Services offering will benefit from the acquisition with greater capabilities in IMAC, ITAD, Remote Hands, and deployment services, including cabling, wi-fi surveys, data center installs and refreshes, and network installations. Park Place clients will benefit from a state-of-the-art Professional Services portal developed by CentricsIT that provides real-time project status, reporting, and collaboration tools. Park Place’s Project Management Office function will be enhanced with the addition of Project Management Institute-certified CentricsIT employees worldwide. CentricsIT customers will gain access to Park Place Technologies’ unique portfolio of products and services, including automated monitoring and managed services.

Chris Adams, President and CEO of Park Place Technologies, said in addition to investing in Professional Services, Park Place continues to focus on providing exceptional customer service and support. “When acquiring businesses, we always search for companies that are intensely focused on customer service and have a similar culture and value set to PPT. CentricsIT delivers that and more,” he said. “Our combined Professional Services capabilities are evolving to meet client needs, and this will accelerate that CX agenda. CentricsIT’s EVP of Global Services, Patrick Keuller, will join the global Professional Services group. Patrick brings decades of experience and understands the growing needs of companies around the globe that are struggling to recruit skilled stafff and stretching budgets to efficiently manage their infrastructures.”

CentricsIT has been a global leader in IT lifecycle management solutions and professional services since 2007. As the company transitions its professional services and TPM divisions to Park Place Technologies, it will retain its server, storage and networking resale division.

“We’re pleased to have found the right fit in Park Place Technologies for our services practice to grow and thrive,” said CentricsIT founder and CEO Derek Odegard. “We know they will continue to excel in service delivery and client support.”

This is Park Place’s fourth acquisition in 2022.

“Agile Equity provided investment banking services to CentricsIT and facilitated the transaction,” Odegard said. “We enjoyed working with the Agile Equity team. Their expertise in the data center infrastructure industry was very beneficial throughout the transaction.”

Founded in 1991, Park Place Technologies is powered by the world’s largest on-the-ground engineering team, a robust group of hundreds of advanced engineers and its fully staffed 24x7x365 Enterprise Operations Center. Park Place leverages a global parts supply chain, automation, machine learning and a comprehensive portfolio of services and products to optimize networking and data center uptime and performance.

About Park Place Technologies

Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. Powered by the world’s largest on-the-ground engineering team, a robust group of advanced engineers and our fully staffed, 24x7x365 Enterprise Operations Center, we offer a robust portfolio of IT solutions to optimize networking and data center uptime and performance. Our services include third-party data center hardware maintenance, professional services, infrastructure managed services, network performance monitoring and hardware sales. Through our unique and fully integrated DMSO (Discover, Monitor, Support, Optimize) approach, customers enjoy streamlined infrastructure monitoring and management, cost efficiencies, less chaos, and faster mean-time-to-resolution – ultimately providing the freedom to think bigger. Park Place’s industry-leading and award-winning services include Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.

Jennifer Deutsch
Park Place Technologies
(440) 991-3105

Michael Miller
Park Place Technologies
(440) 991-5509

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8711279

Vaccine R&D Leader Kathrin Jansen and Immunologist Kizzmekia Corbett Awarded Sabin’s Gold Medal and Rising Star Respectively

The Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal and Rising Star Award

The Sabin Vaccine Institute awarded R&D leader Dr. Kathrin Jansen the 2022 Gold Medal for her extraordinary contributions to vaccinology. Immunologist Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett received the 2022 Rising Star award for her work advancing the field of immunization.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sabin Vaccine Institute today honored two extraordinary scientists for their breakthrough vaccine research that changed the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, advanced public health, and saved countless lives. The 2022 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal was awarded to vaccine research leader Kathrin U. Jansen, PhD, and the Rising Star to immunologist Kizzmekia Corbett, PhD.

The Gold Medal, now in its 29th year, is Sabin’s highest scientific honor, given annually to a distinguished member of the global health community who has made exceptional contributions to vaccinology or a complementary field. Past award recipients include leaders of vaccinology and vaccine advocacy such as Drs. Barney Graham, Carol Baker, Anne Gershon, Bill Foege, and Myron Levine.

Dr. Jansen was selected for her nearly three decades of commitment to advancing vaccine research and development (R&D) for a range of challenging diseases from COVID-19 to HPV and pneumonia, all of which afflict adults and children in low-and middle-income countries with already fragile health care systems.

This past August, Dr. Jansen retired as the senior vice president and head of vaccine research and development at Pfizer Inc. There, Dr. Jansen led global vaccines R&D with responsibilities ranging from discovery to post-marketing commitments. In collaboration with BioNTech, Dr. Jansen spearheaded the development of a COVID-19 vaccine that would become the first FDA and WHO-authorized COVID-19 vaccine and is the first-ever approved vaccine to use an mRNA platform.

Dr. Jansen’s leadership at Pfizer also produced newer versions of a widely used pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and vaccine candidates to prevent Streptococcus pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), meningococcal infections, and Group B streptococcus. Previously, she directed vaccine R&D efforts at Merck Research Laboratories and led the development of the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine. She also contributed to programs for rotavirus, mumps, measles and rubella.

“We are delighted to recognize Dr. Jansen with our Gold Medal award for her commitment to furthering vaccines and tackling tough scientific challenges in the interest of benefitting humanity and saving lives,” says Amy Finan, Sabin’s chief executive officer. “Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a unique passion for answering perplexing research questions and making bold decisions that led to impactful public health milestones.”

Dr. Jansen said she was “humbled” by the honor. “When you look at all the previous Gold Medal recipients, they are colleagues and friends that you know and have interacted and worked with for years – passionate people, all dedicated to making a healthier world.”

Sabin’s Rising Star Dr. Corbett is an assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. A viral immunologist by training, Dr. Corbett works to advance vaccine development for pandemic preparedness and to build public confidence in vaccines, particularly among communities of color facing health disparities. While at the National Institutes of Health she was a member of the team whose research on the novel coronavirus laid the groundwork for the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine – the first candidate to be tested in Phase 1 clinical trials in the U.S.

Dr. Corbett’s research has also included a universal influenza vaccine, dengue, and respiratory syncytial virus. Currently, she leads a laboratory focused on novel coronaviruses and other infectious diseases that aims to inform vaccine development against potential future pandemics. She is also a leading advocate for STEM education, health care equity, and community-based public health outreach.

“Sabin is delighted to name Dr. Corbett this year’s Rising Star,” says Finan. “Her contributions to vaccine development are matched only by her dedication to shoring up vaccine confidence, especially among skeptics. She has done incredible work explaining the scientific rigor behind vaccines and is inspiring the next generation of researchers and public health heroes.”

“It’s a really big honor for me to win this award,” says Dr. Corbett. “Having just started my career and my own lab, winning this Rising Star Award suggests that – number one – I have a long way to go but – number two – that I am capable, which is especially good to hear from my peers, mentors and other more experienced scientists.”

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policy makers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non-profit with more than two decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world.

For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @sabinvaccine.

Media contact: Rajee Suri,

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8708580

Kathrin Jansen, Líder de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Vacinas, e Kizzmekia Corbett, Imunologista, Premiadas com as Medalhas Gold e Rising Star da Sabin, respectivamente

WASHINGTON, Dec. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Sabin Vaccine Institute homenageou hoje duas cientistas extraordinárias pelas suas pesquisas inovadoras sobre vacinas que mudaram o curso da pandemia da COVID-19, avançaram a saúde pública e salvaram inúmeras vidas. A Gold Medal Albert B. Sabin de 2022 foi concedida à líder de pesquisa de vacinas Kathrin U. Jansen, PhD, e a Rising Star à imunologista Kizzmekia Corbett, PhD.

A Gold Medal, agora no seu 29º ano, é a maior honra científica da Sabin, concedida anualmente a um membro distinto da comunidade de saúde global pelas suas contribuições excepcionais para o campo de vacinação ou complementar. Os vencedores dos prêmios anteriores incluem líderes de vacinação e defesa de vacinas como os Drs. Barney Graham, Carol Baker, Anne Gershon, Bill Foege e Myron Levine.

A Dra. Jansen foi selecionada por suas quase três décadas de compromisso com o avanço da pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas (P&D) para uma série de doenças desafiadoras, desde COVID-19 até HPV e pneumonia, que afetam adultos e crianças de países de baixa e média renda com sistemas de saúde já frágeis.

Em agosto passado, a Dra. Jansen se aposentou como vice-presidente sênior e chefe de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas da Pfizer Inc, onde liderou a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas globais com responsabilidades que vão desde a descoberta até os compromissos pós-comercialização. Em colaboração com a BioNTech, a Dra. Jansen liderou o desenvolvimento da primeira vacina em uma plataforma de mRNA contra a COVID-19 a ser autorizada pela FDA e pela OMS.

A liderança da Dra. Jansen na Pfizer também resultou em versões mais recentes de uma vacina pneumocócica conjugada amplamente usada e candidatos a vacina para prevenir o Streptococcus pneumoniae, vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR), infecções meningocócicas, e o estreptococo do Grupo B. Anteriormente, ela dirigiu os esforços de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas na Merck Research Laboratories e liderou o desenvolvimento da primeira vacina contra o câncer de colo do útero do mundo. Ela também contribuiu para programas de rotavírus, caxumba, sarampo e rubéola.

“Estamos muito contentes em conceder à Dra. Jansen o nosso prêmio Gold Medal por sua dedicação à promoção das vacinas e ao enfrentamento de desafios científicos visando beneficiar a humanidade e salvar vidas”, disse Amy Finan, diretora executiva da Sabin. “Ao longo da sua carreira, ela demonstrou um entusiasmo único por responder a perguntas de pesquisa desconcertantes e tomar decisões ousadas que levaram a marcos impactantes para a saúde pública.”

A Dra. Jansen disse que se sentiu “honrada” com a premiação. “Os ganhadores anteriores da Gold Medal são colegas e amigos com os quais eu interagi e trabalho com eles há anos – pessoas entusiasmadas, dedicadas a tornar o mundo mais saudável para todos.”

A Dra. Corbett, recebedora do prêmio Rising Star da Sabin, é professora assistente de imunologia e doenças infecciosas da Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Imunologista viral, a Dra. Corbett trabalha para promover o desenvolvimento de vacinas em antecipação às pandemias e para aumentar a confiança do público nas vacinas, particularmente entre comunidades de pessoas de cor que enfrentam disparidades de saúde. No National Institutes of Health ela foi membro da equipe cuja pesquisa sobre o novo coronavírus lançou as bases para a vacina COVID-19 Moderna – a primeira candidata a ser testada em ensaios clínicos de Fase 1 nos EUA.

A pesquisa da Dra. Corbett também incluiu uma vacina universal contra a gripe, dengue e vírus sincicial respiratório. Atualmente ela lidera um laboratório focado nos novos coronavírus e outras doenças infecciosas, visando informar o desenvolvimento de vacinas contra possíveis pandemias futuras. Ela também é uma das principais defensoras da educação STEM, da equidade nos cuidados de saúde, e do alcance da saúde pública nas comunidades.

“A Sabin tem o prazer de premiar a Dra. Corbett com o Rising Star deste ano”, disse Finan. “Sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento da vacina acompanha sua dedicação em aumentar a confiança nas vacinas, especialmente entre os céticos. Ela fez um trabalho incrível explicando o rigor científico por trás das vacinas, inspirando a próxima geração de pesquisadores e heróis da saúde pública.”

“É uma grande honra para mim ganhar este prêmio”, disse a Dra. Corbett. “O recebimento deste Prêmio Rising Star no início da minha carreira no meu próprio laboratório sugere que – primeiro – tenho um longo caminho a percorrer, mas – segundo– que sou capaz. E isso é especialmente bom de ouvir dos meus colegas, mentores e outros cientistas mais experientes.”

Sobre o Sabin Vaccine Institute

O Sabin Vaccine Institute é um dos principais defensores da expansão do acesso e uso de vacinas em todo o mundo, do avanço da pesquisa e desenvolvimento de vacinas e da ampliação do conhecimento e inovação das vacinas. Revelando o potencial das vacinas através da parceria, o Sabin criou um ecossistema robusto de financiadores, inovadores, implementadores, profissionais, formuladores de políticas e partes interessadas públicas para avançar sua visão de um futuro livre de doenças evitáveis. Como uma organização sem fins lucrativos com mais de duas décadas de experiência, o Sabin está empenhado em encontrar soluções duradouras que levem todos os benefícios das vacinas a todas as pessoas, independentemente de quem sejam ou de onde vivem. No Sabin, acreditamos no poder das vacinas para mudar o mundo.

Para mais informação, visite e siga-nos no Twitter @SabinVaccine.

Contato com a Mídia: Rajee Suri,

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8709489

La leader en recherche et développement de vaccins Kathrin Jansen et l’immunologue Kizzmekia Corbett se voient remettre respectivement la Médaille d’or et le prix Rising Star de Sabin

WASHINGTON, 07 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Sabin Vaccine Institute a récompensé aujourd’hui deux scientifiques extraordinaires pour leurs recherches de pointe en matière de vaccins qui ont permis de changer le cours de la pandémie de COVID-19, de faire progresser la santé publique et de sauver d’innombrables vies. La Médaille d’or Albert B. Sabin 2022 a été décernée à la leader de la recherche en vaccins Kathrin U. Jansen, PhD, tandis que le prix Rising Star (étoile montante) a été attribué à l’immunologue Kizzmekia Corbett, PhD.

La Médaille d’or, qui en est à sa 29e édition, est le plus prestigieux honneur scientifique de Sabin, décerné chaque année à un membre distingué de la communauté mondiale de la santé qui a apporté des contributions exceptionnelles à la vaccinologie ou à un domaine complémentaire. Les anciens lauréats incluent des chefs de file dans les domaines de la vaccinologie et de la sensibilisation aux vaccins tels que les Drs Barney Graham, Carol Baker, Anne Gershon, Bill Foege et Myron Levine.

La Dr Jansen a été sélectionnée pour ses près de 30 ans d’engagement à faire avancer la recherche et le développement (R&D) en matière de vaccins pour diverses maladies difficiles à traiter, de la COVID-19 au HPV en passant par la pneumonie, toutes susceptibles de toucher les adultes comme les enfants dans les pays à revenus faibles et modérés aux systèmes de santé déjà fragiles.

Au mois d’août passé, la Dr Jansen a quitté ses fonctions de vice-présidente sénior et de responsable de la recherche et du développement de vaccins chez Pfizer Inc. Dans cette entreprise, la Dr Jansen a mené une R&D en matière de vaccins à l’échelle mondiale, ses responsabilités allant de la découverte aux engagements post-marketing. En collaboration avec BioNTech, la Dr Jansen a été le fer de lance du développement d’un vaccin contre la COVID-19 qui est devenu le premier autorisé par la FDA et l’OMS, mais également le tout premier vaccin approuvé à utiliser une plateforme ARNm.

Le leadership de la Dr Jansen chez Pfizer a également permis de produire de nouvelles versions d’un vaccin et de candidats vaccins conjugués antipneumocoques largement utilisés dans le but de prévenir le pneumocoque, le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS), les infections méningocoques et le streptocoque B. Elle dirigeait auparavant les initiatives de R&D en matière de vaccins chez Merck Research Laboratories et a conduit le développement du tout premier vaccin contre le cancer cervical au monde. Elle a aussi contribué à des programmes de lutte contre les rotavirus, les oreillons, la rougeole et la rubéole.

« Nous sommes ravis d’offrir la Médaille d’or à la Dr Jansen pour reconnaître son engagement à améliorer les vaccins et sa lutte face à des défis scientifiques difficiles, tout cela pour le bien de l’humanité et pour sauver des vies », a déclaré Amy Finan, présidente-directrice générale de Sabin. « Tout au long de sa carrière, elle a fait montre d’une passion exceptionnelle pour répondre aux questions de recherche les plus complexes et a pris des décisions audacieuses qui ont permis d’atteindre des étapes majeures révolutionnant la santé publique. »

La Dr Jansen a déclaré être « honorée » de recevoir ce prix. « Quand je regarde tous les précédents lauréats de la Médaille d’or, je ne vois que des collègues et amis avec qui j’ai parlé et travaillé pendant des années : des gens passionnés, voulant tous œuvrer pour un monde en meilleure santé. »

La Dr Corbett, qui a remporté le prix Rising Star de Sabin, est professeure-adjointe en immunologie et maladies contagieuses à la Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Immunologue virale de formation, la Dr Corbett œuvre dans le but de faire avancer le développement de vaccins pour préparer le monde aux pandémies et pour favoriser la confiance du public à l’égard des vaccins, particulièrement dans les communautés de couleur confrontées à des disparités en matière de santé. Quand elle travaillait aux National Institutes of Health, elle était membre de l’équipe dont les recherches sur le nouveau coronavirus ont posé les bases du vaccin Moderna contre la COVID-19, le premier candidat à avoir été testé dans des essais cliniques de phase 1 aux États-Unis.

Les recherches de la Dr Corbett s’intéressaient aussi à un vaccin universel contre la grippe, la dengue et le virus respiratoire syncytial. Elle dirige actuellement un laboratoire axé sur les nouveaux coronavirus et autres maladies contagieuses dans le but d’informer le développement de vaccins face à de futures pandémies potentielles. Elle défend aussi ardemment les études STIM, l’égalité dans les soins de santé et la sensibilisation communautaire sur la santé publique.

« Sabin se réjouit de nommer la Dr Corbett pour le prix Rising Star de cette année », a déclaré Mme Finan. « Ses contributions au développement de vaccins n’ont d’égal que son dévouement à stimuler la confiance à l’égard de ceux-ci, en particulier parmi les sceptiques. Elle a réalisé un travail incroyable pour expliquer la rigueur scientifique qui se cache derrière la conception de vaccins et inspire la nouvelle génération de chercheurs et de héros de la santé publique. »

« C’est un très grand honneur pour moi de remporter ce prix », a déclaré la Dr Corbett. « Comme je viens seulement de débuter ma carrière et de lancer mon propre laboratoire, remporter ce prix Rising Star suggère que, premièrement, j’ai encore un long chemin à parcourir mais que, deuxièmement, j’en suis capable, ce qui est particulièrement agréable à entendre de la part de mes pairs, mentors et d’autres scientifiques plus expérimentés. »

À propos du Sabin Vaccine Institute

Le Sabin Vaccine Institute est l’un des principaux défenseurs de l’élargissement de l’accès aux vaccins et de leur adoption à l’échelle mondiale, de l’avancement de la recherche et du développement de vaccins et de l’amplification des connaissances et de l’innovation en matière de vaccins. Libérant le potentiel des vaccins par le partenariat, Sabin a bâtit un écosystème robuste de bailleurs de fonds, innovateurs, agents de mise en œuvre, praticiens, décideurs politiques et parties prenantes publiques pour faire avancer sa vision d’un avenir où les maladies évitables ont enfin disparu. En tant qu’organisation sans but lucratif comptant plus de deux décennies d’expérience, Sabin s’est engagée à trouver des solutions qui durent et à étendre tous les bienfaits des vaccins à l’ensemble des individus, peu importe qui ils sont et où ils résident. Chez Sabin, nous sommes convaincus que les vaccins ont le pouvoir de changer le monde.

Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur le site et suivez-nous sur Twitter @sabinvaccine.

Contact auprès des médias : Rajee Suri,

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