IXOPAY nomme Brady Harris au poste de PDG en vue de stimuler le développement de ses solutions de paiement à l’échelle mondiale

À la suite de la fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx, la nouvelle direction renforce la position de l’entreprise sur le marché pour répondre aux besoins en perpétuelle évolution de ses clients

TULSA, État d’Oklahoma, 03 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IXOPAY annonce accueillir ce jour l’éminent et très expérimenté Brady Harris au poste de PDG. Cette nomination coïncide avec la récente fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx, et marque une nette transition dans le secteur des paiements. Cette évolution repose sur une approche multi-processeurs permettant aux commerçants et aux acteurs de la fintech de relever et diversifier leurs stratégies de paiement. L’entreprise adresse ses remerciements au PDG sortant, Marc Olesen, pour sa direction et toutes ses contributions.

Selon Glassdoor, Monsieur Harris se distingue parmi les trois meilleurs PDG des États-Unis. Il apporte plus de 20 ans d’expérience et de leadership de direction dans les domaines de la fintech, des paiements et des solutions SaaS. Alors PDG de Dwolla, il a piloté l’essor des volumes de paiements annuels, les faisant passer de 10 milliards à 70 milliards de dollars, tout en enregistrant 1,5 million de nouveaux utilisateurs chaque mois. Avant de rejoindre Dwolla, il a présidé Payscape, et son rôle s’est avéré déterminant dans sa fusion avec Payroc, qui a donné naissance à un fournisseur de services de paiement d’envergure mondiale employant plus de 1 000 collaborateurs au sein de 13 bureaux répartis travers le monde. En unissant leurs forces, ces deux entreprises ont mis au monde une structure opérationnelle au service de 150 000 sociétés dans 46 pays.

À l’heure où IXOPAY cherche ses marques pour se positionner en tant que fournisseur d’une solution tout-en-un sur le marché des solutions de paiement, l’expertise de Brady Harris en matière de fusions et acquisitions et de développement d’entreprises jusqu’à les faire sortir avec succès de la tutelle de leurs sponsors en capital-investissement s’avère fondamentale. La fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx a donné le jour à une plateforme capable de proposer à la fois une tokenisation omnicanale et une synchronisation des paiements, mais aussi une gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Cette fusion répond aux exigences de prolixité, d’expansion géographique et de capacités de négociation des frais, inexistantes du côté des systèmes à processeur unique.

Pour Monsieur Harris, « La technologie applicable aux paiements évolue rapidement, et IXOPAY entend servir de locomotive dans ce parcours. L’intégration de la tokenisation et de la synchronisation nous permet de proposer une plateforme qui, au-delà de prendre en charge le traitement multi-paiements, favorise également le développement de nouveaux services. »

« Sous la direction de Brady, IXOPAY est à même d’établir de nouveaux standards applicables au secteur des paiements », remarque Vik Verma, président du conseil d’administration. Et d’ajouter : « Notre ambitieuse stratégie se focalise sur la mise à l’échelle, la sécurité et les avancées révolutionnaires qui redessineront les contours de ce que les paiements peuvent atteindre. »

Monsieur Harris et l’équipe d’IXOPAY participent à l’événement Money 20/20 organisé cette semaine à Amsterdam. Ensemble, ils auront l’occasion de présenter les offres complémentaires issues de la fusion, notamment les avancées en matière de synchronisation des paiements, de tokenisation, de gestion des risques et de gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Nous vous invitons à les rejoindre au stand 8a202 du complexe RAI d’Amsterdam pour découvrir comment les développements évoqués dans le présent communiqué façonneront l’avenir des paiements pour les commerçants.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :
Nicholas Mueller
Vice-président directeur du Marketing

À propos d’IXOPAY
IXOPAY, une société du groupe TokenEx, est l’opérateur d’une plateforme indépendante et flexible dédiée à la synchronisation des paiements, assurant la gestion de tous les services de paiement sous un seul toit. À la suite de sa récente fusion avec TokenEx, IXOPAY est en mesure de développer ses services à l’échelle mondiale en proposant des capacités améliorées en matière de traitement des paiements, mais aussi des protocoles de sécurité avancés.

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2750a812-2a7a-420b-82b4-614b2f1eeb5c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147996

Eastman School of Music da University of Rochester Entra para QS World University Rankings

The University of Rochester is a top-tier research institution which has the third highest percentage of international students among all U.S. universities (U.S. News). Guided by its commitment to equity, diversity, and sustainability, the institution embodies its motto: Meliora “ever better”. With seven schools, over 200 academic majors, nearly 12,000 students, six hospitals comprising a leading academic medical center, and the nation’s premier optics institute, it is a hub of excellence.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Eastman School of Music da University of Rochester entrou para o prestigiado QS World University Rankings de 2024. Classificada em terceiro lugar na América do Norte e em 11º globalmente, Eastman divide o palco com as principais instituições musicais do Reino Unido, França, Rússia, China, Finlândia, Dinamarca e Hungria.

Por mais de um século, a Eastman School of Music tem sido um exemplo de excelência em educação musical e performance. Fundada com base nos seus pilares fundamentais de arte, erudição, liderança e comunidade, a Eastman cultivou um ambiente diversificado onde a música prospera não apenas dentro de nossas salas, mas também reverbera além, enriquecendo vidas e promovendo o engajamento. A escola é conhecida por sua abordagem holística à educação musical, integrando treinamento musical rigoroso com estudos de humanidades, educação de liderança e experiências interdisciplinares. Esse compromisso com a educação abrangente produz diplomados que não são apenas músicos qualificados, mas também indivíduos bem preparados para usar seus talentos para influenciar e inspirar comunidades em todo o mundo.

Dr. Jane Gatewood, the University of Rochester’s Vice Provost for Global Engagement, is aninnovative leader with a 17-year career in global engagement within higher education andexpertise in global research partnerships, academic mobility, and economic development.Dr. Gatewood oversees large cross-functional teams with a global footprint. Her data-drivenand risk management-focused contributions have helped position the university as one of theworld’s top institutions with the largest number of international students. As a Fulbright-Nehru scholar in India, an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the University of London, an instructor at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, and an editor of the Oxford English Dictionary as well as NAFSA’s Guide to International Partnerships (2020), she has significantly contributed to the global discourse on international education.

O reitor Jamal J. Rossi comentou sobre o ethos da escola e sua recente premiação: “A Eastman School of Music é uma comunidade vibrante onde alguns dos melhores músicos do mundo se reúnem para melhorar uns aos outros. Nossa dedicação de um século aos valores fundamentais da arte, erudição, liderança e comunidade serviu como base com a qual nossos ex-alunos desenvolveram carreiras impactantes em todos os aspectos da música e enriqueceram o mundo com a sua música. Esse reconhecimento pelo QS World Rankings reafirma nosso compromisso e missão de moldar o futuro da música por meio da excelência artística e acadêmica e da liderança inovadora.”

Jane Gatewood, Vice-Reitora de Engajamento Global da University of Rochester, também comentou sobre a importância dessa conquista: “O reconhecimento do QS World Rankings da Eastman School of Music ressalta nosso impacto global e prestígio acadêmico. Este reconhecimento é um testemunho da dedicação do nosso corpo docente e do talento dos nossos alunos, refletindo o nosso papel de liderança na preparação da próxima geração de músicos de categoria global.”

Este ano marca a inclusão inaugural da categoria de música no QS World University Rankings. O ranking QS para escolas de música é derivado de avaliações abrangentes da reputação acadêmica e da reputação do empregador, que contribuem com 80% e 20% para a pontuação total, respectivamente. Critérios como qualidade da pesquisa, parcerias estratégicas, inovação e empregabilidade desempenham papéis fundamentais nesta avaliação.

Jamal J. Rossi is the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester.

Para mais informação sobre o ranking de música QS World University, visite: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/music

Para mais informação sobre a Eastman School of Music da University of Rochester, visite: https://www.esm.rochester.edu/admissions/

Para mais informação sobre matrículas internacionais e colaborações globais, visite: https://www.rochester.edu/global

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Eastman School of Music Wind Ensemble, Kodak Hall in Rochester, New York. The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.


The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147110

Pangea Unveils Annual Sustainability Report

Achieving Excellence in Environmental Stewardship and Ethical Practices

Rochester Hills, MI, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pangea, a pioneering force in the automotive leather industry, proudly unveils its annual Sustainability Report, showcasing remarkable achievements in environmental stewardship, ethical business practices, and social responsibility. The report highlights Pangea’s unwavering commitment to driving positive change and creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

This reporting year was an important year for Pangea who not only reduced their carbon footprint, and that of each product, they also introduced a new series of Advanced Leather Products—Ecoda, Terova, Vendura, and Nevila—each boasting distinct characteristics and improvements over standard materials, reinforcing Pangea’s commitment to innovation and quality.

Key Accomplishments Featured in the Report:

  • Gold Standard Accolades: Pangea attained the prestigious Leather Working Group Gold Standard across all leather producing sites globally, underscoring its dedication to responsible leather manufacturing practices.
  • Acclaimed Certifications: Renowned certifications from Supplier Assurance (NQC), Drive Sustainability, EcoVadis, and the Sustainable Leather Foundation (SLF) further validate Pangea’s commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.
  • Emissions Reduction: A remarkable 16% reduction in Scope 1+2 emissions compared to the prior year demonstrates Pangea’s dedication to lowering its carbon footprint. This reduction has led to a corporate average decrease from 1.14 kgCO2e/m2 to 0.96 kgCO2e/m2 of finished leather.
  • Energy & Water Conservation: Energy consumption decreased by approximately 5% across the board, while water usage was reduced by over 10%, showcasing Pangea’s proactive efforts in resource conservation.
  • Chemical Management: Nearly 20% of chemicals used comprised natural components or content from renewable sources, emphasizing Pangea’s dedication to safer and more sustainable chemical management practices.
  • Waste Recycling: Pangea recycled nearly 20% more waste than the previous year, demonstrating its commitment to waste reduction and circular economy principles.

Commenting on the release of the report, Pangea’s Sales, Marketing & Design EVP, Tim Brennan, expressed pride in the company’s achievements, stating, “At Pangea, sustainability is not just a goal; it’s a fundamental principle that guides our every action. Our annual Sustainability Report reflects our relentless pursuit of excellence in environmental stewardship, ethical practices, and social responsibility. We remain steadfast in our commitment to becoming the most trusted, sustainable supplier to our customers.”


Jacquelyn Smith

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146233

University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music Recognized in the QS World University Rankings

University of Rochester
The University of Rochester is a top-tier research institution which has the third highest percentage of international students among all U.S. universities (U.S. News). Guided by its commitment to equity, diversity, and sustainability, the institution embodies its motto: Meliora “ever better”. With seven schools, over 200 academic majors, nearly 12,000 students, six hospitals comprising a leading academic medical center, and the nation’s premier optics institute, it is a hub of excellence.
Dr. Jane Gatewood
Dr. Jane Gatewood, the University of Rochester’s Vice Provost for Global Engagement, is aninnovative leader with a 17-year career in global engagement within higher education andexpertise in global research partnerships, academic mobility, and economic development.Dr. Gatewood oversees large cross-functional teams with a global footprint. Her data-drivenand risk management-focused contributions have helped position the university as one of theworld’s top institutions with the largest number of international students. As a Fulbright-Nehru scholar in India, an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the University of London, an instructor at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, and an editor of the Oxford English Dictionary as well as NAFSA’s Guide to International Partnerships (2020), she has significantly contributed to the global discourse on international education.
Jama J. Rossi
Jamal J. Rossi is the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester.
Eastman School of Music at the University Rochester
Eastman School of Music Wind Ensemble, Kodak Hall in Rochester, New York. The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024. Ranked No. 3 in North America and No. 11 globally, Eastman shares the stage with leading music institutions in the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Finland, Denmark, and Hungary.

For over a century, the Eastman School of Music has been a beacon of excellence in music education and performance. Building from its foundational pillars of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community, Eastman has cultivated a diverse environment where music thrives not only within our halls but also reverberates beyond, enriching lives and fostering engagement. The school is renowned for its holistic approach to music education, integrating rigorous musical training with humanities studies, leadership education, and interdisciplinary experiences. This commitment to comprehensive education produces graduates who are not only skilled musicians, but also well-rounded individuals prepared to use their talents to influence and inspire communities around the globe.

Dean Jamal J. Rossi commented on the school’s ethos and its recent accolade: “The Eastman School of Music is a vibrant community where some of the best musicians in the world come together to make each other better. Our century-long dedication to the core values of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community has served as the foundation upon which our alumni have built impactful careers in all aspects of music, and they have enriched the world through their music. This recognition by the QS World Rankings reaffirms our commitment and mission to shape the future of music through artistic and scholarly excellence and innovative leadership.”

Jane Gatewood, Vice Provost for Global Engagement at the University of Rochester, also remarked on the significance of this achievement: “The QS World Rankings’ acknowledgment of the Eastman School of Music underscores our global impact and academic prestige. This recognition is a testament to our faculty’s dedication and our students’ talent, reflecting our leading role in preparing the next generation of world-class musicians.”

This year marks the inaugural inclusion of the music category in the QS World University Rankings. The QS ranking for music schools is derived from comprehensive evaluations of academic reputation and employer reputation, which contribute 80% and 20% to the total score, respectively. Criteria such as research quality, strategic partnerships, innovation, and employability play pivotal roles in this assessment.

For more information on the QS World University rankings for music, please visit: https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/music

For information about the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, please visit: https://www.esm.rochester.edu/admissions/

To learn more about the international admissions and global collaborations, please visit: https://www.rochester.edu/global

For media inquiries and additional information, please contact:

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at












GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9146960

L’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester reconnue dans le classement mondial des universités QS

ROCHESTER, N.Y., 03 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester a été distinguée dans le prestigieux Classement mondial des universités QS pour 2024. Classée troisième en Amérique du Nord et onzième à l’échelle mondiale, l’École de musique Eastman partage la scène avec des institutions musicales de premier plan au Royaume-Uni, en France, en Russie, en Chine, en Finlande, au Danemark et en Hongrie.

Depuis plus d’un siècle, l’École de musique Eastman est un modèle d’excellence en matière d’éducation et d’interprétation musicales. S’appuyant sur ses piliers fondamentaux que sont l’art, l’érudition, le leadership et la communauté, l’École de musique Eastman a su cultiver un environnement diversifié qui permet à la musique de rayonner non seulement à l’intérieur de nos murs, mais également au-delà, enrichissant l’existence des autres et favorisant l’engagement. L’école est célèbre pour son approche holistique de l’éducation musicale, qui associe une formation musicale rigoureuse à des études en sciences humaines, une formation au leadership et des expériences interdisciplinaires. Cet engagement en faveur d’une éducation complète permet de former des diplômés qui s’avèrent être non seulement des musiciens compétents, mais aussi des personnes bien équilibrées, prêtes à utiliser leurs talents pour influencer et inspirer les communautés du monde entier.

Le doyen Jamal J. Rossi a déclaré à propos de la philosophie de l’école et de sa récente distinction : « L’École de musique Eastman est une communauté dynamique où certains des meilleurs musiciens du monde se réunissent pour se perfectionner au contact des autres. Notre attachement, depuis un siècle, aux valeurs fondamentales de l’art, de l’érudition, du leadership et de la communauté a servi de base à nos anciens élèves pour bâtir des carrières marquantes dans tous les domaines de la musique, enrichissant ainsi le monde grâce à leurs productions. Cette reconnaissance dans le Classement mondial QS confirme notre engagement et notre mission qui sont de façonner l’avenir de la musique grâce à l’excellence artistique et académique et à un leadership innovant ».

Jane Gatewood, vice-rectrice chargée de l’engagement mondial à l’Université de Rochester, a également souligné l’importance de cette performance : « La reconnaissance de l’École de musique Eastman par le Classement mondial QS atteste de son influence au niveau mondial et de son prestige académique. Cette reconnaissance témoigne du dévouement de notre corps professoral et du talent de nos étudiants, et reflète notre rôle de premier plan dans la préparation de la prochaine génération de musiciens de calibre international. »

Cette année est la première année où la catégorie musique est incluse dans le Classement mondial des universités QS. Le Classement QS des écoles de musique est établi à partir d’évaluations complètes de la réputation académique et de la réputation de l’employeur, qui contribuent respectivement à hauteur de 80 % et de 20 % à la note totale. Des critères tels que la qualité de la recherche, les partenariats stratégiques, l’innovation et l’employabilité jouent un rôle primordial dans cette évaluation.

Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur le Classement mondial des universités pour la musique, veuillez consulter : https://www.topuniversities.com/university-subject-rankings/music.

Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur l’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester, veuillez consulter : https://www.esm.rochester.edu/admissions/

Pour les questions des médias et pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter :

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147199

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth

Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth
Brady Harris, CEO of IXOPAY
Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers.

TULSA, Okla., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, IXOPAY, announced the appointment of industry veteran Brady Harris as its new CEO. His appointment aligns with the recent merger of IXOPAY and TokenEx, highlighting a significant shift in the payments industry towards a multi-processor payment model, which empowers merchants and fintech companies to improve and diversify their payment strategies. The company thanks departing CEO Marc Olesen for his direction and contributions.

Harris, rated a Top 3 nationwide CEO on Glassdoor, brings over 20 years of experience and executive leadership in FinTech, Payments, and SaaS. As CEO of Dwolla, he oversaw the rapid growth of annual payment volumes from $10 billion to $70 billion, while adding 1.5 million new users monthly. Prior to Dwolla, as the President of Payscape, he was instrumental in its merger with Payroc, creating a global full-service payment provider with over 1,000 employees across 13 offices worldwide; the combined entity operating in 46 countries, serving 150,000 businesses.

His expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and scaling companies to successful exits under private equity sponsors is key as IXOPAY positions itself to become the one-stop solution in the payment industry. The merger has created a platform capable of offering omnichannel tokenization, payment orchestration, and card lifecycle management. The merger addresses the need for redundancy, geographic expansion, and fee negotiation capabilities that single-processor systems lack.

“Payments technology is rapidly advancing, and IXOPAY is set to lead this evolution,” Harris stated. “The integration of tokenization and orchestration allows us to offer a platform that not only supports multi-payment processing but also fosters the development of innovative services.”

“Under Brady’s leadership, IXOPAY is poised to set new benchmarks in the payment sector,” said Vik Verma, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Our bold strategy emphasizes scalability, security, and groundbreaking advancements that will redefine what payments can achieve.”

Harris and the IXOPAY team are attending Money 20/20 Europe in Amsterdam this week. They will showcase the expanded offerings following the merger, including advancements in payment orchestration, tokenization, risk management, and card lifecycle management. Join them at the RAI Amsterdam at Booth 8a202 to explore how these developments will shape the future of merchant payments.

For further information, please contact:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing

IXOPAY, a TokenEx company, is a leading payment orchestration platform that provides a flexible and independent payment solution to manage all payment services in one place. Following its recent merger with TokenEX, IXOPAY is positioned to expand its services globally, offering enhanced capabilities in payment processing and advanced security measures.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2750a812-2a7a-420b-82b4-614b2f1eeb5c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147319

Fortrea Apresenta Solução Abrangente para Aprimorar a Diversidade e Inclusão na Pesquisa Clínica

Utilizando dados do mundo real, insights de pacientes e um processo sistemático para a criação, operação e análise da eficácia dos planos de ação de diversidade em ensaios clínicos

DURHAM, N.C., May 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje o lançamento da sua solução abrangente e integrada para a melhoria da diversidade e inclusão (D&I) dos participantes em ensaios clínicos. A solução de D&I da Fortrea foi projetada para expandir o acesso dos pacientes a participar de ensaios clínicos e atender aos requisitos da Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dos EUA, sob a Lei de Reforma Omnibus de Alimentos e Medicamentos, para aumentar a inscrição de populações sub-representadas em ensaios clínicos.

O processo abrangente da Fortrea integra cinco componentes do planejamento e execução de ações de diversidade:

  • Consultores de evidências do mundo real pesquisam conjuntos de dados relevantes do mundo real para informar o planejamento da diversidade.
  • Especialistas em regulamentação, desenvolvimento e operações clínicas elaboram o Plano de Ação de Diversidade, validam com grupos de pacientes e negociam com os reguladores.
  • As equipes operacionais acessam várias plataformas de dados, o Conselho Consultivo de Locais da Fortrea e soluções habilitadas por tecnologia para implementar o Plano de Ação de Diversidade como parte integrante da execução dos ensaios clínicos da Fortrea.
  • O monitoramento e os relatórios são habilitados pelo exclusivo Painel de Insights de Estudo de Diversidade e Inclusão da Fortrea, fornecendo dados e visualizações acionáveis para o gerenciamento contínuo do estudo.
  • Escritores técnicos de relatórios experientes compilam dados e preparam relatórios para envio regulatório, com suporte regulatório contínuo fornecido como parte da solução de D&I.

“A pesquisa clínica que reflete uma população representativa fornece uma melhor visão de como um tratamento potencial funcionará em um ambiente do mundo real”, disse John Doyle, DrPH, presidente da Fortrea Consulting. “Requisitos regulatórios recentes codificam o progresso dos últimos anos na abordagem biofarmacêutica para aumentar a inclusão de diversas populações nos seus programas de desenvolvimento. A solução da Fortrea traz uma profunda experiência em dados do mundo real para projetar planos de D&I eficazes e realistas, juntamente com mais de 30 anos de experiência em mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas na execução de testes. Também temos um compromisso firme com a D&I, não apenas nos ensaios clínicos, mas em toda a nossa empresa, à medida que buscamos nosso propósito de oferecer tratamentos que mudam a vida dos pacientes mais rapidamente.”

A solução de D&I da Fortrea incorpora uma série de ferramentas proprietárias, incluindo avaliações epidemiológicas e de viabilidade que utilizam uma combinação exclusiva de grandes conjuntos de dados. A solução também integra contribuições de grupos de pacientes para criar insights sobre a tolerância ao protocolo e os requisitos de suporte à conduta do estudo em diferentes populações de pacientes em várias áreas e geografias da terapia. Esses insights informam os planos globais e locais de recrutamento e retenção de pacientes para o alcance de populações de pacientes sub-representadas e abordagem das barreiras à participação de ensaios clínicos.

“Para a garantia da inclusão de diversas populações de pacientes em ensaios clínicos precisamos ir além de um plano, precisamos ter discernimento e agir”, disse Mark Morais, diretor de operações da Fortrea. “Devido ao nosso abrangente programa Voz do Paciente e à nossa colaboração com diversos locais de pesquisa e redes de locais, temos um profundo entendimento do que é necessário para o sucesso no alcance de populações que tradicionalmente têm sido sub-representadas nos ensaios clínicos. Na Fortrea, somos informados pelos dados do mundo real, habilitados pelas tecnologias inovadoras e impulsionados pela nossa paixão em oferecer novas terapias para todos os pacientes.”

Visite Diversidade e Inclusão em Ensaios Clínicos em Fortrea.com para mais informação.

Sobre a Fortrea

A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico e acesso ao paciente para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de biotecnologia, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica, serviços de consultoria, soluções de testes com tecnologia diferenciada e serviços pós-aprovação.

As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada que trabalha em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo.

Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para paciente na Fortrea.com e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter) @Fortrea.

Contatos da Fortrea:
Fortrea para Mídia: Galen Wilson – 703-298-0802, media@fortrea.com
Fortrea para Mídia: Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115, kdillon@prosek.com

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