Crurated Arrecada US $ 7,2 Milhões para Inovar Ainda Mais na Comunidade de Vinhos com Base em Blockchain e Expandir o Alcance do Mercado

Depois de mais um ano de sucesso, a empresa começará a fazer parcerias com produtores de vinho em outros países além da França e da Itália

LONDRES, Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Crurated, a comunidade de vinhos com sede em Londres, criada para conectar os conhecedores com os produtores de todo o mundo, anunciou hoje que a empresa arrecadou US $ 7,2 milhões de um grupo de investidores privados. O dinheiro será usado para desenvolver ainda mais a plataforma tecnológica, expandir as parcerias com produtores de outros países além da França e da Itália, e aumentar a participação geral no mercado em todo o mundo.

“O ano passado foi inovador e trouxe muito sucesso para toda a nossa equipe e para os produtores com os quais fizemos parceria”, disse Alfonso de Gaetano, fundador da Crurated. “Além de nos tornarmos a primeira comunidade de vinhos a oferecer vendas fracionadas de barris apoiadas pela tecnologia NFT, assinamos um contrato de distribuição exclusiva com a Charles Lachaux, aumentamos nossa lista para mais de 60 produtores e atraímos um público mais jovem de enófilos para a plataforma.”

A Crurated relata que 70% da sua base de membros tem menos de 45 anos de idade. E 35% dos membros têm menos de 35 anos, mais jovens do que a maioria dos compradores de vinho, que tendem a ter 45 anos ou mais. A equipe acredita que as parcerias diretas da Crurated com os principais produtores de vinho de todo o mundo, a abordagem inovadora de como o vinho é comprado na plataforma — compras/leilões de lotes tradicionais e vendas fracionadas de barris — bem como o uso de NFTs para validar a autenticidade de um vinho, está ajudando a aumentar o interesse pelo vinho entre um público mais jovem.

Além disso, a receita aumentou 214% no primeiro semestre do segundo ano em comparação com o primeiro semestre do primeiro ano. A associação aumentou 180% no primeiro semestre do segundo ano em relação ao primeiro semestre do primeiro ano, com um aumento de 400% no acumulado anual.

Sobre a Crurated
Lançada em 2021 com ênfase na França e na Itália, a Crurated é uma associação da comunidade vinícola criada para conectar conhecedores e produtores de todo o mundo. Uma equipe de especialistas oferece serviços personalizados e experiências autênticas, enquanto o serviço de logística contínuo da Crurated garante a qualidade e a proveniência, graças ao armazenamento seguro da adega e à inovadora tecnologia blockchain. Para mais informação sobre a Crurated, visite

Contato de RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8731373

Crurated lève 7,2 millions de dollars pour apporter davantage d’innovation à la communauté des vignerons basée sur la blockchain et pour étendre sa portée sur le marché

Après une autre année prospère, la société commencera également à s’associer à des producteurs de vin au-delà de la France et de l’Italie

LONDRES, 17 janv. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Crurated, la communauté londonienne de vignerons basée sur l’adhésion et conçue pour mettre en relation les connaisseurs avec des producteurs de classe mondiale, a annoncé aujourd’hui que la société avait levé 7,2 millions de dollars auprès d’un groupe d’investisseurs privés. Les fonds seront utilisés pour faire davantage évoluer la plateforme technologique, étendre les partenariats de producteurs au-delà de la France et de l’Italie, et accroître la part de marché globale à travers le monde.

« L’année qui vient de s’écouler a été à la fois innovante et prospère pour toute notre équipe et les producteurs avec lesquels nous nous sommes associés », a déclaré Alfonso de Gaetano, fondateur de Crurated. « En plus de devenir la première communauté de vignerons à proposer des ventes de tonneaux fractionnés soutenues par la technologie NFT, nous avons signé un contrat de distribution exclusif avec Charles Lachaux, augmenté notre liste de producteurs à plus de 60, et attiré une population plus jeune d’œnophiles sur la plateforme. »

Crurated rapporte que 70 % de ses membres ont moins de 45 ans. Par ailleurs, 35 % de ces membres ont moins de 35 ans et sont donc plus jeunes que la majorité des acheteurs de vin, qui tendent vers les 45 ans et plus. L’équipe pense que les partenariats directs de Crurated avec les principaux producteurs de vin du monde, son approche innovante de la façon dont le vin est acheté sur la plateforme [ventes de tonneaux fractionnés et achats de lots/enchères traditionnel(le)s], ainsi que l’utilisation des NFT pour valider l’authenticité d’un vin, contribuent ensemble à accroître l’intérêt pour le vin chez une population plus jeune.

En outre, les recettes ont augmenté de 214 % au premier semestre de la deuxième année par rapport au premier semestre de la première année. L’adhésion a augmenté de 180 % au premier semestre de la deuxième année par rapport au premier semestre de la première année, et s’est accrue de 400 % depuis le début de l’année.

À propos de Crurated
Lancée en 2021 en mettant un accent particulier sur la France et l’Italie, Crurated est une communauté de vignerons basée sur l’adhésion, conçue pour mettre en relation les connaisseurs et les producteurs de classe mondiale. Une équipe de spécialistes fournit des services personnalisés et des expériences authentiques, tandis que le service logistique transparent de Crurated garantit la qualité et l’origine grâce à un stockage sécurisé dans des caves à vin et une technologie de blockchain innovante. Pour en savoir plus sur Crurated, veuillez consulter le site

Contact RP
Michael Volpatt

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8731373

Disposable Vaping Devices Wreak Havoc On Our Global Ecosystem

Pure Labs Urges Government Entities to Put an End to This Major Source of Environmental Pollution & Youth Vaping

Disposable Vape Waste

Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and residual nicotine from littered disposable vape devices leach into our soil and pollute our ecosystem and wildlife.

TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Not only are disposable vaping devices fueling the world’s ongoing youth vaping epidemic, these single-use plastic e-cigarettes are responsible for the growing, exorbitant amount of toxic waste plaguing our earth. As if it isn’t harmful enough that disposable vape products are purposely targeting our youth with brightly colored packaging, eye-catching branding, and appealing fruit & dessert flavors; the plastics, heavy metals, and lithium batteries that these devices are comprised of are now a leading source of environmental pollution.

Similar to what we’ve seen with combustible cigarette butts, littered disposable vaping devices are now a major source of contamination to our ecosystem, on a worldwide scale. The issue is not just the non-decomposable plastic casings we see scattered in the streets, on beaches, and in parks far too often. Disposable vaping devices also leach hazardous waste from their lithium batteries and heavy metals from their circuitry systems. The moment these toxic materials penetrate our environment, the corruption of our ecosystem and our wildlife begins. In addition to the harmful and toxic chemicals found in lithium batteries, these types of batteries are known to explode or start fires if disposed of improperly. Not to mention the illegal child labor associated with up to 30% of cobalt mining facilities responsible for sourcing the material used in lithium-ion batteries.

With disposable devices being the preferred method of vaping among our youth, it is no mystery why we are seeing as much e-cigarette pollution as we are today. A standard disposable vape pen only holds enough E-liquid to last a few days, causing the average user to cycle through approximately 2 to 3 devices per week. That’s a lot of waste! Every day, respective Customs entities are seeing thousands of palettes of these disposable vape devices enter from China. If we want to take action and do our part to mitigate the global environmental pollution crisis and the undeniable youth vaping epidemic, we need to stop the infection at its root – put an end to Chinese disposable vaping devices.

About Pure Laboratories

Operating since 2009, Pure Laboratories (Pure Labs) is a Veteran-Owned state-of-the-art 110,000-sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility located in Gainesville, Florida. Nicopure Labs, a subsidiary of Pure Labs, is an industry leading manufacturer of American-Made tobacco and menthol E-liquid products. Nicopure Labs is best known for its award-winning E-liquid and hardware brand, Halo. With a 10,000-sq. ft. cleanroom, Pure Labs is synonymous with quality manufacturing. Pure Labs’ corporate headquarters are based in Tampa Florida, with additional operations located in Europe.

For additional information about carrying Halo’s premium American-made e-liquid and innovative line of vaporizer devices, please email Halo’s principal distribution partner, Syndicate Distribution at

For additional information on Pure Laboratories’ full capabilities visit

For media inquiries, please email

Samantha Knight
Pure Labs

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8729729

Crurated Raises $7.2 MM to Further Innovate Blockchain-Based Wine Community and Expand Market Reach

After another successful year the company will also begin to partner with wine producers beyond France and Italy

Crurated Connects Connoisseurs with World-Class Producers

Crurated Raises $7.2 MM to Further Innovate Blockchain-Based Wine Community and Expand Market ReachAfter another successful year the company will also begin to partner with wine producers beyond France and Italy

LONDON, Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Crurated, the London-based membership wine community designed to connect connoisseurs with world-class producers, today announced that the company has raised $7.2 MM from a group of private investors. The money will be used to further evolve the technology platform, expand producer partnerships beyond France and Italy, and increase overall market share across the globe.

“The past year has been both innovative and successful for our entire team and the producers we’ve partnered with,” said Alfonso de Gaetano, founder of Crurated. “In addition to becoming the first wine community to offer fractional barrel sales backed by NFT technology, we signed an exclusive distribution deal with Charles Lachaux, grew our roster of producers to more than 60, and have attracted a younger demographic of oenophiles onto the platform.”

Crurated Wine Bottles With NFC RFID

Crurated is the first wine community to offer fractional barrel sales backed by NFT technology

Crurated reports that 70% of its member base is below the age of 45. With 35% of those members under the age of 35, younger than the majority of wine buyers which skews at 45+. The team believes that Crurated’s direct partnerships with the world’s top wine producers, innovative approach to how wine is purchased on the platform — traditional lot purchases/auctions and fractional barrel sales — as well as the use of NFTs to validate a wine’s authenticity is helping to increase the interest in wine with a younger demographic.

In addition, revenues were up 214% in the first half of year two vs. the first half of year one. Membership grew by 180% in the first half of year 2 vs. the first half of year 1 and is up 400% year to date.

About Crurated
Launched in 2021 with an emphasis on France and Italy, Crurated is a membership-based wine community designed to connect connoisseurs with world-class producers. A team of specialists provides personalized services and authentic experiences, while Crurated’s seamless logistics service guarantees quality and provenance thanks to secure wine cellar storage and innovative blockchain technology. For more on Crurated, visit

PR Contact
Michael Volpatt

A video accompanying this announcement is available at

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8730478

Elo Partners with FreedomPay to Transform the Digital In-Store Experience

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the global leader in Next Level Commerce™, and Elo, a leading global provider of interactive solutions and interactive display solutions, announce the integration of Elo’s M60 Pay handheld computer with FreedomPay’s secure commerce technology.

Built to accept today’s popular payment and loyalty cards, the M60 Pay has a built-in EMV, magnetic stripe reader and NFC for cards with either chips or strips and digital contactless payments. The Android®-based M60 Pay computer can transform from a mobile to a fixed POS solution with the optional docking station, expansion module and Elo touchscreen monitor.

Together, FreedomPay and Elo are reinventing the digital in-store experience by uniting Elo’s innovative and interactive solutions with FreedomPay’s industry-leading commerce technology platform to create a secure, frictionless, unified shopping experience for global consumers while supporting merchants with robust loyalty and data analytics capabilities.

“The M60 Pay makes decentralizing the checkout process and taking payments anywhere easy,” said Craig Witsoe, CEO at Elo. “The partnership with FreedomPay will bring enhanced functionality and security to create a more personalized experience for consumers.”

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform offers many benefits to merchants and their customers, including:

  • The ability to unify commerce across properties, channels, and regions within a single open, fully agnostic, flexible platform;
  • A touchless ecosystem that supports contactless payments, QR technology, Apple Pay, and Google Pay; and
  • A fully integrated end-to-end solution enabling secure payments, identity-as-a-service, loyalty, and business intelligence.

“Consumers are looking continually for new payment functionality and greater customization when it comes to payments. The partnership with Elo will give customers secure and seamless checkout experience expected with FreedomPay coupled with the innovative and modular designed solutions from Elo,” said Tom Durovsik, Founder & CEO of FreedomPay.

To learn more about the solution, visit FreedomPay at NRF booth #4250 or Elo at NRF booth #5803 to request a demo.

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock-solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award-winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About Elo
As a leading global supplier of interactive solutions, #EloIsEverywhere. To date, Elo has deployed more than 25 million installations in over 80 countries. A new Elo touchscreen is installed every 21 seconds, on average, somewhere in the world. Built on a unified architecture, Elo’s broad portfolio allows its customers to easily Choose, Configure and Connect & Control to create a unique experience. Choose from all-in-one systems, open-frame monitors and touchscreen monitors ranging from 7 to 65 inches. Configure with Elo’s unique Elo Edge Connect® peripherals that allow use-specific solutions. Connect & Control with EloView®, a secure, cloud-based platform for Android-powered devices. EloView enables secure deployment and management of a large network of interactive systems designed to reduce operating costs while increasing up-time and security.

Consumers can find Elo touchscreen solutions in self-service kiosks, point-of-sale terminals, interactive signage, gaming machines, hospitality systems, point-of-care displays and transportation applications, to name a few. Learn more at


Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8730050

FreedomPay to Unleash the Power of Pay at NRF 2023

One of the world’s fastest growing fintech to showcase award-winning global commerce technology platform and industry-leading partner network.

NEW YORK, National Retail Federation, Jan. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the global leader in Next Level Commerce™ and the commerce technology platform of choice for global retail, hospitality and payments brands including Marriott, Foot Locker, Shake Shack, Engage People, and Castles Technology, will showcase its innovations and partnership announcements this week at NRF in booth #4250.

The event will mark the launch of FreedomPay’s new call to action, Unleash the Power of Pay. As the commerce landscape evolves with new technologies and changing consumer needs, Unleash the Power of Pay introduces the notion of unleashing the power of payments to drive greater customer loyalty, leverage business intelligence insights, and bring value-added services.

“FreedomPay is excited to make a splash at this year’s NRF and to launch Unleash the Power of Pay. The concept is a testament to our award-winning technology and best-in-class partner network that is enabling billions of transactions in more than 75 countries across the globe,” said Tom Durovsik, Founder & CEO of FreedomPay.

As part of its line-up at NRF, FreedomPay will host a roundtable discussion on Monday, January 16 at 10:30AM at booth #4250 with industry influencers Castles Technology, Charter Communications, and Elo Touch, moderated by Dale Laszig of the Green Sheet. The event, Next Level Commerce™: Unleashing the Power of Pay, will focus on the challenges and opportunities across retail, the trends influencing retail’s future, and strategies for merchants to navigate the changing retail sector. Those who would like to attend virtually are encouraged to register here.

FreedomPay also announces the publication of a new industry white paper The Next Level of Global Payments: Unleash the Power of Pay. The report highlights pivotal opportunities for retailers to elevate customer relationships and increase profit margins internationally, outlining strategies for security, safety, speed, simplicity, and customer satisfaction with service across borders. Download now to read the bespoke report.

FreedomPay’s global footprint continues to grow through the power of its partner network and new integrations to allow merchants to Unleash the Power of Pay for their customers. FreedomPay also announced in the days leading up to NRF 2023 new partnerships that will bring its solutions to more merchants around the world.

Moneris Solutions Corporation (“Moneris”), the largest payment processor in Canada*, will now be able to offer its merchants access to FreedomPay’s commerce technology platform, bringing an enhanced checkout experience to millions of shoppers across Canada.

FreedomPay also announced an integration with Flooid, bringing enhanced innovation, choice, and flexibility to retailers around the globe on the Flooid platform.

To learn more about FreedomPay, visit us at NRF booth #4250 or

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

*Based on total number of transactions processed in Canada

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8729731

Flooid Announces Strategic Partnership with FreedomPay to Expand Global Reach

The partnership will bring enhanced commerce functionality to Retailers around the world.

London, England, Jan. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Flooid today announces a strategic partnership with FreedomPay, the global leader in Next Level Commerce™, to bring industry-leading Retail solutions to merchants globally.

Powered by FreedomPay, Flooid allows merchants to connect their retail channels, removing barriers between online and in-store payments. FreedomPay’s data-driven commerce platform grants merchants access to valuable analytics and Business Intelligence platform to drive further customer engagement and loyalty through targeted offers and incentives, all within a frictionless integrated payment solution.

“Through this partnership with FreedomPay, we are bringing enhanced innovation, choice, and flexibility to retailers on the Flooid platform,” said Donna Stevens, Senior VP of Product and Marketing at Flooid. Our goal is to empower merchants with the tools they need to provide the best shopping experience to consumers globally.”

The FreedomPay platform enables enterprises to provide a consistent payment experience for their customers globally, creating a seamless and flexible retail experience managing security, data and loyalty all from a single, unified tech stack.

“The partnership between FreedomPay and Flooid will bring a world-class commerce experience to retailers and shoppers around the globe,” said Liesl Smith, Senior VP of Marketing and Sales Enablement at FreedomPay. “Together we are committed to delivering a seamless payment experience to customers, enabling an innovative and seamless omnichannel payment environment.”

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About Flooid

Flooid helps retailers create the seamless shopping experiences customers demand. Flooid’s unified commerce platform empowers merchants to sell to customers flexibly and consistently wherever they are and however they choose to shop. Our best of breed open ecosystem givers retailers the power to connect leading retail tech partners with a single unified commerce platform to engage with your shoppers, sell more effectively across channels and adapt to retail shopping changes we have yet to imagine.

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8729158