Burkina/Koulpelogo: the environment department and associations plant around a hundred plants


Ouagadougou: The associations of women and young people working in the environment, in collaboration with the provincial directorate of supervision, proceeded on Sunday in Dourtenga (north of Ouargaye), to the official launch of the campaign reforestation, noted the AIB on site.

Under the impetus of the League of Associations of Ouargaye, among others, citizen monitoring and the JAD (Youth and Action for Development) movement, this campaign was launched at the regional botanical grove located in the commune of Dourtenga under the theme ‘tree, resilience capital for endogenous development’. On this day of launch of reforestation activities, the populations and the FDS were able to plant more than a hundred species composed of booba costatum, Sclerocaria birrea, Parkia biglobosa, Tamanrindus indica, Khaya senegalensis, Annacardium occidentalae, and many others, the majority of which are non-timber forest products, a guarantee of resilience.

The chosen site, with an area of ??approximately 3ha, is secure and w
ell fenced. For the commander of waters and forests Harouna Derra, provincial director of the environment of Koulpélogo, the activities of this day mark the beginning of the campaign of which approximately 13,000 plants will be planted throughout the province, in sites secure.

These chosen sites are schools, private plantations, sacred places, school gardens and responsible alignments in large centers. It should be noted that the plants were acquired thanks to the DRE-PAMERV/CNSF agreement.

The provincial director of the environment in his message noted that information was given to all special delegations on the possibility of acquiring plants for secure planting in their respective districts.

Source : Burkina Information Agency