Burkina: Journalists set out to discover research results in public universities


Around fifteen journalists from Burkina Faso, including one from AIB, are carrying out a press caravan through the country’s public universities from September 2 to 8, 2024, to discover the results of the research.

Coming from the written press, the online press and the audiovisual sector, these journalists will visit Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in Ouagadougou, Norbert Zongo University in Koudougou and Daniel Ouézzin Coulibaly University in Dédougou.

The aim of this initiative is to promote research and the results that result from it.

According to the chief of staff of the minister responsible for education, Professor Roger Nebié, the results of research at the level of research centres are better known due to the visibility actions carried out there.

On the other hand, in universities, there is still a lot of work to be promoted, he said. Hence the holding of this caravan, which will contribute to the visibility of the sector.

Professor Nebié also invited journalists to take advantage of the various vi
sits to ask relevant questions to the specialists in the laboratories.

The tour began with a visit to the African Center of Excellence, Center for Training, Research and Expertise in Pharmaceutical Sciences (CEA-CFOREM) at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.

Source: Burkina Information Agency