Burkina/August 5: The Secretary General of the Government calls to fight for true independence


Ouagadougou: The Secretary General of the Government and the Council of Ministers, Mathias Traoré, on Monday invited the Burkinabè to support the fight for true independence led by the Transition under the leadership of President Ibrahim Traoré.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Message from the Secretary General of the Government and the Council of Ministers

Burkina Faso commemorates its accession to independence on August 5.

In this context of security and humanitarian crises that our country is going through, I have a special thought for the defense and security forces as well as the volunteers for the defense of the homeland, engaged on the front lines of the fight for a Burkina Faso. Faso truly sovereign.

In the bloody fight that the Transition is waging under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of Faso to liberate our country which, for 64 years, has lived under the weight of imperialism and servitude, I invite all the sons and all the sons to accompany the struggle for true independe

Source : Burkina Information Agency