Bamenda: Unidentified corpse found in decomposing stateIPDC Forum Highlights Importance of Port for Industrial Parks, Manufacturing


Inhabitants of the New Road neighbourhood in Bamenda III subdivision, North West region are still in shock, following the discovery of a corpse in their quarter.

On Wednesday January 17, the corpse of a young lady was identified in a nearby farm in the New Road neighborhood.

According to eyewitness reports, the lady who is yet to be identified is in her mid 20s. Inhabitants of the area say she might be a victim of last Sunday night shooting.

Upon notification, authorities of the Bamenda III council accompanied by security forces visited the scene for investigations and also to take the corpse out of the place.

Locals say on Sunday 14, breaking Monday, repeated gunshots were heard around the New Road neighbourhood, and a car was set ablazed. They told CNA that they were unable to determine those who were shooting.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Addis Ababa: A discussion forum on the importance of port for industrial parks and the manufacturing sub-sector was held at the Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) today.

The discussion forum follows the recent Ethio-Somaliland agreement to access the sea.

In his presentation, IPDC Strategic Advisor Kiya Tekalign underscored the immense importance of ports for countries.

He cited the immense importance of global ports like Singapore, Jebel Ali, Rotterdam, and Tanger-Med to the economies of the hosting countries and the disadvantages of not getting access to port.

In this respect, the strategic advisor emphasized Ethiopia’s current status where products cost six times more to trade than countries with ports.

He noted that Bangladesh, for instance, is a stark reminder for Ethiopia to consider accessing reliable port infrastructure.

Kiya stressed the need to be dynamic and strategic to capitalize on such port partnerships like the Ethiopia- Somaliland MoU, and pointed out that Dire Dawa and Ays
ha Parks are in strategic locations.

Industrial Parks Development Corporation CEO, Aklilu Tadesse on his part lauded the Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU as a bold chapter in the nation’s journey towards economic empowerment.

He pointed out that being landlocked with a population exceeding 120 million presents a significant security threat to the entire region.

According to the CEO, this underscores the urgency of unlocking Ethiopia’s port potential and creating efficient trade routes.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency