Ethiopia Convicts 3 Troops of Rape, Charges 28 For Killings

Ethiopia’s military prosecutors have convicted three soldiers of rape and pressed charges against 28 others suspected of killing civilians in the ongoing conflict in the northern Tigray region, the attorney general’s office announced Friday.

In addition, 25 other soldiers are charged with rape and other forms of sexual violence, the statement said.

The 6-month-old Tigray conflict is blamed for the deaths of thousands of people and atrocities including rape, extrajudicial killings, and forced evictions, according to local authorities and aid groups.

The statement by the attorney general’s office also confirmed reports of two massacres in Tigray. It said that 229 civilians were killed in the town of Mai Kadra at the beginning of November. And it said that 110 civilians were killed in the city of Axum on Nov. 27 and 28 “by Eritrean troops.”

“The investigation shows that 70 civilians have been killed in the city [of Axum] while they were outdoors,” said the report, adding that some of those killed might have been “irregular combatants.” “Forty civilians seem to have been taken out of their homes and killed in home-to-home raids conducted by Eritrean troops,” said the report.

The deadly Tigray conflict started on Nov. 4 after Ethiopia accused former leaders of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front, or TPLF, of ordering an attack on an Ethiopian army base in the region.

Ethiopia’s leader, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, sent troops that quickly ousted the TPLF from Tigray’s major cities and towns, but a guerilla fight is widely reported to be continuing across the region.

Reports of atrocities have led U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to allege that “ethnic cleansing” is taking place in the western Tigray area.

On Thursday, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution condemning “all violence against civilians” in Tigray and calling for the withdrawal of troops from neighboring Eritrea, which also sent troops to Tigray to support the Ethiopian government.

On Friday, some Ethiopians both at home and abroad staged a “Hands Off Ethiopia” social media campaign in which they urged foreign countries to stop “meddling in Ethiopia’s affairs.”

Abiy, who came to power in 2018 and introduced sweeping democratic reforms for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, has promised that the upcoming parliamentary elections on June 21 will be free and fair. His Prosperity Party must win a majority of seats in Ethiopia’s parliament for him to remain prime minister.

In addition to the Tigray conflict, Abiy’s government is struggling to contain ethnic violence in several regions of Ethiopia. The opposition Oromo Federalist Congress has pledged to boycott the vote, saying it is being harassed by the authorities. Several of its leaders are still in prison following a wave of violent unrest sparked last summer by the killing of an Oromo musician.

Source: Voice of America

Eastern DRC Volcano Erupts; Thousands Flee Goma

Lava from a volcanic eruption approached the airport of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s main city of Goma late Saturday, and the government urged residents to evacuate.

As the red glow of Mount Nyiragongo tinged the night sky above the lakeside city of about 2 million, thousands of Goma residents carrying mattresses and other belongings fled the city on foot, many toward the frontier with Rwanda.

Nyiragongo’s last eruption in 2002 killed 250 people and left 120,000 homeless. It is one of the world’s most active volcanoes and is considered among the most dangerous.

Rwanda’s Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management said more than 3,500 Congolese had crossed the border. Rwandan state media said they would be lodged in schools and places of worship.

‘Goma is the target’

New fractures were opening in the volcano, letting lava flow south toward the city after initially flowing east toward Rwanda, said Dario Tedesco, a volcanologist based in Goma.

“Now Goma is the target,” Tedesco told Reuters. “It’s similar to 2002. I think that the lava is going towards the city center.

“It might stop before or go on. It’s difficult to forecast.”

Emmanuel de Merode, head of Virunga National Park, asked park employees in parts of Goma to evacuate, according to a note seen by Reuters. He said lava had reached the international airport on the eastern edge of the city but that it was not likely to reach other parts of Goma.

Celestin Kasereka, head of scientific research at the Goma Volcano Observatory (OVG), told reporters he did not think the lava was flowing fast enough to reach Goma.

A U.N. source said all U.N. aircraft had been evacuated to the city of Bukavu to the south and Entebbe in neighboring Uganda. The power was also out across much of Goma.

Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde convened an emergency meeting in the capital, Kinshasa, where the government activated an evacuation plan for Goma.

“We hope that the measures that have been taken this evening will allow the population to reach the points that were indicated to them in this plan,” government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said in comments broadcast on national television.

President Felix Tshisekedi will cut short a trip to Europe to return to Congo on Sunday, the presidency said on Twitter.

In the grip of panic

On the streets of Goma, panic spread quickly.

“We are panicked because we have just seen the entire city covered by a light that is not electricity or lamps,” said John Kilosho. “We don’t know what to do. We don’t even know how to behave. There is no information.”

Others fled to the city center from villages and neighborhoods threatened by lava on the northern outskirts.

“We looked at the sky and saw the red color of the volcano,” said Richard Hazika Diouf from the Majengo neighborhood. “We have fled to seek shelter in town.”

Volcano watchers have been worried that the volcanic activity observed in the last five years at Nyiragongo mirrors that in the years preceding eruptions in 1977 and 2002.

Volcanologists at the OVG, which monitors Nyiragongo, have struggled to make regular, basic checks since the World Bank cut funding amid embezzlement allegations.

Source: Voice of America

More messages of congratulation

President Guy Parmelin of the Swiss Federation, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Republic of Turkey, as well as President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic, sent messages of congratulations to the people and Government of Eritrea in connection with the 30th Independence Day anniversary.

In their messages, the leaders wished good health to President Isaias Afwerki and peace and prosperity to the Eritrean People.

The leaders also expressed the readiness of the countries to develop friendship and cooperation with Eritrea to the highest level.

In his message, President Guy Parmelin of the Swiss Federation said that good relations based on trust between the two countries could help to tackle major global challenges and expressed the aspiration of his country to develop fruitful cooperation with Eritrea.

President Emmanuel Macron on his part indicating that global cooperation at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount for international peace and stability expressed his country’s desire to deepen the bilateral relations between the two countries incongruent with the current situation in the Horn of Africa.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Eritreans in Diaspora celebrating Independence Day

Eritrean nationals residing in various countries are celebrating the 30th Independence Day anniversary with patriotic zeal. According to the Embassy Media, the nationals started celebrating the Independence Day anniversary on 18 May featuring various programs respecting the guidelines issued by their respective countries of residence. According to report, nationals in UK cities of London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester, Coventry, Nottingham, New Castel, Liverpool, Leeds, and Sheffield celebrated Independence Day featuring various programs including waving the Eritrean flag, presentation of the challenges and conspiracies encountered and the sacrifice paid, as well as recollections of the armed struggle for independence.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

National Union of Eritrean Women celebrate Independence Day

The National Union of Eritrean Women celebrated the 30th Independence Day anniversary under the theme “Resilient: As Ever” featuring various programs on 20 May at the Central Office of the union.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Tekea Tesfamicael, President of the Union, gave a briefing on the contribution of the Eritrean Women in the struggle for independence and safeguarding the national sovereignty as well as in the implementation of the national development programs and called for reinforced participation.

Ms. Tekea went on to say that the Eritrean women through their struggle have realized their rightful place in society and that school participation of female students has increased significantly and college education participation has increased by 45% and that attests to the struggle conducted.

According to a report, the National Union of Eritrean Women branch in the Central Region started celebrating the 30th Independence Day anniversary from 4 May featuring various programs.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Africa’s Role Model; Eritrea’s 30 Years of Independence

Africa’s Role Model; Eritrea’s 30 Years of Independence

Africa’s role model, Eritrea, located on the Red Sea will mark 30

years of independence this coming Monday, May 24. When a rag tag band

of afro coiffed Eritrean rebels drove captured Ethiopian tanks into

the streets of our capital Asmara thirty years ago it marked the first

successful armed struggle for national liberation on the continent.

Others had fought but only Eritrea took it all the way, defeating the

occupying colonial army of Ethiopia and winning power “by the barrel

of a gun”.

This Independence Day has seen Eritrea overcome to many obstacles to

name and not only preserved our national sovereignty but build a Pan

Africanist unity here in the Horn of Africa that is threatening the

very basis of neo-colonialism’s continued exploitation of Africa’s

people and resources.

Eritrea, under the leadership of President Issias Aferwerki has

brought about a remarkable transformation in our erstwhile enemy,

Ethiopia, next door. Where once the gangster government of Ethiopia,

the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front, were our sworn enemy all the

while brutally repressing the Ethiopian people, today Ethiopia has

destroyed the TPLF and begun to move away from its history of famine

and war towards a self sufficient, independent and peaceful country.

And this was all brought about by almost two decades of behind the

scenes diplomacy and trust building with the new government lead by

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. When in 2018 Issias Aferwerki announced at

our Martyrs Day program that it was “ game over” for the TPLF in

Ethiopia we were all shocked. It had all been done secretly and when

PM Abiy flew into our capital Asmara a short time later he had a lot

of very positive things to say about Eritrea. How he wanted to emulate

Eritrea’s self sufficiency and independence to the point where he said

he would be our “unofficial foreign minister…so he could help fight

the lies being told about Eritrea”.

This wasn’t the end of the TPLF, it wasn’t until November of 2020 that

following a desperate attempt to regain national power via a coup

d’eta and the subsequent final destruction of the TPLF on the field of

battle that the next chapter of Ethiopian freedom and prosperity was


Of course there are still major problems in Ethiopia, daunting

challenges to those without a firm grasp of what is really going on.

But as PM Abiy said when President Issias first visited Ethiopia on

July 8, 2018, (to paraphrase the Amharic spoken by Abiy Ahmed) “ we

have a lot of problems in Ethiopia to overcome but don’t worry Issias

[Aferwerki] is leading us”.

Straight from the horses mouths so to speak, this statement couldn’t

be denied only ignored, which of course it was. But there was no

ignoring the new, close friendship and solidarity that has been

growing between Ethiopia and Eritrea. PM Abiy credited Eritrea with

playing “a crucial role” in defeating the TPLF coupsters and thanked

us publicly for our support in this speech to the Ethiopian Parliament

days after the final battle that finished off the TPLF army.

Ethiopia is about to hold an election and all signs indicate a

landslide by Abiy Ahmed and his supporters. PM Abiy has promised to

write a new constitution for Ethiopia that will include the

nationalization of all the land in Ethiopia and thus lay the basis to

end the centuries old ethnic based violence over land ownership. If

the government owns all the land how can they fight over what land

belong to what ethnic group. The land will be assigned by the

government to those that will use it and to hell with all the foreign

bloodsuckers that have been ripping off Ethiopias wealth under the


Nationalizing the land, which is what Eritrea did upon winning

independence on the battle field thirty years ago is a major change in

Africa, and when adopted by the rest of the continent after they see

just how important it was to do this by Ethiopia, how it lead the way

in transforming Ethiopia from a backward, war and famine blighted

country to the beginnings of a modern, self sufficient independent

country similar to Eritrea, a major step will have been taken in the

critical move away from western, mainly EU theft of African wealth and

the beginning of a new truly Pan Africanist continent.

Land nationalization is the first step in ending the bloodthirsty grip

of neo-colonialism on our continent and this is what has got the

western imperialist so upset, upset to the point where they have

launched a vicious slander disinformation campaign about what is

really going on in Ethiopia today, especially in the former stronghold

of the TPLF, Tigray.

Expect a lot of lies and slander about the upcoming election in

Ethiopia to try and denigrate PM Abiy’s upcoming landslide. The TPLF

regime were overwhelming hated by all Ethiopians and the destruction

of the TPLF has been cheered by Ethiopians at home and in the

diaspora. The popularity of PM Abiy and his program for change in

Ethiopia will be demonstrated conclusively in this upcoming election

so all the western banksters and their lackeys in the UN and the human

rights mob will be able to do is try and spread disinformation and

slanders in an attempt to taint the legitimacy of the election.

The role model Eritrea has been for the last 30 years has begun to be

noticed in Africa and the new government in Sudan is just one example

of how Eritrea is leading the way in bringing peace to what used to be

known as the Horn of Hunger in Africa.

The end of the TPLF was publicly welcomed by all of the nations

comprising the Horn of Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and

others as well. While the future is still fraught with challenges and

difficulties there is a role model for our neighbors, and eventually

the rest of Africa to follow. Eritrea is Africa’s role model and has

30 years of independence proving it.

Thomas C. Mountain is an educator and historian living and reporting

from Eritrea since 2006. See thomascmountain on Twitter,

thomascmountain on Facebook and he can be reached at thomascmountain

at g mail dot com

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online

Increasing Food Security in Africa

PCUSA guest host Kim Lewis speaks with Atsuko Toda, acting vice-president of the African Development Bank’s Agriculture, Human and Social Capital about the latest breakthroughs to boost food production and ensure food security in Africa. Toda also shares highlights from the recent high level virtual “Leaders’ Dialogue” presented by the African Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, IFAD.

Source: Voice Of America