Strong Earthquakes Near DRC Volcano Raise Fears of Second Eruption

Regional officials reported strong earthquakes Tuesday in the area surrounding the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) Mount Nyiragongo volcano, three days after it erupted, killing 32 people, destroying villages, and displacing at least 5,000 residents.

The Rwanda Seismic Monitor reported on its Twitter account several quakes Tuesday, including a 5.3-magnitude quake in the borderlands between Rwanda and the eastern DRC, near Mount Nyiragongo. The quakes have raised fears among locals that the volcano could erupt again.

Mount Nyiragongo — one of Africa’s most active — erupted Saturday for the first time since 2002, sending a river of lava downhill toward Goma, a city of some 2 million people 13 kilometers away. The molten rock stopped a few hundred meters short of city limits, but not before it destroyed about 1,000 homes, officials said.

At a briefing in Geneva, U.N. Refugee Agency (UNHCR) spokesman Boris Cheshirkov told reporters that 32 people died in incidents related to the eruption, including seven people killed by lava and five asphyxiated by gas.

He said two villages on Goma’s northern tip were destroyed, and two others were partially covered by lava. Several neighborhoods were left without electricity, and there are fears of water shortages.

Cheshirkov briefed reporters following a joint evaluation involving the DRC government, the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies. UNICEF reported that more than 150 children were separated from their families amid the chaos and more than 170 children are feared missing.

Along with the tremors, the UNHCR reports the lava lake in the volcano’s crater appears to have refilled, adding to fears of a second eruption.

Source: Voice of America


We are advised by Seegene Inc. that journalists and other readers should disregard the news release, Seegene signs exclusive supply agreement with the Kuwaiti government, issued 18-May-2021 over PR Newswire. [ Wrong distribution timing(it should be released after a week) ]

La Ligue islamique mondiale se félicite du cessez-le-feu et demande que des mesures soient prises pour répondre aux revendications des Palestiniens

MAKKAH, Arabie Saoudite, 24 mai 2021 /PRNewswire/ — La Ligue islamique mondiale (LIM) salue l’annonce d’un cessez-le-feu inconditionnel pour mettre fin aux récentes hostilités à Gaza, à Jérusalem et ailleurs. La LIM appelle maintenant à ce que des efforts immédiats soient déployés pour répondre aux revendications de longue date du peuple palestinien.

La LIM, dont le siège est situé dans la ville sainte de La Mecque et qui représente les intérêts des 1,8 milliard de musulmans dans le monde, estime que la préservation du caractère sacré de la vie pour les hommes, les femmes et les enfants innocents doit être primordiale. Trop d’innocents sont morts lors des récentes violences.

La Ligue souligne la nature pacifique du véritable islam, modéré, et souligne que les musulmans, les chrétiens et les juifs partagent un héritage abrahamique commun. Toutes nos religions considèrent comme sacrés les principes de coexistence harmonieuse et pacifique. Nous devons nous concentrer sur ces valeurs. La violence ne peut être et ne sera jamais la réponse.

La LIM exige en même temps que les autorités préservent le caractère sacré des lieux saints musulmans à Jérusalem et ailleurs, et évitent toute expulsion ou autre action provocatrice à l’encontre des Palestiniens qui risquerait seulement de raviver la crise.

Il est maintenant plus important que jamais que les dirigeants placent les intérêts de leur peuple avant tout. Nous avons besoin que toutes les parties s’unissent pour rétablir les principes fondamentaux de la paix, de la coexistence et de la compréhension par le dialogue et l’interaction. Ce n’est que grâce à un tel engagement, mené de bonne foi, que nous pourrons mieux comprendre et identifier le terrain d’entente et les valeurs partagées qui permettront à chacun de jouir d’une paix et d’une sécurité justes et totales, avec la possibilité de prospérer.

En tant qu’êtres humains, il y a tellement plus de choses qui nous unissent que de choses qui nous divisent. Et les enfants d’Abraham devraient être des partenaires dans la lutte mondiale contre l’extrémisme et le terrorisme, et rejeter ceux qui voient l’inévitabilité d’un choc des civilisations.

C’est pourquoi la LIM plaide en faveur d’une paix juste et totale qui établit un État viable pour le peuple palestinien, en utilisant l’Initiative de paix arabe comme base d’un règlement. Un tel accord garantirait non seulement aux Palestiniens d’obtenir leurs droits légitimes, mais ferait également perdurer la paix et la sécurité collective dans la région.

Seegene introduces an exclusive diagnostic system for diagnosing COVID-19 variants at ECCMID

SEOUL, Korea, May 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), a biotechnology firm specializing in molecular diagnostics has once again been recognized for its unique system for diagnosing COVID-19 variants at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology, the ECCMID.


Seegene’s Dr. Guy Willem Lee, Director of Marketing Strategy introduced the diagnostic system under the theme of “SARS-CoV-2 and Variants ‘Full Screening’ Solution” using its latest COVID-19 variant diagnostic tests. “The backdrop of Korea’s outstanding control at the onset of the pandemic is because of the one-platform diagnostic system that enables mass testing,” said Lee. He added that “the system enabled the diagnostic process from sample collection through PCR testing all at once, helping local authorities to quickly control the pandemic.”

The effectiveness of the current diagnostic system, however had been put to question due to a growing number of COVID-19 variants spreading fast, with reports saying vaccines may not offer enough protection against them. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention have previously said variants are poised to drive an increase in new cases in the U.S. in May after having projected that the global COVID-19 cases will sharply increase over the continuous surge in variants.

Referring to Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution,’ Director Lee proposed that the system will efficiently help counter the protracted COVID-19 pandemic. The ‘Full Screening Solution’ is a one-step system that can verify whether an individual has contracted coronavirus wildtype or the virus variant with a single real-time PCR test. Currently, health authorities are forced to go through an extra round of genomic sequencing to distinguish the existence of COVID-19 variants after standard PCR tests, automatically leading to a more prolonged testing time.

Against the backdrop of Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution’ are the company’s latest variant diagnostic tests, the AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay and AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay. The AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master is an ideal way of screening for the COVID-19, as it provides results of whether a person is positive of the COVID-19 or even its variants. After an initial round of testing, Seegene’s AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay will help identify multiple mutant variations in a single reaction.

The AllplexTM SARS-CoV-2 Master Assay can detect a total of 10 targets including four coronavirus genes (E gene, RdRP gene, N gene and S gene) as well as five defined virus variants notably spotted in the most recognized lineages including B1.1.7, B.1.351, P.1 and B.1.1.207. Seegene’s variant diagnostic test is the first such kind to simultaneously detect multiple coronavirus genes and differentiate virus variations, including those found to be more contagious and fatal. It’s an ideal and an economic way of screening coronavirus genes as the pandemic continues to rage with both the wildtype and its virus variants. Director Lee added “Seegene’s ‘Full Screening Solution’ will play a critical role in controlling the spread of COVID-19 pandemic amid fast spreading virus variants.”

Also at this year’s world scientific symposia, Dr. Nakmoon Sung of Seegene Medical Foundation announced outcomes of clinical researches on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 mutations, known to be associated with the variants, as well as the detection of coinfections with respiratory pathogens among COVID-19 patients. Among the COVID-19 positive cases, the proportion of SARS-CoV-2 with the COVID-19 variant associated mutations have surged to 3.5% in late February from the 1.2% a month earlier. Such clinical researches show that Seegene’s diagnostic tests are capable of screening COVID-19 and screen for variants with single PCR test. Looking at the coinfection cases, 8.8% of COVID-19 positive cases have also been coinfected with respiratory diseases including Flu A, RSV, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Reflecting on the clinical data, Dr. Sung said “swift diagnostic system is extremely critical in helping to control the resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic,” and added that “the one-step and accurate diagnostics will become the global standard in detecting coronavirus and other respiratory diseases, for the purpose of accurate treatment”.

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Eritreans in Diaspora celebrate Independence Day anniversary

Eritrean nationals in Kuwait, Republic of South Sudan, as well as Jeddah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have enthusiastically celebrated the 30th Independence Day anniversary under the theme “Resilient: As Ever”.

Accordingly, the nationals in Kuwait celebrated the Independence Day anniversary on 23 May respecting the guidelines of social distancing issued by their country of residence and renewed their pledge to strengthen contribution in national development drives.

Speaking at the celebratory event, Mr. Humed Yahya Ali, Charge d’Affairs at the Embassy of Eritrea in Kuwait stating that the Eritrean people in the past 30 years have emerged victorious in the face of hostilities and conspiracies against its independence and sovereignty said that the progress registered in curbing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is the result of the strong and integrated endeavor on the part of the Government and the people of Eritrea.

Likewise, nationals residing in the Republic of South Sudan celebrated the 30th Independence Day anniversary on 23 May in Juba in the presence of South Sudanese friends of Eritrea.

In a speech he delivered at the event, Ambassador of Eritrea to the Republic of South Sudan, Mr. Yohaness Teklemicael indicating that in the past 30 years the Eritrean people have emerged victorious by foiling various hostilities and challenges expressed conviction on every citizen to strengthen participation and contribution in the nation-building process.

Chairperson of the Eritrean Community in South Sudan, Mr. Amare Gebreab on his part highlighting the precious price paid to secure national independence and later defend hard-won sovereignty stated that Independence Day attests to the resilience and heroic feat the Eritrean people demonstrated.

In related news, the Eritrean community in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrated the 30th Independence Day anniversary by renewing their pledge to strengthen contribution and participation in the nation-building drive.

Speaking at the celebratory event, the Eritrean Consul General in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Abdurahman Osman, congratulating the Eritrean people and its Defense Forces expressed firm conviction that the national development program will be successfully implemented through popular participation.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea The productive struggle for durable peace

On May 23, 2021

Eritrea’s birthday, 24th May 1991, is a date that binds Eritreans together. The struggle of the Eritrean people is a productive struggle to establish lasting peace and complete independence. The struggle for independence assured the victory of peace and liberty over the forces of oppression. Through proper organization and guidance, the people of Eritrea have become an impregnable force capable of exerting legitimate pressure available to realize its dream. Eritrea has struggled long with determination to rid itself of the yoke of colonization and exploitation. The Eritrean people who have struggled and made untold sacrifices for their independence and freedom are now on the eve of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Independence Day.

The founding fathers of the struggle for Eritrea’s independence had sown the seeds of liberation long before the wind of independence started to waft over Eritrea in 1991. Eritrea’s struggle against colonialism and aggression is one of the longest struggles for liberation. In her long and glorious struggle, Eritrea has time and again had to struggle against overwhelming odds to achieve and maintain its independence.

Eritreans’ aspiration for national independence began after the defeat of Italy in the Second World War. But when Eritreans asked for independence the international community turned a deaf ear to their legitimate question. The British political advisor, Robert W. Mason, mocked Eritreans for their persistence saying “Eritreans are intoxicated by the idea of independence just as people who have tried alcohol for the first time in their lives.”

Eritreans were denied independence, which is the natural right of all nations. The UN passed resolution 390 A (V) to federate Eritrea with Ethiopia under the leadership of the United States purely for geopolitical reasons. The US strategic interest, as outlined by John Foster Dulles, in his well-known statement to the UN Security Council, was to keep Eritrea under Ethiopia although he acknowledged Eritreans’ right to rule themselves. Eritreans protested furiously and Ibrahim Sultan, leader of the Independence Block, forewarned the UN of the dire consequences of their resolution. He said, “If a wrong decision is taken forcing us to struggle to safeguard our identity and obtain our independence, then the members of this Committee will shoulder the responsibility for the hostilities that arise in East Africa.”

When all the avenues of peaceful and political struggle were blocked, Eritreans were left with no choice but to resort to armed struggle as a means to achieve their independence. The armed struggle that began in 1961 was a continuation of the two-decade peaceful and political struggle. In the course of the struggle, Eritreans emerged as one and united people. The armed struggle stimulated national unity, a decisive element to win in the struggle for independence. The just cause of the struggle served as a glue to unite the nine ethnic groups. The exemplary unity, perseverance, and resilience of Eritrea, now amongst its most profound cultural values, were developed during the glorious revolution. As in the past, these values are believed to bring about further progress to the nation.

Eritrea is a nation born out of the struggle for independence, peace and justice. The long fight for liberation has given the people and army of Eritrea an esprit de corps and a fighting spirit that can stand without misgiving. The unity and strength of the people are so strong that it has seen Eritrea prevail in so many trying times. Only a mere seven years after Eritrea got its hard-won independence, it was subjected to an unprovoked invasion by the TPLF-led Ethiopia. For twenty years it successfully fought against a myriad of hostilities and has preserved its independence and territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Eritrea’s independence is an outcome of persistent and productive struggle. The greatness of Eritrea’s independence comes from the great tales of difficulties eliminated by great sacrifice. Eritreans never give up and have a strong conviction that all things will work out for them. Before independence Eritreans held onto the noble mission of the struggle until the complete liberation of the country. Similarly, after independence they have stood firmly until the existential threat has been removed. The battle-hardened people of Eritrea are always courageous in the face of challenges.

As a sovereign nation and people, the anniversary of our Independence Day is a constant reminder of the need to preserve, safeguard and protect the heritage of the liberation struggle. The people of Eritrea, along with the Eritrean Defense Forces, are celebrating the 30th Independence Day with jubilation as the country continues to register successes on many fronts.

The commemoration of our Independence Day is in essence a celebration of the victory attained in the liberation struggle and in the resistance against TPLF aggression fought by the gallant fighters. Protecting the gains of this hard-won Independence is important for future progress. The Eritrean Defense Forces are commended for their vigilance and unwavering commitment to the protection of our national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

The ultimate objective of Eritrea’s productive struggle has always been to have durable peace. After winning the war, Eritrea has succeeded in laying the foundation for a united and prosperous country. The people, army, and Government of Eritrea are currently engaged in a common struggle against poverty, disease, and ignorance which are enemies of peace and development. They are now engaged in a productive struggle to add prosperity, health, and education to the independence won and maintained with heavy sacrifice.

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online Biden Administration Plans Visa Restrictions on Ethiopian Officials Over Tigray

Ethiopian refugees from the Tigray conflict gather at Um Raquba refugee camp in Gedaref, eastern Sudan, on Feb. 19. Hussein Ery/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration is planning to target Ethiopian and Eritrean officials with visa restrictions in an opening diplomatic salvo against Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government over atrocities committed in the country’s Tigray conflict, U.S. officials and congressional aides familiar with the matter tell Foreign Policy.

The visa restrictions represent a potential turning point in U.S.-Ethiopian relations, which have steadily soured since a conflict erupted in the northern Tigray region of the country last November. The conflict has sparked widespread reports of atrocities, possible mass violence along ethnic lines, and war crimes committed against civilian populations by forces in Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea.

The Biden administration has grown increasingly frustrated with Abiy’s response to the crisis after months of high-level diplomatic talks. The conflict began in November of last year when Ethiopian federal forces launched an offensive against the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the country’s former ruling party, in response to a TPLF attack on an Ethiopian military base.

The Ethiopian government has dismissed criticism of its handling of the crisis and insisted soldiers who commit atrocities will be held to account. The United Nations has said that all sides in the conflict may have committed war crimes.

The visa restrictions are seen as a shot across the bow, signaling mounting U.S. frustrations with Abiy for his handling of the conflict and failure to address mounting international concerns over the ensuing humanitarian crisis. Officials and congressional aides familiar with the matter said the Biden administration plans to further ratchet up pressure on Abiy in other ways, including upholding a halt on U.S. security assistance funding to Ethiopia and targeting World Bank and International Monetary Fund programs in the country. Officials said there are ongoing discussions about possibly leveling sanctions against Ethiopian or Eritrean officials complicit in Tigray atrocities, but no final decisions have been made.

The United States has long viewed Ethiopia as a critical partner in East Africa, but the visa sanctions could be the first sign of a strategic pivot away from Addis Ababa, said Cameron Hudson, a former U.S. diplomat and intelligence official now at the Atlantic Council.

“This is a major strategic shift in the Horn of Africa, to go from an anchor state for U.S. interests to become a potential adversary to U.S. interests,” Hudson said. “That’s a strategic shift that we have not wanted to make, and that’s what recent U.S. diplomacy has been doing, to try and salvage something that is no longer salvageable.”

The conflict in Tigray has killed an estimated thousands of people and displaced some 1.7 million people across the region, sparking a humanitarian crisis that could have knock-on effects in fragile neighboring states such as Sudan. Tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan have spiked in recent months over a border dispute and a massive Ethiopian dam project on the Nile River, which both Sudan and Egypt say threatens their water supplies.

The expected U.S. announcement on visa restrictions comes ahead of pivotal elections in Ethiopia, set to be held on June 21 and seen as a major test of whether Abiy’s democratic reforms in the country will take root.

U.S. law prohibits publicly issuing personal information on travel visas, meaning any U.S. announcement likely won’t list the names of specific individuals targeted. Several experts speculated that the list could include a range of officials, from individual Ethiopian and Eritrean soldiers to military field commanders to midlevel political figures in the country.

The State Department did not respond to a request for comment, including questions on who will be targeted by the visa restrictions. The Ethiopian Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

During its first months in office, the Biden administration has held multiple high-level discussions with its Ethiopian counterparts, urging Abiy’s government to defuse the conflict, open access to international aid organizations to Tigray to address the humanitarian crisis, and remove Eritrean troops from the region. Biden dispatched a key Senate ally, Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, to meet with Abiy in March. He later tapped a seasoned former U.S. and U.N. diplomat, Jeffrey Feltman, as his special envoy for the Horn of Africa. Those engagements have yet to yield results, however, and a growing chorus of U.S. officials and lawmakers have voiced frustration over what they see as Abiy’s failure to de-escalate the crisis.

On Friday, the Ethiopian government announced it convicted three soldiers of rape and one of killing a civilian, the first public statement that members of its military were found guilty of committing crimes in Tigray. Over two dozen more soldiers stand trial on charges of rape and killing civilians, as Reuters reported.

Regional experts and U.S. lawmakers say the Tigray conflict underscores broader tensions between ethnic groups in Ethiopia and could portend wider instability in East Africa’s most populous country. Feltman previously told Foreign Policy that if the conflict spirals into other parts of the country, it could make Syria’s civil war look like “child’s play” in comparison.

“[T]he atrocities and humanitarian suffering in Tigray is one of many ethnic and political crises challenging Ethiopia and the broader region,” Sen. James Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a written statement. “The United States should continue to press the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments to end hostilities in the Tigray region.”

The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Tigray, a move that followed a CNN investigation revealing Eritrean troops disguised as Ethiopian military units blocking humanitarian aid deliveries to Tigray.

The resolution signals a hardening line in U.S. Congress, which controls U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid budgets and funding, toward Abiy’s government. Lawmakers are pressuring the Biden administration to act more quickly and forcefully in holding Ethiopian and Eritrean officials to account, including through sanctions.

“The escalation ladder needs to jump multiple rungs,” said one congressional aide, speaking on condition of anonymity. “What we need to do is, we need to move faster. People continue to die, rapes and other atrocities continue to happen, and there needs to be an acceleration at a much faster rate here.”

Source: Dehai Eritrea Online