WHR Group publie ses résultats de référence sur la mutation des employés

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, 25 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), un leader mondial dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale, a mené une étude de référence mondiale sur la mobilité interrogeant certaines des plus grandes entreprises américaines opérant dans une variété de secteurs. Les conclusions mettent en lumière la manière dont les entreprises ont changé leurs politiques de mutation des employés, même pendant l’année 2020 et la pandémie. Les répondants comprenaient du personnel d’entreprise travaillant dans les secteurs des ressources humaines, de la gestion de la mobilité, de la gestion des talents ainsi que des avantages sociaux et de la rémunération. Voici quelques-unes des conclusions :

  • Les avantages de la mutation sont toujours solides, malgré la pandémie de COVID-19.
  • 85 % des entreprises offrent un certain type d’avantage sur les ventes immobilières aux personnes mutées.
  • 67 % des répondants ont connu une pénurie de talents mais incluent leur programme de mobilité dans les stratégies de recrutement des candidats.
  • Les prestations forfaitaires sont tendances mais sont souvent utilisées en complément des indemnités de déménagement de base par rapport à un forfait de prestations autonome.

Plus de 57 % des personnes interrogées ont un programme de mutation international et 88 % ont des politiques de transfert permanent international ou d’expatriation. Plus de 50 % ont estimé que les lois sur l’immigration constituaient la partie la plus difficile des mutations internationales en Afrique et en Asie. Pour l’Afrique, les lois sur l’immigration et le climat politique ont été rapportés comme créant les plus grands défis. Pour l’Asie, les lois sur l’immigration et la barrière linguistique constituent les plus grandes difficultés. Les logements temporaires, les services de destination et l’installation, les articles ménagers, l’assistance en matière de visas et d’immigration et l’aide fiscale sont considérés comme des avantages essentiels pour les mutations et les affectations internationales.

Sur les 68,5 % qui proposent des frais de clôture à destination, 76,5 % ne plafonnent pas cet avantage, même si le plafonnement de l’aide est un moyen de contrôler les coûts organisationnels. La plupart des entreprises ont indiqué créer des forfaits d’avantages basés sur le bénéficiaire moyen, qui ne tiennent pas toujours compte des cultures individuelles et de la dynamique familiale. Cela peut entraîner des demandes d’exceptions à la politique de la part des employés.

Téléchargez le rapport de référence complet de WHR.

À propos de WHR Group, Inc.
WHR est une société de gestion des mutations des employés mondiale privée, axée sur le client, distinguée par sa prestation de services meilleure de sa catégorie et sa technique exclusive de pointe. WHR possède des bureaux à Milwaukee, dans le Wisconsin, en Suisse et à Singapour. Avec son taux de rétention de la clientèle de 100 % au cours des dix dernières années, WHR continue de se positionner en tant que fournisseur de confiance dans le domaine de la mutation des employés à l’échelle mondiale. http://www.whrg.com,   LinkedIn, Twitter et Facebook.

Contact auprès des médias : Mindy Stroiman, rédactrice d’entreprise

WHR Group Releases Employee Relocation Benchmark Results

MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WHR Group, Inc. (WHR), a leader in the global employee relocation industry, conducted a Global Mobility Benchmark study surveying some of the largest U.S. companies from a variety of industries. Findings shed light on how companies have changed their employee relocation policies, even during 2020 and a pandemic. Respondents included corporate staff working in HR, mobility management; talent management; and benefits and compensation departments. Some findings include the following:

  • Relocation benefits are still going strong even with the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 85% of companies offer some type of home sale benefit to transferees.
  • 67% of respondents have experienced a talent shortage but include their mobility program in candidate recruitment strategies.
  • Lump sum benefits are trending but often used as a complement to basic relocation benefits versus a standalone benefit package.

Over 57% surveyed have an international relocation program, and 88% have expatriate or international permanent transfer policies. Over 50% found immigration laws to be the most challenging part of international relocations with Africa and Asia reported as the most challenging. For Africa, immigration laws and political climate were reported as creating the greatest challenges. For Asia, immigration laws and language barrier created the greatest challenges. Temporary housing; destination services and settling in; household goods; Visa and immigration assistance; and tax assistance are considered core benefits for international transfers and assignments.

Of the 68.5% offering destination closing costs, 76.5% don’t cap this benefit, even though capping the support is a way to control organizational costs. Most companies reported creating benefit packages based on the average transferee, not always considering individual cultures and family dynamics. This can lead to policy exception requests by employees.

Download WHR’s Complete Benchmark Report.

About WHR Group, Inc.
WHR is a privately owned, client-driven global employee relocation management company distinguished by best-in-class service delivery and cutting-edge, proprietary technology. WHR has offices in Milwaukee, Wis., Switzerland, and Singapore. With its 100% client retention rate for the past decade, WHR continues to position itself as the trusted provider in global employee relocation. http://www.whrg.com,  LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

Media Contact: Mindy Stroiman, Corporate Writer

Blue California Opens New Possibilities in Functional Food and Beverages Following Dihydroquercetin (DHQ) GRAS Status

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., May 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blue California’s Taxifolin BC-DHQ® with super antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties is now Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) in a range of foods and beverages following a letter of no objection from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Naturally found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, Dihydroquercetin (DHQ), also known as taxifolin, is a flavonoid commonly found in apples, olive oil and red onions. As a flavonoid, taxifolin possesses powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may support immune health.

“This GRAS status is good news for consumers and brands alike, because it opens new doors for brands to create products that will excite health-conscious consumers,” said Dr. Linda May-Zhang, research, science and innovation officer at Blue California. “DHQ is a powerful antioxidant that has a greater antioxidant capacity when compared to vitamin C, and it is ideal in a variety of on-trend food applications, including beverages, yogurt and chocolate products.”

Health-conscious consumers are actively exploring new functional food and beverages for supporting immune health and wellness. Immune health will remain a top priority for consumers as 64% of global consumers are looking to improve their immunity over the next 12 months, reported by FMCG Gurus, Top Ten Trends for 2021, Dec. 2020.

DHQ seeks and neutralizes free radicals in the body, and its unique molecular structure makes it especially effective at preventing cellular damage. It can also play an important role in skin health since it protects cells and stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin.

“Taxifolin BC-DHQ has much to offer as a powerful antioxidant in food and beverages as it provides improved color stability for beverages, extends shelf life, and enhances flavor,” said May-Zhang. “Not only is DHQ regarded as a promising ingredient to immune health, it may also be used in cosmetic applications for anti-aging and UV-protection.”

Blue California offers food and beverage manufacturers its high purity Taxifolin BC-DHQ made by a sustainable process. Innovation partner Conagen developed a clean, reliable, and scalable DHQ using its proprietary bioconversion process, resulting in a sustainable production method.

“Conagen is unlocking novel compounds from nature which are more sustainable and offer better options for ingredient applications, said Dr. Casey Lippmeier, vice president of innovation at Conagen. “Our ability to rapidly scale-up and commercialize this and other novel ingredient solutions demonstrates our strength as a strategic service partner.”

Taxifolin BC-DHQ,® is a registered trademark of Blue California, Inc.

About Blue California

Blue California is an entrepreneurial, science-based solutions provider and manufacturer of clean, natural, and sustainable ingredients used in food, beverage, flavor, fragrance, dietary supplements, personal care and cosmetic products. For more than 25 years, Blue California has built a strong reputation for creating value in these diverse natural product and nature-inspired industries.

About Conagen

Conagen is making the impossible possible. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop sustainable, nature-based molecules bio-manufactured into the highest quality products available. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries. For more information, visit www.conagen.com


Ana Arakelian
Blue California ingredients

US politicization of tech supply chains is both risky and costly

BEIJING, May 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by China.org.cn on US politicization of tech supply chains is both risky and costly.

In 2019, the Trump administration unleashed its “tech war” on China, with the goal of blocking China’s development in high tech sectors by preventing targeted companies from procuring components manufactured in the United States.

As the White House ramped up its hostility toward Beijing, it intensified its measures. The most notable target was the Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, which was first placed on the commerce department’s “entity list” putting it under export controls. Later, it was also subjected to the “foreign direct product rule,” which unilaterally banned overseas companies who use U.S. patents in their own semiconductor production from supplying the company.

A staff member works at a workshop of a semiconductor company in Shanghai, east China, Feb. 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Even though President Joe Biden has since taken office, he has yet to reverse these decisions. Instead, he has pressed on in the mold of an “America First” policy when it comes to semiconductors with the goal of consolidating a U.S. monopoly of the industry and controlling “technologies of the future.”

What have been the consequences of these decisions? In fact, they have had adverse effects for America and the world at large.

The aggressive politicization of the semiconductor sector against the world’s second largest economy is disrupting a global supply chain, reversing globalization and creating an effect of “localization.”

China has massively boosted its investment in semiconductor capabilities on a whole-of-society scale, while America has created political risks for tech firms who rely on their supplies. On an organizational level, firms have been bulk buying semiconductor and lithography manufacturing equipment from the Netherlands, Japan and South Korea, as well as panic buying semiconductors to hedge against potential future restrictions. Companies are losing confidence in traditional suppliers.

This uncertainty has created a global shortage in semiconductors, which is causing risks to the global economy. The shortage has created delays in the manufacturing and supply of electronic consumer goods and automobiles, which has forced many factories around the world to postpone production and furlough workers. For example, Nissan’s Sunderland factory in the U.K. was forced to slow production for three weeks due to a lack of semiconductors. Another consequence has been growing inflation, which undoubtedly contributed to the unexpected surge in the U.S. consumer price index, which jittered global markets last week.

These adverse outcomes show that weaponizing technology supply chains against China will not make America better off. Localized supply chains are more expensive and will cost the U.S. considerable market share as Beijing develops its own industry. This year, China will commence production of 7-nanometer nodes and quickly cede dependency on lower nodes, with Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) investing in a $2.35 billion chip foundry in Shenzhen set to produce 28-nm integrated circuits. This has allowed companies such as Huawei to continue developing their 5G networks despite U.S. sanctions.

In China, government investment in the sector has already amounted to $150 billion, while earmarked investment for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25) extends to $1 trillion. While this is seen as a political necessity, few disagree that an open-ended global industry remains preferential. Leading foreign semiconductor companies still seek to compete within the Chinese semiconductor market due to its growing economy and surging demand, showing the dangers of upheaving this market.

In this case, it is worth noting that one thing is certain when it comes to current U.S. policy: Weaponizing semiconductors creates a “lose-lose” situation, carving up a global industry into localized spheres, creating a fractured market and raising prices. That being said, it will still not block China’s technological advances.

For all involved, it is a costly and unpredictable path with knock on effects all the way down to the ordinary consumer.

Tom Fowdy is a British political and international relations analyst and a graduate of Durham and Oxford universities. He writes on topics pertaining to China, the DPRK, Britain and the U.S. For more information please visit: http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/TomFowdy.htm

Opinion articles reflect the views of their authors, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.

If you would like to contribute, please contact us at opinion@china.org.cn.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1517521/image1.jpg


Anaqua Acquires Actio IP to Offer Integrated Tech-Enabled Foreign Filing Solutions

Acquisition expands Anaqua’s offerings with easy-to-use platform, supported by exceptional customer service, to help IP practitioners streamline their global filings process

BOSTON, May 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced that it has acquired tech-enabled IP services company Actio IP from Acapo AS. The transaction further strengthens Anaqua’s strategic line of IP management solutions, offering corporations and law firms an intuitive, transparent, and efficient experience in managing the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) National Phase and European Patent (EP) Validation filing processes.

Anaqua will continue to enhance Actio IP’s tech-enabled foreign filing services platform, ACTIO Portal, while significantly investing in the integration of the services with Anaqua’s IP management software and payment services. Actio IP, which also offers IP renewals, will add incremental volume to Anaqua’s existing payments business.

“Both companies share a deep commitment to leveraging technology to optimize the IP workflow process,” said Christine Jennings, President of Anaqua Services, who will lead the new business unit. “We believe this combination will enhance the customer experience by pairing our existing payments business with another high-quality service that can be seamlessly-integrated with our software platforms and other offerings.”

All Actio IP employees will join Anaqua as part of the acquisition, as the business expands its current operations in Bergen, Norway under the management of Actio IP executives Spencer Vold-Burgess and Anders Osa-Svanberg, who will both report to Christine Jennings.

“The combination of the two companies will serve to address the growing demand for increased efficiency in global filings,” said Spencer Vold-Burgess, who will join Anaqua as Director, Client Services. “Since our initial interactions with Anaqua, it has been clear that we share the same goals in providing unparalleled IP solutions and customer service to help our clients streamline IP management processes. Our team has been impressed with Anaqua’s global scale and client base, and look forward to joining the Anaqua team and innovating to better serve this evolving industry.”

“Anaqua will be a great partner for Actio IP going forward,” said Hilde Vold-Burgess, Managing Partner of Acapo. “This acquisition will strengthen Actio IP’s capacity to pursue strategic growth initiatives and continue delivering innovative solutions to the IP industry. We wish Actio IP and the team all the best under the Anaqua umbrella, and look forward to continuing using their services as they enter this next phase of scaling.”

Latham & Watkins LLP and Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS served as legal counsel to Anaqua.

About Anaqua
Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services. Anaqua’s AQX platform combines best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech-enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision-making, and streamline IP operations. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua’s solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators in large and medium-sized companies use the platform for their IP management needs. The company’s global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For additional information, please visit anaqua.com, or on LinkedIn.

About Actio IP
Actio IP AS was founded in 2009 with the goal of developing Intellectual Property (IP) solutions to reduce costs and administration. Based in Norway, Actio IP is a team of patent and trademark professionals who understand the needs and complex demands of the IP industry, what is involved in developing and managing complex portfolios, and the importance of creating strong international relationships. The company provides administrative services for IP professionals via the ACTIO Portal. Through the portal, users access a one-stop global platform for streamlining global filings, validations and renewals. The portal provides a gateway to international top-tier IP firms, giving flexibility and providing cost and time savings. The ACTIO Portal is an advanced and automated platform. Combined with an experienced IP administration team, this simplifies customers’ global IP filings, validations and renewals to free up time for higher-value tasks. For more information, visit actio.no, or on LinkedIn.

About Acapo
Acapo is one of the leading Intellectual Property consultancy firms in Norway with offices in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Fredrikstad. The firm’s services include advisory services within all fields of IPR. Filing and prosecution of applications for European and Norwegian patents is within Acapo’s core field of business and their lawyers attend to litigation of cases pertaining to i.e. patents, trademarks and marketing law. The highly skilled staff of Acapo also handle filing of applications for Norwegian and European trademark and design registrations. As a full-service IPR-firm, Acapo also attend to maintenance of patents, and design and trademark registrations. For more information, visit acapo.no, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Amanda Hollis
Associate Director, Communications

Ethiopian Region of Tigray at ‘Serious Risk’ of Famine, Warns Top UN Official

A senior UN official warned the Security Council on Tuesday that urgent measures are needed to avoid famine in the war-torn region of Tigray in Ethiopia, in a briefing seen by AFP.

“There is a serious risk of famine if assistance is not scaled up in the next two months,” wrote Mark Lowcock, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

More than six months after Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched what he termed a “rapid” military operation, the fighting and abuses continue in Tigray, where the specter of a famine has been hovering for several months.

“Concrete measures are urgently needed to break the vicious cycle between armed conflict, violence and food insecurity,” said Lowcock in his two-and-a-half page note.

“I urge members of the Security Council and other Member States to take any steps possible to prevent a famine from occurring,” he said.

“Today, at least 20% of the population in that area face emergency food insecurity,” the British official said, adding that “destruction and violence against civilians continue even now across Tigray.”

“In the six and a half months since the start of the conflict in Tigray in early November 2020 an estimated two million people have been displaced. Civilians are being killed and injured,” he added.

“Rape and other forms of abhorrent sexual violence are widespread and systematic. Public and private infrastructure and objects indispensable to the survival of civilians have been destroyed, including hospitals and agricultural land,” he warned.

The UN official estimated that “over 90% of the harvest was lost due to looting, burning, or other destruction, and that 80% of the livestock in the region were looted or slaughtered.”

“Despite improvements in March and the cooperation of authorities at the local level, humanitarian access on the whole has recently deteriorated,” Lowcock wrote.

“Humanitarian operations are being attacked, obstructed or delayed in delivering life-saving assistance. Eight aid workers have been killed in Tigray in the last six months.”

Source: Voice of America

Regional Envoys to Visit Mali After Military Detains Transition Leaders

A delegation from the regional bloc ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) is heading to Mali Tuesday, a day after the West African nation’s military detained the president and prime minister.

A joint statement issued Tuesday by ECOWAS, the United Nations, African Union and other international bodies called for the release of President Bah N’Daw and Prime Minister Moctar Ouane, who were detained in the capital, Bamako, and taken to the military’s headquarters in nearby Kati.

President N’daw and Prime Minister Ouane, along with Defense Minister Souleymane Doucoure, were seized hours after announcing a cabinet reshuffle that left out two members of the military.

The two men were chosen to head a civilian transitional government last year, just a month after the military seized power after ousting then-President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. The transitional government was created to lay the groundwork for presidential and legislative elections by next February.

Mali has been in turmoil since then-President Amadou Toumani Touré was toppled in a military coup in 2012 that led ethnic Tuareg rebels to seize control of several northern towns, which were then taken over by Islamic insurgents. France deployed forces to repel the insurgents the following year, but the rebels have continued to operate in rural areas.

Source: Voice of America