Boulgou: 2024 Annual Educational Conference of CEB Bittou Teachers


Ouagadougou: Teachers from the Bittou basic education district (CEB) held their 2024 annual educational conference, from September 10 to 13, 2024 in Bittou.

The teachers of the CEB of Bittou, like the other CEBs, held their annual pedagogical conference 2024 in Bittou on September 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2024 under the direction of the head of the basic education district, Soumayda Yaméogo.

The opening ceremony took place in the youth center of the Bittou commune. It was chaired by the first Vice-President of the Bittou special delegation, Zampaligré/Kambone Awa.

Divided into 3 sites, the participants were able to learn the content of the CE1 and CE2 class curricula and their supporting tools for 4 days.

The framework of the new API approach as well as the development of lesson sheets (API), and the design of integration situations followed by their use and transfer were also the subject of the work.

At the closing ceremony on the 4th day, the teachers firmly resolved to reinvest their acquired knowledge in e
ducational activities for the benefit of learners.

Source: Burkina Information Agency