Houses damaged by hailstorm and strong wind


Eleven houses where destroyed by strong winds and rain at Onderombapa in the Aminuis Constituency of the Omaheke Region on Thursday.

Families in the settlement were left destitute after the heavy rain left them with houses with roofs blown away, walls destroyed, crops destroyed and one vehicle wrecked.

Representing the Omaheke Regional Council, Aminuis Constituency councillor Peter Kazongominja affirmed that 11 houses were destroyed, saying the regional disaster risk management was tasked to assess the situation and will decide on the way forward. He urged the government to approach this situation differently than in other previous disasters.

‘We had the same problem at Otjongombe two years back and up to date nothing was done to assist our people, we did the same thing we are doing now assessing the situation. I am urging our government to act this time so that we assist our people,’ Kazongominja said.

Naomi Kandjii, the 72-year-old owner of the car smashed by a tree during the storm told this agency tha
t it was a great loss to her and others who were affected directly and indirectly by the storm.

‘As you can see that car is totally destroyed, I am stranded, I do not know what to do right now. No one sustained any injuries although some of those big trees fell on our roofs. I am pleading to our government to come to our aid, we need food as our food was destroyed too,’ she said.

Other villagers from that area claimed that the rain lasted only for half an hour and was accompanied by a very strong wind, something they said rarely happened there.

Terii Kanguvi, senior traditional councillor in the Ovaherero Traditional Authority said the rain came very fast and caused the damages, adding they received 80mm in just a few minutes.

‘We are busy now trying to assist where we can and we are also asking for anyone who can help during this difficult time to come forth, while we are waiting on the government to help our people with destroyed houses and properties,’ Kanguvi said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency