PM urges local authoruties to continue fostering development


Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said local authorities play a leading role in fostering socio-economic development in their local areas, by ensuring efficient services and attracting and nurturing business activities.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila made the remarks during the official opening of the good governance, leadership and project management training for the Association of Local Authorities Namibia (ALAN) in collaboration with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Ongwediva on Wednesday.

‘It is critical that their governance systems are robust, with the capacity and resilience to deal with the complex challenges, able to rapidly adapt to change, and ensure that their human resources possess the necessary skills and competencies to ensure optimal performance of local authorities and effective public service delivery,’ she said.

She added that local authorities are the first point of contact with government by residents and businesses in urban areas and their society is becoming
more and more urbanised.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila emphasised that government policies are geared toward achieving human-centered development, where economic growth and development translate into improved welfare conditions for their communities.

Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, indicated at the same occasion that some councils do not use the public resources prudently, with some forms of wrong priorities, abuses of public funds, abuse of power, tribalism, victimisation and intimidation taking place.

According to Uutoni, some councillors have signatory power at their office and do administrative work when they are elected to be decision-makers for good governance.

‘This training should therefore remind us that our responsibilities entail ensuring appropriate governance structure that will enable the citizen to take part in planning and in bringing about development, as well as the provision of basic infrastructure and services for them to live a decent and dignified life,’ he added.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency