Geingob delivers Namibia’s position on BRICS-Africa Outreach


President Hage Geingob has called on BRICS nations to continue to make the international order more just and favourable to peace and development for all.

President Geingob delivered Namibia’s position on the BRICS-Africa Outreach and the BRICS Plus Dialogues sessions in Johannesburg on Thursday, saying these approaches would break down the barriers of division, confrontation, and conflict.

BRICS is an informal grouping of emerging market countries that seek to establish deeper ties between their nations and cooperate on economic expansion, including trade. The countries act as a balance against traditional Western influence, seeking to depend on each other for growing influence in the world.

Geingob said Namibia supports the expansion of BRICS to include other countries, but cautions against exclusive and divisive conditions as six more countries are set to join the grouping as of next year.

‘We hope that BRICS will not be divided like the United Nations which has a Security Council for the few with veto powers and the General Assembly for the majority of member states who don’t enjoy the same privilege of a veto,’ he said.

He said the historical dominance of the Bretton Woods financial institutions whose modus operandi is built on loan conditionalities and political prescriptions, which has at times bordered on disregard for national sovereignty, has increased the appetite among many nations for a counterweight such as BRICS.

Geingob urged fellow Heads of State to critically elaborate on how an expanded BRICS plus would function in the interest of all members.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency