785 big and mid-size dams constructed

The documents from the Cartography and Information Center indicate that in the past 30 years of Independence 785 big and small dams have been constructed that have significantly contributed in alleviating water problem both to humans and livestock.

According to Mr. Getachew Merhatsion, head of the Cartography and Information Center, the dams include 557 dams that could hold from 10 to 100 thousand cubic meters of water, 198 dams that could hold from 100 thousand to one million cubic meters of water and 30 dams that could hold from one to 330 million cubic meters of water.

Mr. Getachew went on to say that some of the big dams that have been constructed in past 30 years of Independence include Kerkebet dam that could hold 330 million cubic meters of water, Gahtelai Dam 50 million cubic meters of water, Misilam Dam 35 million cubic meters of water, Logo Dam 31 million cubic meters of water, Gerset Dam 20 million cubic meters of water, Fanco-Rawi Dam 20 cubic meters of water, Fanco-Tsimu 14 million cubic meters of water and Bademit Dam 17 million cubic meters of water.

Regarding small dams and micro-dams, Mr. Getachew said that 164 small and micro-dams have been constructed in Anseba region, 338 in the Southern region, 145 in Gash Barka, 115 in the Central region, 23 in the Northern Red Sea region and as a result from 85 to 90% of nationals residing in cities and towns and 75% of nationals in rural areas have become beneficiaries of potable water supply.

Mr. Getachew further noted that strong experience has been gained in the construction of dams, supply of raw materials as well as in developing human capacity in various levels and that will have significant contribution in the future national development programs.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea