Education Key to Eliminate Gender Inequality, Gaps in Many Spheres: AUC Deputy Chairperson

Addis Ababa: Education is instrumental in eliminating gender inequality and closing the gaps in social, economic and political spheres, African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson Monique Nsanzabaganwa said.

The First African Union (AU) Pan-African Conference on Girls and Women’s Education is taking place at the Headquarters of the AU in Addis Ababa.

Opening the conference today, Nsanzabaganwa said the conference provides opportunity to focus on promoting and protecting girls and women’s education in the continent.

According to her, the AUC has been taking numerous initiatives to spearhead the processes pertaining to the promotion and protection of girls and women’s education in the continent as it considers education key driver for development.

‘We all agree that education as resource is a game changer in our daily lives. Particularly for women’s empowerment, it helps to eliminate gender inequality, closing the gaps in social, economic and political spheres,’ she noted.

AU Education, Science, Technolo
gy and Innovation Commissioner, Professor Mohammed Belhocine pointed out that access to inclusive and quality learning is instrumental in addressing most of the challenges in the continent.

The event holds in recognition of 2024 as the African Union Year of Education, which is currently running under the theme, ‘Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa’.

The four-day conference has brought together all key voices on girls and women’s education on the continent.

The participants are expected to deliberate on strategic methods of positioning equitable access to quality education and skills development for girls and women during the AU theme of the year 2024 and beyond.

Delegates will, among other things, collectively evaluate the status of girls and women’s education in Africa, galvanize support for financing girls’ education, and strengthen advocacy toward high-level adoption of
gender transformative policies and frameworks, it was learned.

The conference is organized in collaboration with UN Agencies, AU organs and departments, development partners, organizations promoting girls and women’s education, youth champions on girls’ education.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Online Consultation Platform to Gather Public Opinion on Draft Bills Inaugurated

Addis Ababa: Online consultation platform, code named E-Consultation, developed to gather public opinion on draft bills inaugurated today.

The online platform is prepared by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology in collaboration with Ministry of Justice and EU.

The online application would enable the public to post their opinions and recommendations on draft laws and regulation that are issued by various institutions prior to their final approval.

State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yishirun Alemayhu said on the occasion that the online technology will be instrumental to redress grievances that might be voiced by the public and will help to enhance public participation by expressing their opinions on draft laws and regulation online before they are approved.

He added that the Ministry of Innovation and Technology is working with stakeholders to ensure equity in the administration of justice by using digital technologies.

Justice State Minister Belayehun Yirga said that the E-Consultation
will curtail physical presence of the public in their attempts to forward their comments and suggestions as it would enable them provide comment right from where they are.

He added that a directive that provides for the participation of the public on drafting laws is prepared to ensure that public opinions and comments are properly incorporated in the process of drafting bills.

Representative of the EU, Leul Habte for his part stated that the EU will continue to support Ethiopia’s efforts to increase efficiency on trade.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Ministry of Justice have inked MoU pertaining to their collaboration to ensure the effective utilization of the new technology that has just been developed.

State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yisherun Alemayehu and State Minister of Justice Belayihun Yirga has signed the MoU on behalf of their respective ministries.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian New Flight to Warsaw Strengthens Trade, Investment

Addis Ababa: State Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Misganu Arga highlighted that the commencement of Ethiopian Airlines new flight to Warsaw, the capital of Poland, instrumental to boost trade and investment between Ethiopia and Poland.

The inaugural flight to Warsaw, Poland commenced yesterday evening, with plans to operate the route four times a week.

The launching event was attended by several government officials and invited guests including Ethiopian Foreign Affairs State Ministers, Misganu Arga and Birtukan Ayano as well as State Minister of Transport and Logistics Dengue Boru, Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mesfin Tassew and Ambassador of Poland to Ethiopia, Przemyslaw Bobak.

During the occasion, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Misganu Arga said that the start of the flight is important to strengthen the political and economic ties between the two countries.

He highlighted that both countries have opportunities for collaboration in technology, agriculture, infrastructure, and ot
her fields. Hence, the ambassador emphasized that the launch of this flight will create new opportunities for closer cooperation between th countries.

He also noted that the flight will also greatly benefit in enhancing connections between Poland and Africa.

Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO, Mesfin Tasew said that launching a new destination to Poland is an additional achievement as the airline is rapidly expanding its international destinations.

This will increase the share of the airline in the international air transport network, especially in the European market. The flight to Warsaw will expand the airline’s European destinations to 24.

He also pointed out that the start of the flight is of great importance to increase the investment and trade ties between the two countries and to strengthen people-to-people relations.

The move is consistent with the airline’s strategic goal of connecting Africa to the rest of the world and promoting trade and tourism on the continent.

Polish Ambassador to Ethiopia,
Przemyslaw Bobak, stated that the commencement of the flight will strengthen economic and political relations between the two countries.

The new route, from Addis Ababa to Warsaw via Athens, will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Return flight from Warsaw to Addis Ababa via Athens will be carried out on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Ethiopian Airlines continues to be a leading airline in Africa and a global player in the aviation industry offering convenient travel options with seamless connections to more than 135 global destinations.

As the airline celebrates its 78th anniversary this year, the addition of Warsaw into its network further solidifies the airline’s position as a key player in the African aviation market and beyond.

With its more than 60 destinations in Africa, Ethiopian is playing a key role in bringing Africa closer to the world and now to Poland in particular.

Ethiopian Airlines aims to achieve an annual revenue of 25 billion USD and transport 67 m
illion passengers per year by 2035 as part of its vision, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

UN Launches Global Campaign to Enhance Road Safety

Addis Ababa: The United Nations launched a new global road safety campaign to improve traffic safety and create inclusive, safe and sustainable streets.

Starting in New York, the campaign will run through 2025, reaching approximately 1,000 cities in more than 80 countries through billboards, social media and other platforms.

Under the motto MakeASafetyStatement, the campaign will also amplify the core messages of the New Decade of Action for Road Safety, which aims to halve the number of road-related victims by 2030.

‘Road safety is not high enough on the political agenda in most countries. While we know the remedies to road crashes, action is lagging behind,’ UN Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, said.

‘With this campaign, together with the celebrities that are joining us, and our partners JCDecaux and Saatchi and Saatchi, we are trying to revert this and mobilize the political will that is needed to increase actions and financing to save millions of lives,’ he added.

Thus far, 14 celebrities, in
cluding tennis legend Novak Djokovic, Oscar-winning actress and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh, and supermodel Naomi Campbell, have pledged their support to campaign.

Each contributed their own statement, such as ‘I drive slow’ or ‘I don’t drive under the influence.’

At a press briefing at UN Headquarters in New York, Todt highlighted that road accidents are the ‘number one killer’ for individuals aged 5 to 29, with the vast majority in low- and middle-income countries.

He noted that each year, 1.2 million people die on the road, and a further 40 to 50 million are injured, many seriously.

‘It is a burden for the victims [and] for the family, but it is also a high cost for the countries,’ Todt continued, adding that the ‘prescriptions’ for this issue include education, communication, law enforcement, alongside quality of roads, and vehicles.

As a motor racing executive and former rally car co-driver, Special Envoy Todt highlighted that simple measures like fastening seatbelts in both front and rea
r seats or wearing a helmet could significantly improve safety.

Additionally, drivers and riders must refrain from using drugs, alcohol, or phones while operating a vehicle, and should avoid speeding.

The campaign launch follows the recent adoption of a resolution by the General Assembly to improve road safety worldwide.

Adopted last week, the resolution calls for increased efforts to reduce road deaths and injuries by implementing the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.

It urges Member States to ensure that road safety becomes a ‘political priority,’ inviting those that have not yet done so to ‘consider adopting comprehensive legislation on key risk factors’ such as the non-use of seat belts, child restraints, and helmets, as well as drinking and driving, and speeding.

Member States are also encouraged to create ‘ministerial coordination mechanisms’, notably among the health, transport, education, infrastructure, interior, and environment ministries, to address cross-cutting

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Benishangul-Gumuz Region to Cultivate Over 1.2 Million Hectares This Rainy Season

Addis Ababa: The Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State of Ethiopia has initiated plans to cultivate 1.2 million hectares of land during this rainy season, Region’s President Ashadli Hassan said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Regional State’s President Ashadli Hassan revealed that the region is focusing its efforts on contributing to the national goal of enhancing agricultural productivity and ensuring food security.

He highlighted the encouraging progress made in transforming the region’s resources into development opportunities since the recent reforms.

He noted significant advancements in agriculture, mining, and livestock sectors, aimed at increasing citizen participation and benefits.

The President pointed out the steady growth in agricultural productivity within the region. As an example, he cited the 2023/24 Summer farming season, during which 1.1 million hectares were cultivated, yielding 28 million quintals of produce.

Building on this success, preparations have been completed to cultivate 1.2
million hectares in the 2024/25 Summer farming season, with work already underway.

Ashadli also discussed the implementation of the “Bounty of the Basket” initiative in the region. This program has established specialized villages for poultry, meat, and dairy production, tailored to local conditions. He emphasized that this initiative has particularly benefited citizens with lower incomes.

The success of the “Bounty of the Basket” program has also attracted investors, encouraging broader investment in the sector, according to Ashadli.

Beyond development efforts, the Chief Administrator stressed the importance of establishing sustainable peace in the region. He mentioned that inclusive, community-driven peace-building initiatives have yielded tangible results.

As a prime example, Ashadli noted that armed groups previously operating in the region have accepted the government’s peace offer and transitioned to civilian life, marking a significant step towards regional stability

Source: Ethiopian News Agen

Ethiopia Aims to Boost Honey Production to 375,000 Tons

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s Ministry of Agriculture announced plan to produce 375,000 tons of honey during the 2024/25 fiscal year through its ongoing ‘Bounty of the Basket’ (Yelemat Tirufat) development initiative.

the ‘Bounty of the Basket’ is a national agricultural development program being implemented across the country to improve dairy, poultry, egg, honey, fish and meat production.

This initiative also aims to solidify Ethiopia’s position as a global leader in honey production.

Head of the Bee and Silk Resource Development Desk at the Ministry of Agriculture, Aziza Ayalew, highlighted Ethiopia’s current standing as the top honey producer in Africa and tenth globally.

The country’s success in this sector is attributed to its year-round bee-friendly flora, over 2 million beekeepers, diverse climate ecosystems, and more than 12 million bee colonies.

Aziza said Ethiopia’s potential for honey and beeswax production is substantial, with studies indicating an annual capacity of 500,000 tons of honey and 50
,000 tons of beeswax.

The country has consistently exceeded its production targets, as evidenced in this concluding fiscal year performance, where over 207,000 tons of honey and 13 tons of beeswax were produced, surpassing the initial goals, he said.

Beekeeping has been identified as a crucial economic driver that complements other agricultural activities.

Research has shown that bee cultivation significantly enhances the productivity of coffee, crops, oilseeds, avocado, mango, and various fruits and vegetables.

The success in honey production has also created employment opportunities, particularly for youth, by promoting beekeeping as a viable career option.

According to the head, the Green Legacy and ‘Bounty of the Basket’ development initiatives have further boosted honey yields by enabling bees to forage from both natural and artificial forests, as well as agricultural crops.

Ethiopia has begun exporting honey to European markets, contributing to its foreign exchange earnings.

To capitalize on
this opportunity, the government is developing strategies to increase honey exports and improve production processes, the head said.

Aziza further stated that the country boasts 11 distinct types of honey, each with unique properties. He also emphasized the nutritional benefits of honey consumption, highlighting its potential to improve dietary health.

By aligning with the ‘Bounty of the Basket’ program and enhancing beekeepers’ capabilities, Ethiopia has managed to increase the average annual honey harvesting frequency to four times per year, significantly boosting overall production.

As Ethiopia continues to invest in its beekeeping sector, it aims to strengthen its position in the global honey market while promoting sustainable agricultural practices and rural economic development.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, Somalia Reiterate Commitment to Peaceful Resolution of Differences

Addis Ababa: Foreign Affairs Ministers of Ethiopia and Somalia reiterated their commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences, and expressed their appreciation to Trkiye for its facilitation, as well as its constructive contributions.

At the invitation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Trkiye, Hakan Fidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Taye Atske-Selassie, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi convened on 1 of July, 2024 in Ankara.

The Ministers, through Trkiye’s facilitation, were able to separately have a candid, cordial and forward-looking exchange concerning their differences and explored perspectives towards addressing them within a mutually acceptable framework.

The Ministers of Somalia and Ethiopia reiterated their commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences, and expressed their appreciation to Trkiye for its facilitation, as well as its constructive contributions.

According to a press release issu
ed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia today, the ministers agreed to pursue the ongoing dialogue with a view to resolving their issues and ensuring regional stability.

The Ministers agreed to meet in Ankara on 2nd of September 2024 to have a second round of discussions.

Both parties expressed their appreciation to His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Trkiye for this initiative.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency