FG to train 5m artisans

The Industrial Training Fund (ITF), says it has concluded arrangements to train five million artisans annually, to enhance technical and vocational skills in Nigeria.

It also warned against quack training centres across the country.

Dr Afiz Ogun, Director-General of the Fund, said this at the inaugural meeting on Implementation of Skill Up Artisans (SUPA) programme for Executives of Enlisted Skills training Centers (ESTCs).

Ogun said the training was to upskill the talent of artisans in their various fields of profession.

He said the training would have its phase of selection, adding that about 100 thousand artisans would be trained in each of the phases.

He said the first phase would commence before the end of June, adding that the training would transform the skills acquisition space in Nigeria.

‘The training will be phase by phase and bit by bit; we will be selecting about 100,000 artisans for the training.

‘When we are through with the number, we select another phase, we must make sure we cover the
five million artisans every year, just as the presidency directed us.

‘The names and various centres where the trainings will commence will be published in various national daily newspapers and training starts immediately.

‘The criteria for the training is that the person must be a Nigerian, all artisans are our candidates. Those who registered first will start the first phase.

‘The registration portal opened from January till March 15, 2024, we went out to all senatorial districts to out screen so that we can move ahead,’ he said.

The director-general said the aim of the programme was to work with relevant stakeholders, and that ITF would be onboarding to become the best skills training centers of international standards in Nigeria.

‘We will guarantee a steady stream of trainees for whom ITF will be financially responsible but side by side we will implement rigorous facility and process inspections to ensure that our standards are met.

‘ ITF is currently working out partnerships with the most reputable
international awarding bodies so that certifications issued after our training programme will give graduands a variety of options in terms of work opportunities and employability both locally and globally.

‘The era of training just for the sake of it, or issuance of Certificate of Attendance/Competence is gone and gone for good.

‘ Every skills training undertaken by ITF must lead to reputable international certification which in turn, guarantees measurable improved livelihood of graduands,’ he said.

Ogun condemned the act of organising training centres by some people without requisite approval from the ITF.

‘Another point I must address is mushrooming of Skills Training Centers in Nigeria without requisite approval by ITF.

‘It is troubling to note that all over the country, persons undertake so-called trainings in both technical and vocational trainings without prior approval of their training curriculum, manual and programme by ITF.

‘As a result, there is no way to ascertain the quality of learning bei
ng passed on to graduands who pay exorbitant prices for these trainings.

‘ This has created a circle of entrenched quackery which ITF is set up to put an end to.

‘We now have an avalanche of foreign training institutions offering some kind of technical or vocational training without due approval of the programmes and processes.

‘ Even where such foreign set ups have the competence to undertake these trainings, their unregulated presence represents a loss of revenue by local players.

‘ITF will be issuing the necessary regulations on these subject matters very soon and enforcement efforts will also commence in earnest.

‘Today signposts a new dawn at ITF and in the skills training space in Nigeria and we need all hands on deck to turn the tide and change the narratives,’ he said.

Mr Ahmed Ibrahim, Coordinator, Nigerian Association of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Practitioners (NARAP), also lauded the organisers of the training.

‘Particularly in the area of my own craft, which is refrigeration and a
ir-conditioning, in the area of ozone depletion, if this training is centered toward handling of refrigerants and professionalism in refrigeration and air-conditioning, it will help’.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

If you don’t mobilize, they’ll cheat you again – Akere Muna

By Nchendzengang Tatah

Legal luminary and founder of the NOW Movement, Akere Muna has warned opposition leaders to seek a coalition or not prevail in the 2025 Presidential polls.

He was speaking during the convention of the Popular Action Party (PAP), June 22 in Buea. Other opposition parties, right groups and civil society like the NOW Movement, PCRN, PRM, MRC, MPSC, and CHRDA were represented at the gathering.

‘If you don’t mobilize, for people to see that you are going somewhere they will cheat you again,’ he told the opposition representatives present.

Akere Muna noted that mobilization is key, and ‘if there is a strong coalition, whoever they choose, I will follow.’

He explained that fraud begins by those who stay behind and don’t partake in voting. And so he appealed to the consciences of Cameroonians to effectively partake throughout the electoral process.

The Popular Action Party, PAP for it’s part declared support for an opposition coalition ahead of 2025 Presidential elections. They mandated the party President and endorsed candidate, Njang Denis Tabe to go ahead and exploit the possibilities.

Njang Denis however, stated that their party stands primarily for an Anglophone president. Though any other possibility could be opened for discussions

Amongst other things, the PAP called on government to respect the electoral calendar, convene a more inclusive dialogue, increase minimum wage rates to fit rising prices and create/renovate roads to ease movement across country. They also appealed to non-state arm groups to give peace a chance.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Many feared dead in Dschang accident

The accident occurred around Sancthou Hill in Dschang, West region. A bus belonging to Tresor Voyage Travel Agency is involved in the accident. Casualties are not yet known. Several persons victims could be seen in an amateur video being transported to the hospital.

This come barely a week after six died and 22 were injured in an accident on the same stretch of road. This had caused TRansport Minister to suspend the agency for one month Mondial travel agency suspension strands passengers, workers – Cameroon News Agency.

The Dschang hill is becoming a dead trap to travelers, thus there is an urgent need to an alrenative road, but the government has not made any suggestions, yet, many die on this road with nobody taking responsibility.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Lamentation over council police misconduct in Bonaberi reaches peak

In the bustling neighborhood of Dla IV (Bonaberi), there is growing concern over the conduct of council police officers, whose actions have become a source of distress for residents of all ages. Reports indicate that these untrained personnel, often supported by some police and gendarmes, are engaging in actions that violate the rights of citizens.

Unlawful Vehicle Seizures

One of the most troubling issues is how these officers target vehicles. Residents report that stopping briefly by the roadside, even to answer a phone call or conduct a quick transaction, can lead to unwarranted harassment. Officers are known to stop drivers while they are still in their cars with the engine running, seize their documents, and, in many cases, tow their vehicles away. The owners are then compelled to pay exorbitant fines, starting from 25,000 francs CFA, to retrieve their cars.

Allegations of Corruption

The situation is further exacerbated by allegations that the fines collected are not entirely accounted for through of
ficial channels. Instead, there are claims that these sums are shared among the officers, raising serious questions about corruption and misuse of authority. Fear of retaliation has left many residents feeling helpless, as any attempt to speak out against these practices risks being met with further harassment.

A Call for Government Intervention

This lamentation raises a critical question for the leadership of Cameroon: Did the head of state, known for his dedication to the welfare of the country, authorize such conduct? Douala IV (Bonaberi) ‘s citizens call for a thorough investigation into these practices. They seek assurances that the powers vested in law enforcement are not being abused and that their rights will be protected.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Cheating wife accused of murdering husband in Mbouda

A woman in Mbouda is in custody after allegedly killing her husband in a domestic dispute.

The incident occurred on the night of June 23rd in the Nzintsuet neighborhood of Batcham Subdivision. Locals identified the victim as 49-year-old Sekali Kiampi Dieudonne.

According to reports, Dieudonne and his 36-year-old wife, Carine Tiwa, had a heated argument after returning home from a traditional ceremony. Tragedy struck when Dieudonne fell asleep, and Tiwa allegedly attacked him with a neighbor’s machete.

The crime was discovered early the following morning. National Gendarmerie from the Batcham brigade, led by Warrant Officer Eugene Jean Baptiste, is investigating the incident.

Preliminary findings suggest Dieudonne had previously complained about Tiwa’s infidelity. Several locals corroborated these claims, stating they had heard Dieudonne accuse Tiwa of bringing men into their home.

Tiwa is currently detained, while Dieudonne was buried on Monday in his family’s residence.

This incident has sent shockwave
s through the Mbouda community.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Samuel Eto’o calls for live broadcast of CAF hearing

The President of the Cameroon Football Federation, Samuel Eto’o, has asked the Confederation of African Football to authorize a live broadcast of his hearing before the CAF disciplinary council on Tuesday, June 25.

The FECAFOOT President faces accusations brought against him on his management of the Cameroon football governing body. Complaints had been filed against him on match-fixing, corruption, mismanagement and violation of the FECAFOOT and CAF statutes.

Eto’o, who will be defending himself in Cairo, raised concerns about the interference of political actors in Cameroon who may want to tamper with the verdict in their favour.

He posted a message on his social media pages on Monday, indicating that ‘this request which expresses a profound desire of transparency, is in no way the expression of defiance towards the Confederation’ he said.

‘This request is formulated to remove any ambiguity in the context of the immersion of Cameroonian political actors in the procedure who have allied with identified pe
rsonal interests’ Eto’o highlighted.

The former football star said he had an international career ‘without cheating’, calling on CAF ‘to be a glass house where the elected leaders of the member federations are judged with fairness and transparency’.

In a recent observation, the FECAFOOT President deleted all photos and information about betting company 1XBET, which he signed a deal with in 2023 as brand ambassador. Though he said nothing about the deletion of the posts, it was suspected that it had to do with the case at CAF.

The four-time African Player of the Year, is also in conflict with the sports ministry over the coaching staff of the national team. The dust is yet to settle after the two FIFA World Cup qualification matches against Cape Verde and Angola, which took place under abnormal coaching conditions.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Bahir Dar Peace Conference Participants Pledge to Resolve Issuses Peacefully

Addis Ababa: Participants of the Bahir Dar Peace Conference in Amhara region have pledged to do their fair share in resolving every issue in a peaceful manner.

A regional peace conference which brought together various members of society from all areas of the Amhara region was held in Bahir Dar city from 24th to 25th 2024.

The conference concluded by issuing a ten-point joint declaration.

In the joint declaration, the participants have called on armed groups to submit their demands through peaceful manner, discussion and negotiation, and reintegrate with the society peacefully.

The declaration also noted that the problem in the region inflicted significant political, economic and social mayhem that harmed the society.

According to the declaration, serious efforts need to be exerted to still strengthen the peace and stability created in all parts of the region and to enable the inhabitants lead peaceful and stable life and return to sustainable development.

Moreover, the participants have expressed their
great respect, in the name of the Amhara people, for the sacrifices paid by the heroic Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) to restore peace in the region.

The conference participants also stated that they continue to see the government’s determination to address the demands of the people and persistently reinforce the quest in a peaceful way.

Since development issues cannot be addressed without a peaceful approach, the participants have agreed to contribute their share to resolve every issue in the region in a peaceful manner.

In addition, they have called on media organizations and professionals as well as activists to contribute their fair share in bringing about peace to the people and allow the inhabitants of the region to live in harmony with fellow brothers and sisters in the country.

They also urged members of government leadership, political parties, scholars, artists, and the Ethiopian Diaspora to support the peace efforts in the region.

Furthermore, the participants called on armed brothers
and sisters to declare that killings are enough and come up with their demands through dialogue and negotiation and to reintegrate with the society.

They further urged the local administrations to do their part to make the peace efforts successful by welcoming their armed brothers with discipline and Ethiopian courtesy, realizing that they are brothers.

Moreover, the participants stressed the need for freeing the suspects who have been under arrest in connection with the problem and enable them to play their part in the lasting peace being built in the region, asking the government to release them with pardon and amnesty to fulfill their roles.

They have also requested the government to ensure that the Pretoria peace agreement is fully implemented, and stop those who disrupt its implementation from their acts.

At the conclusion of the conference, House of Federation Speaker Agegnehu Teshager and Amhara Region Chief Administrator Arega Kebede were present.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency