PM Abiy Says Preparations for This Year’s Green Legacy Planting Are in Full Swing: PM Abiy

Addis Ababa: As we approach this year’s Green Legacy planting season, preparations are in full swing, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said.

Planting sites are being prepared and seedlings continuously being cultivated, the premier added.

‘Our annual program, aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, combating climate change, reversing deforestation and reducing land degradation involves communities, schools, and organizations working together to plant billions of trees,’ Abiy wrote on his social media.

The Green Legacy Initiative is a flagship program initiated by Prime Minister Abiy in June 2019.

Ethiopia has so far planted 32.5 billion tree saplings nationwide as part of its Green Legacy Initiative.

The Initiative is a massive undertaking that aims to plant 50 billion tree seedlings by 2026, it was indicated.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Summer Voluntary Service to Benefit Over 1.2 Million Residents of Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: The Mayor of Addis Ababa, Adanech Abiebie announced today the launch of the city’s annual summer voluntary service, which is poised to positively impact the lives of over 1.2 million citizens in the capital.

Launching this year’s summer voluntary service held in Lideta District of the capital, Mayor Adanech emphasized that this voluntary service initiative is a crucial component of Addis Ababa’s modernization efforts, aimed at enhancing the well-being of the residents. She expressed her commitment to strengthening the program further.

According to the mayor, the previous summer and winter voluntary service programs resulted in the construction and handover of 6,730 houses to less privileged local residents in the city.

Elaborating on this year’s plans, she revealed that the house construction and renovation program will benefit 17,500 citizens through the building of 3,500 homes for underprivileged members of the community.

The mayor further highlighted that this year’s summer voluntary servi
ce various programs will be implemented by engaging over 2.2 million volunteers.

She expressed her confidence that this widespread participation will ensure the success of the endeavor, ultimately benefiting more than 1.2 million Addis Ababa residents.

Moreover, Mayor Adanech announced the commencement of three new 9-story buildings in Lideta sub-city, a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders.

Three of the beneficiaries of the previous summer’s house construction and renovation program, Zufan Sitotaw, Abeba Kassahun and Aregash Tulu, expressed their gratitude for the positive impact of the initiatives on their lives.

It is estimated that the summer voluntary service program in Addis Ababa will transact over 5 billion birr, underscoring the city’s commitment to improving the living conditions and opportunities for its residents through this extensive community-driven initiative.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

East African Nations Urged to Bolster Multilateral Cooperation for Regional Peace, Stability

Addis Ababa: East African countries should strengthen multilateral cooperation and work together to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region, researchers at the Institute of Foreign Affairs underscored.

The researchers pointed out that the power competition in East Africa is posing a significant challenge to achieving peace and stability in the region. East Africa is a strategically important area where Europe, the Middle East, and Africa converge, and it is known as a hub for political, economic, and social integration, they said.

It is to be recalled that Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the crisis in the region has direct implications for Ethiopia’s national interests, particularly in terms of geography and people-to-people ties between Ethiopia and the Middle East. The ministry has also expressed Ethiopia’s readiness to collaborate with partner countries and international institutions to address the region’s problems in a sustainable manner.

A senior researcher at the Africa and Middle E
ast Directorate of the Institute of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Mohamed Seid emphasized that the problems in the Middle East have a significant impact on the peace and stability of the East African region.

He stressed that the power competition in East Africa is a challenge to preventing peace and stability, and that countries should work together to strengthen multilateral cooperation for regional peace and stability.

“The instability in the region has a significant impact on overall security. East Africa is an unstable region called the Volatile region. there are a lot of power composition in the region, and with the competition of these forces coming here, it means that the competition in the region is more likely to be aggravated and lead to a high level of conflict,” he said.

The researchers also noted that the disruption in the trade activity of the Red Sea caused by the tension in the Middle East has affected the economy of Africa and the region.

A researcher at the Africa and Middle East Directorate, Mif
tah Mohammed, highlighted the historical ties and geographic proximity between the Middle East and East Africa, emphasizing the non-trivial impact of the problems and tensions in the Middle East on the East African region.

“What type of connection exists between the countries of the East, Middle East, and the Horn of Africa? Well, the primary reason is that these two regions have maintained a longstanding historical bond. What does this entail? It is a matter of proximity. The close proximity of the Horn of Africa and the Middle East causes an overlap between the two regions. Due to this geographical closeness and topographical adjacency, there is a deep-rooted social cohesion; one characterized by intertwined social relations, migration patterns, social movements, and shared religious practices.”, he said.

Mohammed Said, Senior Researcher, Africa and Middle East Directorate, Institute of Foreign Affairs said… “The countries in the region must strengthen the multilateral consultation platform. They must u
phold their unity. For instance, the empowered IGAD countries should come together to resolve their own regional issues. Furthermore, IGAD had previously launched a project known as the Red Sea Task Force. To protect the region, this task force must be revitalized, their unity must be upheld, and they must develop their own policy framework. Ultimately, this can be achieved through a robust multilateral discussion forum.”

The researchers also urged Ethiopia to expand its port options to mitigate the pressure caused by the disruption of the Red Sea trade route due to the Middle East issue.

In addition, Miftah Mohammed, a researcher at the Africa and Middle East Directorate of the Institute of Foreign Affairs, stated Africa must uphold its own path to achieve peace. Both Ethiopia and the continent of Africa must pursue this course of action to resolve conflicts peacefully. They must build upon the steps they have taken previously. Ethiopia should not delay in this matter.

He also stressed that Ethiopia shoul
d not solely depend on a single port, but must instead expand its port infrastructure urging the country to continue its effort to bolster the port requests it has already initiated.

‘Because in a world lacking in justice, no one else can save you – it ultimately comes down to your own efforts. You must take up this responsibility yourself.’ However, he noted that there is also a possibility of the situation in the Middle East stabilizing in the future,” Miftah underlined.

Therefore, the researchers suggested that East African countries should use multilateral diplomacy to address the problems in the Middle East.

They also recommended that the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) should cooperate with other regional institutions and actively participate in diplomatic consultations to resolve the issues through dialogue.

Additionally, they emphasized the need to reactivate the IGAD Red Sea Task Force to protect the interests of the region.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Journalism veterans mandated to uphold ethics ahead of 2025 polls

By Nchendzengang Tatah

BUEA, Cameroon (CNA) – A panel of six veteran journalists has been established to unite leaders of various press associations and organizations to promote ethics and deontology in journalism practice in Cameroon before the 2025 elections.

The newly formed Journalists-emeritus Panel (JeP) includes esteemed Cameroonian news figures Victor Epie-Ngome, Martin Nkemngu, Charlie Ndi Chia, Wain Paul Ngam, Tricia Oben, and Gemnda Buinda.

The JeP was the primary outcome of a meeting held on May 8, 2024, in Buea during the second Media Conference organized by Civil Initiatives for Development with Integrity (CiDi). The event was attended by the National Communication Council (NCC) president, Joseph Chebonkeng.

Assisting the JeP is a Technical Committee comprising journalists and journalism scholars, including Scholar Maloke, Bouddih Adams, Franklin Sone Bayen, Wasso Norbert, Dr. Lizzie Nengieh, Dr. Olive Ejang, Dr. Eileen Manka’a Tabuwe, Randy Joe Sa’ah, and Kini Nsom.

A working group will be
created to economically empower media practitioners, including leaders of various press associations and organizations. This group will also be responsible for producing a common code of ethics for journalism practice.

In anticipation of the upcoming elections, an election coverage task force of volunteer news media practitioners was also established. This task force aims to ensure comprehensive coverage of the multiple elections in 2025. The task force will also document election promises made by candidates and track their implementation to highlight unfulfilled promises.

To protect members of the task force, its operations will be financed, and high-tech coverage equipment will be provided. Additionally, to offer reliable and processed information for other media players, the task force will run a centralized news pool.

The organizers also announced that they would engage in monitoring and evaluating participants in various training programs to ensure they actively advocate for and follow up on reforms t
oward an information policy, including the establishment of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to legally oblige public authorities to provide requested information to the press.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Cameroonian sickle cell advocate, Nora Brown clinches lifetime award

By Charity Nginyu

The Women’s Empowerment Awards in Dorset, UK, has honored Cameroonian prominent sickle cell advocate Nora Molongwe popularly known as Nora Brown with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

This prestigious recognition celebrates her tireless dedication to the sickle cell community.

Nora Brown, the dynamic CEO of Nora Brown Talks has through the Emmile Sickle Cell Foundation, made remarkable strides in supporting over 5,000 sickle cell patients worldwide.

On receiving the award, Brown took to her Facebook page to express her gratitude and dedication. She dedicated the award to her two late brothers, Enyekunyeku and Munyenge, who succumbed to complications associated with sickle cell anemia.

‘Today we have been of support to over 5000 sickle cell warriors over the globe through Emeli’s Smile Sickle Cell Organisation,’ she added, highlighting the extensive reach of her efforts.

She further encouraged those battling the disease, ‘Dear sickle cell warriors, this is for you. May this remind you daily
that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Keep being positive. Love you all,’ she urged.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

New era at RASCOM with first female chairperson – Judith Yah Sunday

The General Manager of Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL), Judith Yah Sunday has bridged the leadership gap at RASCOM, by becoming the first elected female chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Regional African Satellite Communications Organisation (RASCOM).

Her historic election to this leadership position was on Thursday 23rd May 2024, day-two of the three-day 74th Board of Directors meeting in Yaounde, Cameroon. She comes in to replace Ivorian, Bini Kouame.

In a poignant moment of personal reflection, the newly elected Chairperson expressed immense pride in being the very first woman to be elected to this position at RASCOM.

‘On a purely personal note, I would like to say how proud I am to be the very first woman to be elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of RASCOM. It is a great responsibility that I take on with humility and determination, and I am convinced that together we can achieve great things’ Judith Yah said.

She equally extended her warm congratulations to Coulibaly Siaka, rep
resentative of Mali, on his appointment as Vice-Chairman, and to Timothy Adi Ashong, Ghanaian, for being confirmed for a five-year mandate, as the Director General of RASCOM.

Judith Yah, alongside the Vice-Chairman of RASCOM, Coulibaly Siaka, and the confirmed Director General of RASCOM, Timothy Adi Ashong, expressed unwavering dedication to working collaboratively towards the growth and prosperity of the organisation.

With a vision for a future driven by collaboration, dedication, and innovation, Judith Yah sets the stage for a new era of progress, inclusivity, and excellence in advancing telecommunications development in Africa.

In a historic moment marking a significant milestone for the Regional African Satellite Communications Organisation (RASCOM), the newly elected chairperson of the Board of Directors closed the session with a resolute commitment to advancing the organisation’s influence and success in fulfilling its mission.

Source: Cameroon News Agency