Nat’l Dialogue Plays Significant Role in Shaping Destiny of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: The upcoming inclusive dialogue in Ethiopia is a critical opportunity that will play significant role in shaping the destiny of the nation, member of the Advisor Group of the National Dialogue Commission, Rahel Bafe remarked.

Ethiopia is finalizing its preparation to conduct the first ever inclusive national dialogue with main objective to create national consensus on critical matters by recognizing and resolving long-standing disputes and disagreements.

In her exclusive interview with ENA, Rahel said the dialogue is a golden opportunity for all Ethiopians to bringing critical national agenda on the table for discussions for the betterment of the country.

‘This opportunity might happen like once in life, once it is passed, we might not get it again like the 5 years term election,’ she underscored.

According to her, the dialogue encompasses a wide range of national issues, both past and present, as well as the future.

It should also be taken as one of the processes essential to effective nati
on-building initiatives and phenomena that go beyond political boundaries.

Even though there is a political component to this nationwide consultation, it is still important for all Ethiopians to bring up national issues for consideration, Rahel stated.

The people of Ethiopia including political parties and other pertinent actors in the country should not miss this opportunity and engage actively by playing their constructive role to successfully accomplish the dialogue as it is a phenomenon that might happen once in history, she underscored.

‘Political parties might be gone in 20 years but the country will remain forever. Therefore, this national dialogue is beyond political interests.’

Rahel further stressed the need for all political parties to work in cohesion with the commission’s guidelines and schedule to contribute their part for the successful conduct of the process.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Islamic Supreme Council Advisor Stresses Need for Active Participation in Nat’l Dialogue

Addis Ababa: Advisor to the president of Ethiopia’s Islamic Affairs Supreme Council Ustaz Abu Bakr Ahmed emphasized the importance of everyone playing their role in achieving successful national dialogue in the country.

Ethiopia is about to commence the first ever national dialogue with a view to strengthen the national unity and prosperity of the country by resolving its long standing challenges and reach consensus on basic issues.

National Dialogue Commission, which is responsible to conducting the dialogue, have carried out various activities including identifying potential participants at the regions and city administrations across the country.

Tasks related to collecting agenda at the regional levels and related activities have been conducted by charting out various means and ways in cooperation with concerned stakeholders.

In his interview with ENA, Advisor to the President of Ethiopia’s Islamic Affairs Supreme Council, Ustaz Abu Bakr stressed the importance of everyone playing their role in achievi
ng successful national dialogue, with the participation of various segments of society and a peaceful approach to addressing concerns.

The advisor explained that the prevailing culture of failing to resolve conflicts through constructive dialogue remains a persistent challenge.

He acknowledged that Ethiopia has faced diverse challenges and problems over the decades, and noted that efforts have been made to address these issues since the recent changes, including the establishment of the National Dialogue Commission, which is crucial for forging a national consensus and driving the country’s development.

Ustaz Abu Bakr highlighted that dialogue is the only viable solution to find lasting resolutions to differences and promote national development, as opposed to the use of force or other confrontational methods that lead to bloodshed and conflict.

Citing the Northern War as an example, the advisor underscored that disputes and issues in the country cannot be resolved through weapons and violence, but rather
requires a concerted effort of national dialogue.

He emphasized the need for a contest of ideas, where questions are posed in a civilized manner to reach common solutions that satisfy all parties, rather than resorting to coercion or forces, which only serve to destroy lives and undermine the country.

The advisor emphasized that national dialogue holds a pivotal role in finding solutions to the country’s problems, and urged everyone to lend their support and assistance to ensure the success of this vital process.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

UB Water bottling firm to go operational this year

By Nchendzengang Tatah

UB Springs, a water bottling enterprise nursed in the University of Buea Faculty of Science will in the months ahead go industrial. The revelation was made by the Science dean, Prof. Roland Ndip Ndip during the faculty 4th Expo on May 16, 2024.

Currently being produced in labs on campus, plans are underway with the support of University authorities to scale the production. The activity authorities said falls squarely with the new higher education vision for self-sustainability of state higher institutions.

Handled by the Department of Environmental Science, the UB Spring project has been on for over a year now. The project coordinator is Dr. Roy Mbua. He said the water purification process uses the finest researched method of production. Making it fit for entire household consumption.

‘We are on the verge of expansion; acquiring equipment which will be used to do large-scale production. We are working with the Ministry of Mines to get authorization and on the other hand, we are wor
king towards building a facility where we can carry out the production on campus,’ he furthered.

The Science Dean, Prof. Roland Ndip said the project is the flagship of the faculty as it celebrates 30 years of national impact and scientific input. He emphasized that the project was giving the attention it deserved.

‘We are working very hard to make sure this project hits the stands in the coming months ahead,’ the faculty of Science Dean assured.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Centre: Metet population enraged after police reportedly Shoots Hunter to Death

By Charity Nginyu

In the early hours of the morning of Friday May 17, a well-known local hunter, Zang Ateba, was reportedly shot to death by a police officer in Metet, a village in the Centre region.

The news of the shooting spread rapidly throughout the village, igniting anger and rage among the residents.

In his defense, the police officer responsible for the shooting claimed he mistook the hunter for one of the bank robbers reportedly on the run in the area.

The villagers reacted by blocking the main roads leading to Sangmelima and Yaoundé, causing disruption.

The unrest escalated further when the villagers targeted and set ablaze the vehicle of the police officer as they expressed their outrage, demanding justice.

The incident has raised serious concerns about police conduct and the use of lethal force, especially in rural communities.

Local authorities are yet to release a formal statement, and an investigation into the incident is expected.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Brigade Commander, Gendarme die in fresh Amba attacks

On Thursday night, Separatist fighters in Akwaya subdivision, Manyu division in the South West region, launched an attack targeting the Gendarmes in the area. This attack that led to the death of the Brigade Commander of Akwaya, Moussa, and Warrant Officer, Fotso, was carried out between the Brigade and the main town.

Sources say the ambush took place around 7:10 PM. The assailants took 2AK 27 and three Ammo boxes.

This comes barely a week after the ambush on the Eyomujock Brigade Commander and five of his men.

Source: Cameroon News Agency