Workvivo by Zoom is named preferred migration partner for Workplace from Meta

Meta is discontinuing Workplace and will partner with Workvivo to assist with customer transitions.

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Workvivo by Zoom was named Meta’s only preferred migration partner for its customers as it retires Workplace from Meta.

Meta is discontinuing Workplace from Meta – its employee engagement platform. To assist with customer transitions, Meta will partner with Workvivo as its only preferred migration partner.

Workplace from Meta and Workvivo plan to provide migration tools for customers migrating to Workvivo and Workvivo will also offer additional implementation services at no further cost to support customers’ transition.

Workplace from Meta customers can find more information about migrating to Workvivo here.

John Goulding, CEO and founder of Workvivo, said: “We know that the news today may be disruptive for Workplace from Meta customers, but we’re so excited about the opportunity to support and help them. Meta has made a huge impact in this market, and we believe that Workvivo is the natural choice for Workplace from Meta customers to transition their employee experience platform.

“It’s our top priority to support customers through this transition, and our team is working to make this process as frictionless as possible. We put our customers first, and this will be no different for the Workplace from Meta customers. We are excited to welcome Workplace from Meta customers into our incredible customer community and see the amazing things they can do with Workvivo.”

Eric S. Yuan, CEO and founder of Zoom said: “Since Workvivo joined the Zoom family, we’ve seen how powerful this platform is at engaging workforces and bringing culture to life – especially for frontline employees who may not have a desk or even an email address. Workvivo has seen momentous growth as organizations around the world are increasingly prioritizing the employee experience. We are excited to support Workplace from Meta’s customers and help them reach their goals of reaching and engaging employees – whether they’re desk or frontline workers.”

Workvivo by Zoom is the employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work.

Acquired by Zoom in 2023, Workvivo extends the Zoom Workplace platform to offer its customers new ways to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected. Workvivo is working with some of the world’s best-known brands to help them boost employee engagement and bring their culture to life digitally, including Dollar General, the Virgin Group, Bupa, Ryanair, Lululemon and Amazon.

About Workvivo by Zoom

Workvivo is an employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work. The platform unifies employee communications, engagement, intranet, and measurement features into one modern employee app that captures the heartbeat of the organization and brings its culture to life.

Founded in 2017, Workvivo has seen momentous growth, which led to its acquisition by Zoom in 2023. Workvivo powers the employee experience at companies all over the world across all industries, including Amazon, Motherson, White Castle, Bupa and Ryanair. Workvivo regularly tops software review sites, including Gartner Digital, with a #1 spot on G2 for internal communications, intranet and engagement tool categories. For more information, visit

Public Relations
Eleanor O’Mahony

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9117415

En pleine transformation stratégique, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre accueille un nouveau directeur général adjoint

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 14 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal, ou KFSH&RC pour King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre a récemment accueilli le Dr Björn Zoéga en tant que directeur général adjoint. Cette nomination souligne son engagement en faveur de la promotion et du maintien de l’excellence en matière de santé. Le Dr Zoéga, réputé pour sa vaste expérience en gestion et sa maîtrise des politiques de la santé, rejoint une équipe dédiée à l’heure où l’hôpital continue de piloter des initiatives stratégiques clés.

Le KFSH&RC, leader de la recherche médicale et des services cliniques, continue d’attirer des ressources expertes à l’échelle mondiale pour renforcer sa mission d’excellence en matière de santé. L’arrivée du Dr Zoéga fait avancer la stratégie de transformation numérique de l’hôpital, conçue pour doper son efficacité opérationnelle et améliorer les soins prodigués aux patients. Son expertise dans la promotion de collaborations internationales, comme en témoigne son ancien rôle de président de l’Alliance des hôpitaux universitaires européens (ou « EUHA » pour European University Hospital Alliance) et sa participation à des initiatives telles que JOIN4ATMP, visant à promouvoir l’accès à des thérapies innovantes, concourent à un meilleur alignement des services du KFSH&RC sur les tendances mondiales en matière de santé.

Les projets clés de l’hôpital prévoient le déploiement de technologies numériques avancées pour standardiser les mécanismes propres aux soins prodigués aux patients, l’adoption de nouveaux modèles de soins et la modernisation de ses installations. Ces efforts stratégiques visent à améliorer l’accès aux services médicaux et à induire une meilleure communication à leur propos, et traduisent l’engagement du KFSH&RC envers l’établissement de nouvelles normes en matière de santé.

Les précédentes contributions du Dr Zoéga à l’hôpital universitaire Karolinska, placé au deuxième rang européen et au septième rang mondial du classement 2024 des meilleurs hôpitaux du monde établi par Newsweek, ont joué en faveur d’une culture d’apprentissage continu et de collaboration entre les professionnels de santé. Elles répondent ainsi parfaitement aux objectifs du KFSH&RC. Son rôle dans la promotion de programmes comme EUCARE et sa participation au développement des échanges intra Europe d’infirmières en soins intensifs en période de crise a considérablement renforcé le développement du personnel et appuyé l’objectif de son précédent hôpital d’attirer les meilleurs talents ; un principe reflété dans le parcours de transformation du KFSH&RC. Maintenant que le Dr Zoéga prend part au leadership du KFSH&RC, l’établissement s’apprête à renforcer son rôle d’acteur clé dans le façonnage de la santé de demain en Arabie saoudite.

À propos du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre fait partie des leaders mondiaux en matière de soins de santé spécialisés, et d’innovation, servant de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec d’éminents établissements locaux, régionaux et internationaux, l’hôpital se consacre à l’avancement des technologies médicales et à l’élévation des normes de soins de santé dans le monde entier.

L’hôpital a conforté sa position de leader du secteur de la santé en Arabie saoudite et au Moyen-Orient, en se voyant décerner, pour la deuxième année consécutive, le titre de marque de santé la plus valorisée. Il se classe 9e du royaume et 28e au Moyen-Orient. L’hôpital se distingue en étant le seul hôpital du monde à figurer au top 10 des marques de son pays, comme le soulignent deux rapports de « Brand Finance » consacrés aux 50 meilleures marques d’Arabie saoudite et aux 150 meilleures marques du Moyen-Orient en 2024.

En raison des programmes de transformation et du projet royal « Saudi Vision 2030 » initié par Son Altesse Royale le Prince Héritier et Premier Ministre — que Dieu le préserve — pour renforcer le leadership du royaume dans le secteur de la santé mondiale, le KFSH&RC est devenu un centre médical universitaire de première importance dans la région MENA. En 2024, il s’est classé au 20e rang mondial pour la deuxième année consécutive selon « Brand Finance », et s’est également distingué parmi les 250 meilleurs hôpitaux du monde selon le magazine américain « Newsweek » cette même année.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :

M. Essam AlZahrani, Responsable des affaires médiatiques, 0555254429

M. Abdullah Alown, Coordinateur médias, 0556294232

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9117305

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Dá as Boas-Vindas ao Novo CEO Interino Durante Suas Transformações Estratégicas

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) nomeou recentemente o Dr. Björn Zoéga como CEO Interino, confirmando o seu empenho em promover e incentivar a excelência no cuidado da saúde. O Dr. Zoéga, conhecido por sua vasta experiência em gestão e políticas de saúde, se une a uma equipe dedicada em um momento em que o hospital continua a impulsionar iniciativas estratégicas importantes.

O KFSH&RC, líder em pesquisa médica e serviços clínicos, continua a atrair experiência global para reforçar sua visão de excelência em saúde. Com o envolvimento do Dr. Zoéga, o hospital dá seguimento à sua estratégia de transformação digital que visa aprimorar a eficiência operacional e aperfeiçoar o atendimento ao paciente. Sua experiência na promoção de colaborações internacionais, evidenciada no seu antigo cargo de presidente da European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) e com as iniciativas como a Join4ATMP, que visa promover o acesso a terapias inovadoras, alinha ainda mais os serviços do KFSH&RC às tendências globais de saúde.

Os principais projetos do KFSH&RC incluem a implantação de tecnologias digitais avançadas para agilizar o processo de atendimento ao paciente, adoção de modelos de atendimento inovadores e atualização das instalações. Esses esforços estratégicos visam aumentar o acesso aos serviços médicos e facilitar uma melhor comunicação, refletindo a dedicação do KFSH&RC em estabelecer novos padrões de saúde.

As contribuições anteriores do Dr. Zoéga no Karolinska University Hospital, que é o segundo melhor da Europa e o sétimo do mundo de acordo com o 2024 World’s Best Hospitals da revista Newsweek, onde ele cultivou uma cultura de aprendizagem contínua e colaboração entre profissionais de saúde, alinham-se bem com os objetivos do KFSH&RC. O seu papel na promoção de programas como o EUCARE e na facilitação do intercâmbio de enfermeiros de cuidados intensivos em toda a Europa durante crises melhorou significativamente o desenvolvimento do pessoal e apoiou o objetivo do seu hospital anterior de atrair os melhores talentos – um princípio espelhado na jornada de transformação do KFSH&RC. Com o Dr. Zoéga contribuindo para a liderança, o KFSH&RC está pronto para promover seu papel como ator fundamental na formação do futuro dos cuidados de saúde na Arábia Saudita.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um hubs avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

O hospital conquistou sua posição como marca líder no setor de saúde em todo o Reino e Oriente Médio, marcando seu segundo ano consecutivo como a marca de saúde mais valiosa. Ele ocupa o 9º lugar no Reino e o 28º no Oriente Médio. O hospital se distingue como o único hospital do mundo a ser listado entre as 10 principais marcas do seu país, de acordo com dois relatórios da “Brand Finance” sobre as 50 marcas mais valiosas da Arábia Saudita e as 150 marcas mais valiosas do Oriente Médio em 2024.

Devido aos programas de transformação e à Vision 2030 do Reino, lançados por Sua Alteza Real o Príncipe Herdeiro e pelo Primeiro-Ministro – que Deus o proteja – para aumentar a liderança do Reino no setor global de saúde, o KFSH&RC surgiu como um dos principais Centros Médicos Acadêmicos do Oriente Médio e da África. Ele permaneceu em 20º lugar no mundo pelo segundo ano consecutivo em 2024, de acordo com o “Brand Finance”. Além disso, ele foi classificado entre os melhores hospitais do mundo em 2024 pela revista americana “Newsweek”.

Para mais informações, contate:

Sr. Essam AlZahrani, Dirigente Interino de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429

Sr. Abdullah Alown, Editor Sênior de Mídia, 0556294232

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9117305

MedSource Labs Announces Innovation in Safety, Accuracy and Functionality of IV Catheters

MedSource Labs Unveils ClearSafe Comfort® and TrueSafe Comfort® Blood Control Safety IV Catheters to protect medical staff and patients

[Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chanhassen], May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MedSource Labs moves the needle in the peripheral safety IV market with the announcement of ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV Catheters with groundbreaking active blood control check valve technology.

ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV catheters provide significant benefits over other IV catheters.

  1. Safety: A new blood control device to significantly reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens to the caregiver and patient.
  2. Precision: A translucent flashback chamber confirms vessel entry and ensures accuracy.
  3. Front-line functionality: The ergonomic design and non-slip grip ensure easy handling for healthcare workers.


“Healthcare professionals subject themselves to the risks associated with needlestick injuries and exposure to bloodborne pathogens every time they access a vein,” said Dave Kunelius, President at MedSource Labs. “ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters have been engineered to minimize these risks, allowing medical staff to better serve their patients without distraction or worry.”

These devices conform to the U.S. Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.

MedSource Labs is a leading medical product developer and supplier specializing in high-quality products and innovative medical product development. The ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters are part of MedSource Labs’ high-performing IV catheter lines focused on caring for the caregiver. See the TrueSafe Animations and ClearSafe Animations for a detailed view.

“Quality has always been a key component of our IV catheter products, and the ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort blood control products raise the bar for medical staff safety and patient care,” said Kunelius.

MedSource Labs is ISO 13485:2016 certified for quality management in medical device manufacturing, registered with the FDA, and the blood control catheters are 510(k) Cleared Products.


MedSource Labs is a leading provider of quality medical products, specializing in high-quality products, equipment and innovative class II medical product development. For over two decades, MedSource Labs has been a trusted provider of quality medical products at a superb value. Recently, MedSource Labs has expanded into new markets and grown its international services and offerings, including a focus on the EMERGE product imagine/design/build process.


Jeremy Belloit
MedSource Labs
(952) 472-0131

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9116905

Ethiosat Service, Accessibility Growing Steadily

Addis Ababa: The service and accessibility of Ethiosat, an Ethiopian communication satellite platform that provides satellite services to television channels for Ethiopian audience, is growing steadily, Ethiopian Media Authority disclosed.

The Ethiosat Company conducted a workshop in Addis Ababa today with its customers and partners to discuss on the development of the industry.

Ethiopian Media Authority Director-General Mohammed Edris said that Ethiosat currently hosts more than 70 religious, commercial, public and other local television channels.

The accessibility of Ethiosat is currently high, he said, adding it is necessary to identify the issues that need to be strengthened in the future by evaluating the progress so far made.

He reiterated that the authority will support and cooperate with this effort.

Deputy Director of Ethiopian Space Science and Geospatial Institute, Bethlehem Niguse said Ethiosat has been contributing in reducing the high costs that had been paid for foreign satellite service p
roviders. It has also helped the country to preserving the culture of the nation.

Moreover, she elaborated that Ethiopia is working to have its own communication satellite.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

STRIDE Ethiopia 2024 Annual Grand Expo to be Held Next Week in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship (STRIDE) Ethiopia 2024 Annual grand expo will be held from May 19 – 26, 2024 in Addis Ababa.

STRIDE Ethiopia, initiated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia, is a pioneering annual event aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in Science, Technology, Research, Innovation, Digitalization, and Entrepreneurship.

It serves as a conference and an expo, bringing together stakeholders from startups, ecosystem builders, corporations, government offices, academia, and development partners.

The expo is organized under the theme ‘Science Unlocks, Technology Connects, Innovation Drives,’ it was learned.

Briefing the media today, State Minister of Innovation and Technology, Yeshurun Alemayehu said the expo will be launched officially on May 18, 2024, in the presence of senior government officials at ICT Park, in Addis Ababa.

Furthermore, the expo will be opened for the public at the Science Museum
from May 19- 26, 2024.

The 8 day expo aims to promote the activities in science, technology, research and digitalization.

Strengthening the relationship between the players of the sector and create awareness about the services.

More than 150 governmental and private institutions engaged in electronic services, organizations that operate using technologies, banks, E-commerce and ICT companies are expected to participate at the expo.

Senior Advisor for Minister Abiot Bayu on his part mentioned that various activities will be conducted at the expo including panel discussions and experience sharing among companies and institutions engaged in the field.

Innovation works in the areas of information technology, health, education, agriculture, industry among others will be displayed for exhibition, he added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative Aims to Plant Over 6.5 Billion Trees in Upcoming Summer

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative, a national reforestation program, is preparing to plant more than 6.5 billion tree seedlings this upcoming planting season, according to Adefres Worku, the Coordinator of the Initiative’s Technical Committee.

Adefres told ENA that the program has already mapped 504,000 hectares of land out of the 1.8 million hectares where soil and water conservation efforts have been undertaken to prepare the sites for planting.

This massive reforestation effort is part of Ethiopia’s broader strategy to address deforestation and ensure food security.

Data from 2000 to 2013 indicates that the country was losing an average of 92,000 hectares of forest cover annually.

However, the Green Legacy Initiative aims to reverse this trend by preventing further degradation and increasing the nation’s forest cover.

Beyond environmental protection, Adefres highlighted the multifaceted benefits of the program.

The initiative is creating job opportunities in nurseries, as well as in sec
tors like animal husbandry, beekeeping, poultry farming, and fruit and vegetable production.

The initiative is also expected to bolster Ethiopia’s international standing as a leader in climate change mitigation.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration is spearheading the Green Legacy Initiative, building on the lessons learned from previous years.

Adefres noted that the program has inspired neighboring countries, and plans are underway to launch the initiative on a weekly and monthly basis with the participation of Ethiopian citizens.

Furthermore, the government has submitted a request to the Guinness Book of World Records to recognize the initiative’s ambitious goal of mass tree planting, where millions of Ethiopians are expected to participate.

Adefres emphasized that the Green Legacy Initiative is poised to deliver multifaceted benefits to Ethiopia’s economy, society, diplomacy, and overall efforts to combat the impacts of climate change.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency