PM Abiy Calls Citizens to Leave Legacy by Joining “Clean Streets – Healthy Lives” Movement

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said all citizens must leave their legacy by joining the ongoing national movement launched to create clean cities and environment.

A ten hours period digital telethon is underway to raise 50 million Birr to support ‘Clean Ethiopia’ campaign initiated by Premier.

Ethiopians both inside the country and abroad as well as various institutions have been participating at the telethon that begun early in the morning today.

Prime Minister Abiy has extended a message to all citizens from the venue where the digital telethon is being broadcast live.

The premier said on the occasion that the telethon’s goal is to create a clean city and environment, which is important for both changing the appearance of the city and protecting the health of its residents.

He called all citizens to leave their legacy by joining the movement launched to create clean cities and environment.

It is to be recalled that PM Abiy recently unveiled plans to construct modern, clean and dignified public
restrooms, with a strong emphasis on community involvement in the construction.

The initiative, named ‘Clean Ethiopia,’ includes a fundraising component under the theme ‘Clean Cities – Healthy Lives.’

Accordingly, a digital telethon for ‘Clean Ethiopia officially launched on April 28/2024.

The objective is to solicit both cash and in-kind contributions for the construction of these public facilities.

Today’s digital telethon is part of this fundraising campaign aimed at raising 50 million Birr in a ten hours period.

All citizens are invited to join the “Clean Streets – Healthy Lives” movement by contributing into the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia account 1000623230248, and National Bank USD account 0101211300016.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Digital Telethon to Raise 50 Mil Birr For ‘Clean Ethiopia Campaign’ Kicks Off

Addis Ababa: A ten hours period digital telethon kicked off today to raise 50 million Birr to support ‘Clean Ethiopia Campaign’ initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

PM Abiy recently unveiled plans to construct modern, clean and dignified public restrooms, with a strong emphasis on community involvement in the construction.

The initiative, named ‘Clean Ethiopia,’ includes a fundraising component under the theme ‘Clean Cities – Healthy Lives.’

Accordingly, a digital telethon for ‘Clean Ethiopia officially launched on April 28/2024.

The objective is to solicit both cash and in-kind contributions for the construction of these public facilities.

Today’s digital telethon is part of this fundraising campaign aimed at raising 50 million Birr in a ten hours period.

Ethiopians both inside the country and abroad have already started providing financial support to the effective implementation of the project.

The campaign is one of the various development projects being carried out in Addis Ababa to give this ci
ty the appropriate international standard.

The campaign is a great opportunity to involve all Ethiopians, including those living abroad in the diaspora, members of the international community residing in Addis Ababa, and friends of Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Mayors of African Cities, Partners Visit Early Childhood Dev’t Program in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: Mayors drawn from various African cities and representatives of development partners have visited Early Childhood Development programs being implemented in different places in Addis Ababa.

The visit accompanied by Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebie, Health Minister, Mekdes Daba and other high ranking government officials as well as development partners and donors.

The officials have also attended Addis Ababa City Administration Early Childhood Development Program Parental Coaches graduation ceremony held at the Friendship Square, in the capital.

It is indicated during the occasion that over 5,000 Parental Coaches have so far been trained including today’s graduates.

It is to be recalled that the city administration has launched the comprehensive early childhood development (ECD) program with the objective of changing the lives of children in the capital.

The program targets children under the age of six at home, in schools, and in communities to have conducive environment that caters to th
e wide-ranging growth needs of children.

The Addis Ababa Early Childhood Development Initiative is an evidence-based, comprehensive, integrated, multisector early childhood development effort with the goal of making Addis Ababa the best city in Africa for raising children.

By 2026, the program’s main goal is to guarantee that 1.3 million children under the age of six reach developmental milestones related to their health, learning, and psychological well-being.

The program aims to achieve this by offering children in 330,000 vulnerable households with a focus on those who could miss important developmental milestones.

Mayors of various African Cities and representatives of international organizations have arrived in Addis Ababa on Saturday to visit mega development projects in the capital and share experiences.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Encourages Athletes to Champion Clean Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed urged Ethiopian athletes to become role models for Clean Ethiopia besides their effort to become champion in athletics competitions.

The premier made the remark at a digital telethon being held to raise 50 million Birr within 10 hours for the construction modern, clean and dignified public restrooms.

Many Ethiopian athletes, including Ethiopian Olympic Committee President Ashebir Woldegiorgis have joined the Clean Ethiopia cause and are contributing to the telethon.

The Prime Minister, who attended in the same event, said the purpose of the “Clean Street – Living in Health” movement is not only to contribute money, but also to make the country clean.

Therefore, Abiy said, Ethiopian athletes should take the lead in making clean Ethiopia a reality just as they raised the flag of their country by winning.

He mentioned that Ethiopia is a country that is comfortable to live in and rich in natural resources.

Athletes should not only win in the race but also show the beau
ty of Ethiopia by being a role model for cleanliness.

He conveyed his message that Ethiopians should build a beautiful and clean country in a united way.

The telethon’s goal is to create a clean city and environment, which is important for both changing the appearance of the city and protecting the health of its residents.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Babadjou opens first-ever petrol station, hopes to stop sale of illegal fuel

Tahada CNA Bamboutos

The town of Kombou in Babadjou subdivision of the West Region has opened its first-ever petrol station. It is hoped that the new filling station will help resolve the problem of illegal fuel sales in the town and neighboring areas.

The inauguration of B andG Petroleum on Saturday, May 11, is a significant step towards stopping the use of zoa zoa, an illegal fuel that tends to damage car and motorbike engines.

‘We are used to zoa zoa and think this new petrol station will answer our prayers. Looking at its construction, we hope it will not collaborate with those in the black market to mix fuel’ a local taxi driver said.

‘I cover the Mbouda-Santa stretch and sometimes go to Bamenda and have been used to consuming in Mbouda and Bamenda. Along this stretch, we have been facing this fuel stress. Buying zoa zoa from roadside vendors and later go to the garage for engine failures’ another driver told CNA.

Households on their part appreciate the presence of kerosene for bush lamps that is so
ld at FCFA 355 per liter given that most people in neighboring villages to Kumbou, do not have access to electricity.

According to the CEO of the petrol station, Mr Bognou Ernest, the initiative aligns with development projects to make Babadjou economically viable.

‘This filling station, I hope will be useful to our communities, that’s Babadjou and neighboring Santa, especially with the fuel quality. They should be assured that we get first-hand quality and they should enjoy it at approved prices.’ The CEO told us.

With the recent adjustments in the price of fuel, many black markets have been gaining ground in Babadjou and its surroundings with illegal mixtures of Zoa zoa and sold at high prices despite the dangers it presents.

The inauguration of this fueling station was done in the presence of administrative, municipal, and traditional authorities. It was marked by purification and protection rites done by HRM Fon Kaffo Sambankeing Langevin, Fon of Babadjou.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Bai Panya: Separatists disrupt birth certificate registration, threaten to burn Church

The militants who said they were from the Al Qaeda Squad, reportedly created in Meme Division, South West region, invaded the Catholic Church in the vicinity of Bai Panya, issuing threats to shoot civilians at close range.

In a video recording, a purported leader stated, ‘This is Al Qaeda Squad of Meme led by the King of Al Qaeda, these are people who came to produce their certificate on May 1, because they want to go and produce their free ID cards so they can vote in the 2025 elections…it is the Catholic Church…Catholic Church Bai Panya producing the birth certificates.’

He further accused the Catholic Church of collaborating with the government, citing the production of birth certificates as evidence. He ominously warned, ‘The Church has never been seen producing birth certificates, this means that the Catholic Church Bai Panya is working with the government. I want to let you know that as you see these people here if you do not see them again, know that we have killed them all.’

The fate of those captu
red in the video remains uncertain, but the people, including children, women, and men, as well as the Church’s Catechist, were reportedly present during the incident.

Amidst the ongoing armed conflict in the Anglophone regions, numerous individuals are without birth certificates, which have been lost due to heavy rains, displacement, or destruction of property.

Source: Cameroon News Agency