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May 11, 2022

Huawei Unveils New All-Scenario Smart PV and Energy Storage Solutions at Intersolar Europe 2022

MUNICH, May 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei today announced all-new smart photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage solutions at Intersolar Europe 2022. The intelligent solutions enable a low-carbon smart society with clean energy, demonstrating Huawei’s continuous commitment to technological innovation and sustainability. With industry leaders, experts, and journalists around the world

Le Stockage Distribué OceanStor de Huawei est désigné comme un choix des clients de 2022 Gartner Peer Insights pour les systèmes de fichiers distribués et le stockage d’objets

SHENZHEN, Chine, 11 mai 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Gartner Peer Insights a reconnu le stockage distribué Huawei OceanStor comme un choix des clients dans le rapport 2022 Gartner Peer Insights « La voix du client » : Systèmes de fichiers distribués et stockage d’objets. Avec un score de 4,9 points sur 5 sur la

As Pastoralists in Eritrea Settle

The transition from nomadic to sedentary life has led to opposing views on whether pastoralists should be settled or not. Proponents of resettlement programme argue that pastoralists should abandon nomadic way of life both in response to ‘pushes’ away …

The Battalion

Editor’s Note: The story of the battalion is translated and compiled from a chapter written by Teages Frezgi, taken from a Tigrinya book published in 2019 entitled; ‘Mekete’.The story of the battalion is an eyewitness account of the ordeal of a battali…

Be on Guard against Greed!

When Europeans flocked to the New Continent following its discovery in 1492, the idea was to get as much gold and silver as possible from the land they mistook for India or the China of Marco Polo.Their kings wanted to stock their coffers with gold for…