College of Aviation of Eritrea conferred Advanced Diplomas

In its first commencement held at the Fenkil Air Force Base in Massawa, the College of Aviation of Eritrea conferred today, 25 February, Advanced Diplomas for graduates in the presence of President Isaias Afwerki.

The graduates were provided three years of theoretical and practical training in three programs including Pilot Training, Aircraft Maintenance, as well as Electronics and Radar Maintenance.

In his keynote address on the occasion, President Isaias Afwerki congratulating the trainees and parents as well as the Commander of the Eritrean Air Force and others that contributed to the program, underlined that the Government of Eritrea will funnel greater resources, and pursue redoubled efforts, professional training and research in the Aviation and other industries as human capital constitute the most critical national asset.

The Commander of the Eritrean Air Force, Maj. Gen. Teklay Habteselasie on his part said that the graduation event makes it special for it is conducted at the commemorative week of the 32nd anniversary of Operation Fenkil.

Maj. Gen. Teklay also said that the event beyond its historical precedence and meaning signifies the bright future and readiness to effectively carry out future assignments and missions.

Commending for the substantial investment the Government of Eritrea is making towards human capacity development, the representative of the graduates expressed conviction to play due to part in the aviation development of the country.

On the occasion, members of the Air Force that were provided training on Seamanship in cooperation with the Ministry of Marine Resources were graduated with certificates.

At the graduation event that was attended by Ministers, Army Commanders, Governor of the Northern Red Sea Region, and other invited guests, rank promotion was awarded to exemplary Officers, Pilots, Technicians, and Instructors and a certificate of recognition to those that made a special contribution.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Coronavirus – Eritrea: Announcement from the Ministry of Health (24 February 2022)

Published by
TDPel Media

Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Testing Stations in the Southern Region. Out of these, one patient is from Testing Station in Adi-Keih and one patient from Testing Station in Adi-Quala. On the other hand, five patients who have been receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Central (3) and Northern Red Sea (2) Regions have recovered fully and have been discharged from these facilities. The total number of recovered patients has accordingly increased to 9,584 while the number of deaths stands at 103. The total number of confirmed cases … Continue reading “Coronavirus – Eritrea: Announcement from the Ministry of Health (24 February 2022)”

Chinmay J. Upadhyat becomes Regional Vice President, South Asia for Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Calif., Feb. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, announces that Chinmay J. Upadhyat has joined the Group as Regional Vice President, South Asia region.

Chinmay will be based in Nikkiso Cosmodyne India Private Ltd, their large manufacturing and competence center in Gujarat India.

This important addition to their management team is the result of growth in the market environment and is in line with the objectives of the Industrial Division of Nikkiso to better serve and support their customers in the Southern Asia Market.

Chinmay started his career in 1995 as a Production Engineer with Anup Engineering and Inductotherm India, then served as key account manager for ten years with Dresser Rand India. Since 2008 he has been Regional then Assistant General Manager for Burckhardt Compression India where he was responsible for sales and business development of new machines for the Indian market.

With his broad experience in the CNG, LNG, H2 and industrial gas markets in India, Chinmay will lead the Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases sales and service teams in this important region and embark on a mission to deliver market share growth in a sustainable and profitable way.

“Chinmay will be a perfect addition to our management team with his proficiency in business development, equipment, service, aftermarket sales and market knowledge,” according to Emile Bado, Vice President, Sales & Business Development of the Group.

Chinmay has a Mechanical Engineering degree from Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad, a Bachelor’s in Technology from JNRVD University, Rajasthan and an MBA from Sikkim Manipal University in Manipal.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment and small-scale process plants for the liquefied natural gas (LNG), well services and industrial gas industries. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information please visit and

Anna Quigley

Huawei mettra en avant le réseau cible Green Power au MWC 2022

SHENZHEN, Chine, 24 février 2022/PRNewswire/ — Le secteur des TIC n’est pas seulement le fondement d’un monde numérique, mais aussi un grand consommateur d’énergie et émetteur de carbone. L’adoption de technologies et de pratiques TIC vertes joue un rôle important dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Lors du prochain MWC 2022, Huawei présentera son réseau cible Green Power innovant, qui aide les opérateurs à déployer la 5G sans OPEX énergétique supplémentaire, à minimiser les dépenses d’investissement et à réaliser des réseaux verts à faible émission de carbone.

Derrière le réseau écologique et sobre en carbone du cycle de vie

Le réseau cible Green Power de Huawei présente de faibles émissions de carbone tout au long du cycle de vie, de la construction à l’exploitation en passant par les opérations et la maintenance.

1. Construction de réseaux à faible émission de carbone

A site in Beijing: from room to pole

Huawei propose de simplifier la construction de sites, de remplacer les salles d’équipement par des armoires et des armoires par des poteaux. Cette solution réduit le coût du génie civil, les émissions de carbone pendant la construction et la reconstruction, ainsi que la consommation d’énergie des climatiseurs pour la dissipation de la chaleur.

2. Fonctionnement à faible émission de carbone

Le réseau cible Green Power de Huawei peut remodeler l’énergie de la production, de la conversion, du stockage à la consommation, apportant des réseaux à faible émission de carbone.

Huawei utilise des énergies vertes et renouvelables telles que l’énergie solaire et éolienne pour les sites et les salles d’équipement, réduisant ainsi les émissions de carbone de la source d’énergie. La solution développée conjointement par Huawei, China Mobile, Hangzhou et le China Mobile Group Design Institute est un cas d’école. L’alimentation, les appareils et les batteries distribués à l’origine dans six armoires sont rassemblés en une seule, ce qui permet d’économiser 80 % de la surface de plancher du système PV intelligent de Huawei. On estime que le coût de l’électricité sera réduit d’environ 58 % et que les émissions de carbone seront réduites de 8 tonnes après la reconstruction du site.

A site in Hangzhou: six cabinets replaced by one cabinet + PV deployment

Pour s’attaquer à l’efficacité de faible consommation d’énergie des sites lors de la conversion de puissance, Huawei utilise des modules efficaces et un système unique pour remplacer les modules inefficaces traditionnels et les systèmes d’alimentation multiples, augmente la tension d’alimentation pour réduire les pertes de transmission et réduit les émissions de carbone lors de la conversion de puissance.

Alors que l’industrie passe des batteries au plomb-acide aux batteries au lithium, Huawei a évolué vers une nouvelle ère de la batterie au lithium intelligente basée sur le cloud. Ce type de batterie peut fournir une alimentation de secours et allouer l’alimentation de secours avec précision grâce à la collaboration avec les sources d’alimentation et les charges, en mettant à niveau l’unité d’alimentation de secours traditionnelle vers un système de stockage d’énergie intelligent (ESS).

La gestion de la consommation d’énergie préoccupe constamment l’industrie. La gestion intelligente innovante de la consommation d’énergie de Huawei améliore l’efficacité de la gestion grâce à un comptage précis, au découpage de l’énergie, à la définition du logiciel et à l’audit de la consommation d’énergie. La consommation d’énergie de chaque charge sur un site peut être calculée séparément, la consommation d’énergie de chaque itinéraire peut être mesurée minutieusement par locataire, bande de fréquences et secteur, améliorant ainsi l’efficacité énergétique avec précision.

3. Une exploitation et une maintenance à faible émission de carbone

L’exploitation et la maintenance traditionnelles du site sont inefficaces et nécessitent une main-d’œuvre pour l’inspection de la maintenance préventive, la localisation des défauts, le remplacement des pièces de rechange, la production d’énergie d’urgence, le réglage du refroidissement et la vérification des frais d’électricité. En se basant sur la numérisation du site et les technologies d’IA et d’IoT, Huawei met en œuvre une alimentation intelligente et l’exploitation et la maintenance de toutes les liaisons à distance. En outre, les batteries au lithium portables peuvent remplacer les groupes électrogènes pour une sauvegarde d’urgence, ce qui permet d’obtenir une faible empreinte carbone.

Le réseau cible unique Green Power de Huawei

Comme son nom l’indique, le réseau cible Green Power de Huawei doit « commencer à travailler avec les objectifs en tête », en pensant toujours à la vue d’ensemble. D’une part, le réseau cible adopte une conception de haut niveau, des sites aux salles d’équipement, et du déploiement à l’exploitation en passant par les opérations et la maintenance, de manière unifiée et systématique. D’autre part, le réseau cible connecte tous les scénarios tout au long du cycle de vie, ce qui permet une collaboration efficace et jette les bases d’une intelligence de liaison complète.

L’intelligence est une autre caractéristique du réseau cible Green Power de Huawei.

La solution iCooling@AI de Huawei illustre l’optimisation de l’efficacité énergétique dans les centres de données. Un tiers de l’énergie consommée par un centre de données est utilisé pour des installations non informatiques telles que les climatiseurs, qui dévorent le plus d’énergie. La solution iCooling de Huawei collecte efficacement et avec précision les données relatives à l’efficacité énergétique du centre de données et utilise le réseau neuronal profond pour la modélisation, en adaptant précisément l’état de fonctionnement du centre de données pour optimiser l’efficacité à l’heure.

Le changement climatique causé par les émissions de carbone représente un défi difficile pour le développement durable de toute l’humanité, ce qui met également l’industrie des TIC sous pression. Cependant, le réseau cible Green Power de Huawei nous apporte de l’espoir. Les technologies innovantes sont la solution contre « l’épée de Damoclès » qui pèse sur l’industrie des TIC. Le développement de nouvelles infrastructures telles que la 5G et le big data, ainsi que les technologies vertes et à faible émission de carbone ne s’excluent pas mutuellement, mais constituent des concepts coexistants.

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La solution de centre de données modulaire préfabriquée de Huawei contribue à une Chengdu verte et numérique

CHENGDU, Chine, 24 février 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Axés sur la construction « d’un centre et de trois plates-formes », la zone hi-tech de Chengdu et Huawei travaillent ensemble pour construire le Chengdu AI Computing Center, une plate-forme informatique d’IA nouvelle génération de premier plan, qui servira de base à la construction d’un futur monde intelligent.

Chengdu, la capitale de la province du Sichuan, dans le sud-ouest de la Chine, est à l’avant-garde de la croissance de l’économie numérique alors que le plan directeur chinois pour le cercle économique de Chengdu-Chongqing publié en octobre dernier guide la ville dans le développement d’industries de classe mondiale, telles que l’informatique et l’électronique. La transformation numérique a chassé la poussière et le brouillard de Chengdu et lui a apporté un avenir plus radieux. L’industrie florissante des centres de données est une partie inséparable des efforts de numérisation de la ville.

Au cours des deux dernières années, Chengdu a été sélectionnée comme zone pilote nationale pour l’innovation et le développement de l’intelligence artificielle et comme nœud Chengdu-Chongqing du Centre national intégré de mégadonnées.

Pour un déploiement rapide et un cycle de vie E2E à faible émission de carbone, le centre de données informatique d’IA de Chengdu utilise la solution de centre de données modulaire préfabriquée de Huawei pour intégrer des installations intelligentes et écologiques telles que PowerPod, SmartLi et iCooling, etc.

Les installations sont préfabriquées dans l’usine et réalisées en parallèle de la construction. L’empilage rapide « à la Lego » simplifie le travail sur site et raccourcit efficacement la période de construction. Par rapport à la construction traditionnelle, la période de construction modulaire est réduite de plus de 50 % et la consommation d’énergie est réduite de 40 millions de kWh en 10 ans, ce qui équivaut à réduire les émissions de carbone de 19 000 tonnes et à planter 26 000 arbres.

Sur le site du centre de données, la poussière causée par la construction traditionnelle du centre de données a été éliminée et les déchets de construction ont été réduits de 80 %. La construction modulaire préfabriquée à faible émission de carbone et l’industrie de l’IA verte nous permettent de voir les montagnes enneigées au loin et stimulent le développement à faible émission de carbone et de haute qualité de la ville.

À l’avenir, la puissance de calcul inclusive de l’IA fournie par le centre informatique d’IA de Chengdu sera comme l’eau de mer transportant des milliers de navires d’applications pour un large éventail d’industries. Elle apporte une vision lumineuse pour une économie verte et prospère. En regardant vers l’avenir, les gens vivent non seulement une bonne vie grâce à la science et à la technologie modernes, mais utilisent également des technologies de pointe pour répondre à leur aspiration de vivre en harmonie avec la nature.

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Standard Lithium and Lanxess Finalize Plan for First Commercial Lithium Project in Arkansas

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Standard Lithium Ltd. (“Standard Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSXV: SLI) (NYSE.A: SLI) (FRA: S5L), an innovative technology and lithium project development company, has reached an agreement (the “Agreement”), dated February 23, 2022, with its strategic partner, LANXESS Corporation (“Lanxess”), that streamlines and expedites the plan for development of the first commercial lithium project in Arkansas, which is to be constructed at an operational Lanxess facility in El Dorado, Arkansas (the “Project”). Under the Agreement, Standard Lithium will control all development of the Project leading up to and including the completion of the Front End Engineering Design (“FEED”) study. Standard Lithium will hold, at a minimum, a 51% majority equity stake in the Project and may retain as much as 100% of the Project. The Company will also retain 100% ownership of its South West Arkansas Project, all its proprietary extraction technologies, relevant intellectual property and know-how.

Robert Mintak, CEO of Standard Lithium commented, “This agreement builds upon the successful working relationship that has been established between the companies. By entering into this Agreement, Standard Lithium takes ownership of the Project and its development timelines with a clear path towards delivering the first new commercial lithium production in the USA in over 50 years.1 We have already begun the process of engaging and integrating the strategic team members to make this project a success.  With the recent investment from our largest shareholder, Koch Strategic Platforms, we are fully funded to complete all planned Project milestones leading to a Definitive Feasibility Study, which is expected to be completed in Q4 2022”.

Key Highlights:

  • Standard Lithium will form an initially wholly-owned company (“Project Company”) that owns 100% of the Project during pre-FEED and FEED engineering studies (see news release dated January 20th, 2022). The FEED engineering will be used to produce a NI43-101 Definitive Feasibility Study (“DFS”) in Q4 2022;
  • Lanxess will, via a series of commercial agreements, provide the brine supply for the Project, the Project site lease, and rights of way, infrastructure, and other services for the Project;
  • Standard Lithium will provide a market fee-based license to the Project Company of its suite of intellectual property;
  • Standard Lithium is able to utilize its intellectual property, extraction technology and know-how at its 100% owned South West Arkansas Project, certain other sites in Arkansas and at all project sites outside of Arkansas, and will maintain control and ownership over the future development of its IP portfolio; and,
  • Lanxess is obliged to support development of the Project and upon completion of a DFS, has the option to acquire an equity interest in the Project Company of up to 49% and not less than 30%, at a price equal to a ratable share of SLL’s aggregate investment in the Project Company.

If Lanxess acquires an ownership interest:

  • The parties will share the costs of financing construction of the Project on a ratable basis; and,
  • Lanxess will have the right to acquire some, or all of the lithium carbonate off-take produced at the commercial plant at market-based terms less a handling fee.

If Lanxess does not acquire an ownership interest:

  • Standard Lithium will own 100% of the Project including customary dividends, distribution, or similar rights;
  • Standard Lithium can elicit bids from other interested parties to buy up to 49% of the Project Company; and,
  • Lanxess will have the right to acquire some, or all of the lithium carbonate off-take produced at the commercial plant at a price of market minus up to 20%, to be agreed by Lanxess and Standard Lithium and taking into consideration several key commercial agreements (including the costs of brine supply and disposal for the Project, the Project site lease cost and rights of way, infrastructure, and other services for the Project).

The parties have also agreed that development of the second and third projects on the Lanxess properties will be on a joint basis and that the parties will perform the same roles using similar contractual structures as the first Project. Lanxess will also have the right to purchase the lithium carbonate off-take from the additional projects upon market-based terms to be agreed by Lanxess and Standard Lithium, taking into consideration other commercial agreements required for their development (e.g. site leases, brine supply/disposal etc.).

Stifel Nicolas Canada Inc. acted as financial advisor to Standard Lithium during negotiation of this Agreement.

About Standard Lithium Ltd.
Standard Lithium is an innovative technology and lithium development company. The Company’s flagship project is located in southern Arkansas, where it is engaged in the testing and proving of the commercial viability of lithium extraction from over 150,000 acres of permitted brine operations. The Company operates its first-of-a-kind industrial-scale direct lithium extraction demonstration plant at Lanxess’s south plant facility in southern Arkansas. The demonstration plant utilizes the Company’s proprietary LiSTR technology to selectively extract lithium from Lanxess’s tail brine. The demonstration plant is being used for proof-of-concept and commercial feasibility studies. The scalable, environmentally friendly process eliminates the use of evaporation ponds, reduces processing time from months to hours and greatly increases the effective recovery of lithium. The Company is also pursuing the resource development of over 30,000 acres of separate brine leases located in southwest Arkansas, referred to as the South West Arkansas Lithium Project, and approximately 45,000 acres of mineral leases located in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California.

Standard Lithium is jointly listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the NYSE American under the trading symbol “SLI”; and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “S5L”. Please visit the Company’s website at

On behalf of the Board of Standard Lithium Ltd.
Robert Mintak, CEO & Director

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

This news release may contain certain “Forward-Looking Statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “target, “plan”, “forecast”, “may”, “schedule” and other similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to expected development of the Project and future phases, the timeline for completion of the DFS, negotiation of definitive documentation with Lanxess, accuracy of mineral or resource exploration activity, reserves or resources, regulatory or government requirements or approvals, the reliability of third party information, continued access to mineral properties or infrastructure, fluctuations in the market for lithium and its derivatives, changes in exploration costs and government regulation in Canada and the United States, and other factors or information. Such statements represent the Company’s current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social risks, contingencies and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affections such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations.

1 See

For further information contact:

LHA Investor Relations
David Barnard
+1 415-433-3777
Twitter: @standardlithium

Smile Identity Launches Enhanced Document Verification in Africa, Europe and North America

Smile Identity, the leading identity verification provider in Africa, has announced the launch of Document Verification, enabling businesses to accept and verify 142 ID types across 100 countries in Africa, Europe, and North America for KYC and user onboarding.

LAGOS, Nigeria, Feb. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Smile Identity, the leading pan-African identity verification provider, today announced the launch of Document Verification, its latest product designed to help companies onboard users onto their platforms.

Smile Identity Logo

From lending to remittances, digital banking to cryptocurrency trading, African businesses and platforms have experienced a surge in demand on the continent and from the diaspora alike, reinforcing the need for trust in a digital-first environment.

Now, platforms who run Know Your Customer (“KYC”) checks with Smile Identity can verify documents to onboard their customers. Document Verification confirms the authenticity of over 140 ID documents across 100 countries in Africa, Europe and North America, and leverages Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to read the KYC information on the document itself. This offers a frictionless experience for users who can simply snap a selfie and photo of their document to prove their identity online; Smile Identity takes care of the rest.

“We are excited about Document Verification. It promises to help us with regulatory changes in Africa, like supporting the new Ghana Card. It’s great to know that Smile Identity’s coverage extends to all of Africa,” said Kay Sulyman, Product Manager for Compliance at global remittance provider Chipper Cash.

Salami Abolore, CEO of Riby, a digital platform offering financial services to cooperatives and trade groups in Africa, agrees: “With Document Verification, we can now verify national IDs, passports, and more. Smile Identity helps us onboard individual and small business users quickly, allowing us to focus on getting them the financial services they need to thrive.”

A core feature of Document Verification is the use of SmartSelfie™, Smile Identity’s proprietary facial verification technology, which compares a user-submitted selfie to the image on the document. SmartSelfie™ is a debiased biometric solution for face detection, matching and liveness confirmation that has a 99.9% accuracy rate on African faces. This renders Document Verification one of the most secure offerings of its kind, helping businesses and platforms combat fraud and promote trust.

Document Verification complements Smile Identity’s core products that run KYC on the basis of an ID number, rather than a document scan. Document Verification helps businesses retain a record of the IDs they checked, a regulatory requirement in key countries.

By giving businesses more options across continents to conduct their KYC process in a secure and compliant manner, Smile Identity is contributing to growth in trade and remittance corridors between Africa, Europe and North America. Smile Identity fosters trust and positive user experiences, which strengthens the African digital economy as a whole while meeting customer, business and regulatory needs.

About Smile Identity
Smile Identity is the leading identity verification and digital Know Your Customer (KYC) provider for Africa. We help companies scale rapidly across Africa by confirming the true identity of their users in real time, using any smartphone or computer. Our technology is powered by proprietary Machine Learning algorithms designed specifically for African faces and identities. We have developed solutions for identity verification, digital KYC, user onboarding, biometric authentication and anti-fraud checks. Backed by Costanoa, CRE Venture Capital, Khosla Impact, LocalGlobe and Angel Investors from across Africa, Smile Identity is enabling the growth of tech ecosystems across the African continent while providing infrastructure to build trust online. For more information, please visit

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