Synchronoss Personal Cloud Solution Selected for Integration into Japan’s Kitamura Online and Retail Channels

New partnership will allow Japanese retailer to offer content storage as it seeks to digitize more of its services

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Aug. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), a global leader and innovator of cloud, messaging and digital solutions, today announced that Kitamura, a Japanese multimedia retailer, has selected the Synchronoss Personal Cloud solution for integration into its online and retail channel. The addition of personal cloud will give Kitamura’s online and retail customers the ability to back up and manage their valuable digital content, including photos and videos, from any device.

Kitamura is one of Japan’s leading retailers offering image-related services and products, including cameras, photo printing, video dubbing, photo studio, photo books and so on. The retailer has over 1,000 retail locations across the country with over 20 million paying visitors each year and approximately 10 million consumers registered in its online services. Through this integration, Kitamura will be able to provide seamless online and retail experience with the new white-label personal cloud offering.

“We are excited to be partnering with Synchronoss to integrate its personal cloud solutions across our online and retail channels,” said Hajime Yanagisawa, Managing Executive Officer, Kitamura. “We have always been committed to bringing customers’ memories to life through the medium of photography, and this cloud offering is the next step in not only enabling our customers to enjoy their memories but to also store, organize and manage them safely and securely. We’re looking forward to bringing this new service to our customers as we continue our journey towards digitizing our offering.”

Synchronoss’ white-label personal cloud has been adopted by mobile operators and other companies across the globe. The solution gives their customers a safe, secure cloud experience and the ability to store and sync digital content – a key to building brand loyalty and customer satisfaction in an increasingly online world. It also delivers to those organizations the flexibility to quickly add additional value-added services that strengthen the bottom line.

Anthony Socci, President of Synchronoss International, said he is delighted to be working with Kitamura on its new cloud offering. “This cloud solution will be instrumental to Kitamura as it increases its digital touchpoints and seeks to create new revenue streams beyond its traditional printing and camera retail business. We look forward to collaborating with Kitamura as it brings new, innovative services to its customers,” he said.

To learn more about Synchronoss cloud solutions, visit

About Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company’s collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs and increase speed to market. Hundreds of millions of subscribers trust Synchronoss products to stay in sync with the people, services and content they love. That’s why more than 1,500 talented Synchronoss employees worldwide strive each day to reimagine a world in sync. Learn more at

About Kitamura
Kitamura is a leading company of photographic and video-related products and services in Japan. The company owns Japan’s largest in-house laboratories (photo and video processing factories) and delivers its services and products via more than 1,000 retail stores nationwide and online. It’s the company’s mission to provide services to shape customer memories not only at that moment but also for decades to come, restore photos, and revive precious memories.

Media Contacts

For Synchronoss: Anais Merlin, CCgroup, E:

Investor Contact
For Synchronoss: Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc., E:

Laserfiche lance un package d’automatisation des processus d’entreprise pour soutenir la réouverture numérique post-pandémie des organisations

LONDRES3 août 2021/PRNewswire/ — Laserfiche – principal fournisseur SaaS de gestion intelligente de contenu et d’automatisation des processus d’entreprise – a annoncé aujourd’hui l’introduction d’un package Digital Reopening de modèles de processus préconstruits visant à soutenir les efforts des organisations pour restaurer, récupérer, réimaginer et reconstruire le travail dans un monde post-pandémique.


Le nouveau package est une extension d’une collection existante de plus de 100 modèles de solutions qui permettent aux utilisateurs de Laserfiche de télécharger des diagrammes de processus, des flux de travail, des champs de modèles et des rapports, qui peuvent tous être configurés pour répondre aux exigences opérationnelles spécifiques d’une organisation pour un déploiement rapide de la solution.

Linda Ding, directrice principale du marketing stratégique chez Laserfiche, a déclaré : « Laserfiche s’est engagé à soutenir les organisations de tous les secteurs d’activité dans leur réponse rapide à la pandémie. Nous avons travaillé avec des clients innovants, des leaders de l’industrie et des partenaires technologiques pour développer des modèles de flux de travail à faible code qui peuvent être déployés rapidement, dans le but d’accroître l’accessibilité des services et la visibilité des procédures de sécurité lorsque les employés, les clients, les étudiants et les électeurs en ont le plus besoin, et de redonner du temps aux dirigeants des organisations pour qu’ils se concentrent sur le bien-être de leurs communautés et l’avenir de leur entreprise. »

Le package comprend trois catégories d’automatisation des processus que les utilisateurs peuvent utiliser dans des contextes variés : intervention d’urgence à court terme, modernisation des flux de travail à moyen terme et transformation numérique à long terme. Les premières de ces nouvelles solutions sont disponibles dès maintenant, et des versions supplémentaires sont prévues pour août et octobre 2021. La version initiale comprend les solutions suivantes :

  • Le rapport quotidien des symptômes des employés permet un dépistage plus rapide des employés et favorise la sécurité au travail. La solution permet aux employés de soumettre un rapport quotidien de symptômes en ligne avant de commencer à travailler pour la journée. Un représentant des ressources humaines est averti par courrier électronique si un employé a une température élevée, signale des symptômes ou a été en contact avec une personne diagnostiquée avec le COVID-19. Ces employés sont alors informés par un e-mail automatisé qu’ils doivent rester chez eux et se reposer ou qu’il leur est recommandé de travailler à distance.
  • L’enquête sur l’expérience du travail à domicile soutient les efforts continus des employeurs pour surveiller le bien-être des employés qui travaillent à distance. Les employeurs peuvent utiliser cette solution d’enquête pour évaluer dans quelle mesure leurs employés s’adaptent au travail à domicile, ce qui fonctionne bien et ce qui pourrait être amélioré. Les questions de l’enquête peuvent être facilement adaptées aux besoins de l’organisation.
  • Le suivi de l’inventaire et la demande d’équipement permettent aux équipes informatiques de suivre le matériel fourni aux employés distants et de gérer l’inventaire des équipements. Pour suivre le matériel initialement utilisé au bureau, les employés fournissent les informations associées à leur matériel, comme le numéro d’identification de l’appareil, via un formulaire électronique. Ce formulaire peut également être utilisé pour demander du matériel supplémentaire. Lorsqu’une demande de matériel supplémentaire est soumise, un représentant informatique est automatiquement désigné pour attribuer le matériel à l’employé.
  • Le questionnaire de retour au travail permet aux employeurs de recueillir les informations nécessaires, telles que les symptômes des employés et le calendrier de retour au travail prévu, afin d’informer et de soutenir la stratégie de réouverture de l’entreprise. Sur la base des réponses des employés, ceux-ci peuvent être affectés à une cohorte ou à une phase spécifique qui s’aligne sur les conseils des autorités sanitaires locales, correspond à votre stratégie de réouverture et permet à votre organisation de gérer la capacité des bureaux.
  • La demande de congé COVID-19  permet de se conformer à la loi Families First Coronavirus Response Act, qui prévoit que les employés bénéficient d’un congé de maladie payé ou d’un congé médical et familial étendu pour des raisons liées au COVID-19. Un employé peut soumettre une demande de congé par le biais d’un formulaire en ligne ; elle est ensuite automatiquement assignée à un représentant des ressources humaines pour examen et approbation. Un e-mail automatique informe l’employé de l’approbation ou du refus de sa demande.

En plus de permettre le déploiement rapide de solutions automatisées, le package Digital Reopening donne aux organisations les outils pour suivre les demandes et traiter les données, ce qui permet une optimisation continue. Des organisations du monde entier ont tiré parti de Laserfiche tout au long de la pandémie, en développant une infrastructure informatique et des plans de continuité des activités robustes, et en transformant l’expérience numérique des employés et des clients lors de perturbations majeures. Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont les organisations ont utilisé Laserfiche tout au long de la pandémie et dans la planification de l’avenir, visitez la page de ressource Digital Reopening de Laserfiche.

Notes à l’intention des rédacteurs

À propos de Laserfiche

Laserfiche est le principal fournisseur de logiciels à la demande offrant des solutions de gestion intelligente du contenu et d’automatisation des processus opérationnels. Grâce à de puissants flux opérationnels, à des formulaires électroniques ainsi qu’à la gestion et l’analyse de documents, la plate-forme Laserfiche® accélère les processus d’affaires, ce qui permet aux dirigeants de se concentrer sur la croissance globale de leur entreprise.

Laserfiche est une pionnière en matière de gestion du contenu des entreprises pour éliminer l’utilisation du papier au bureau. Aujourd’hui, son approche de développement axée sur le cloud intègre les innovations en matière d’apprentissage machine et d’IA, afin de permettre aux entreprises de plus de 80 pays de passer au numérique. Les clients issus de tous les horizons – gouvernement, éducation, services financiers, soins de santé, fabrication – font appel à Laserfiche pour accroître leur productivité, prendre de l’expansion et offrir des expériences client axées sur le numérique.

Basés dans différents bureaux aux quatre coins du globe, les employés de Laserfiche s’engagent à réaliser la vision de l’entreprise : renforcer l’autonomie des clients et inspirer les gens à repenser comment la technologie peut transformer leurs vies.

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Laserfiche launches business process automation package to support organisations’ post-pandemic digital reopening

LONDON, Aug. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Laserfiche — the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation — has today announced the introduction of a Digital Reopening package of prebuilt process templates aimed at supporting organisations’ efforts to restore, recover, reimagine, and rebuild work in a post-pandemic world.


The new package is an expansion to an existing collection of over 100 solution templates that allow Laserfiche users to download process diagrams, workflows, template fields and reports, all of which can be configured to fit an organisation’s specific operational requirements for rapid solution deployment.

Linda Ding, senior director of strategic marketing at Laserfiche said: “Laserfiche is committed to supporting organisations across industries in their quick response to recovery from the pandemic. We worked with innovative customers, industry leaders and technology partners to develop this package’s low-code workflow templates that can be deployed quickly, with the goal of increasing accessibility of services and visibility into safety procedures when employees, customers, students and constituents need them most; and reclaiming time for organisational leaders to focus on the well-being of their communities, and the future of their enterprise.”

The package includes three categories of process automation users can utilise for a variety of contexts: short-term emergency response, medium-term workflow modernisation, and long-term digital transformation. The first of these new solutions are available now, with additional releases planned for August and October 2021. The initial release includes the following solutions:

  • Daily employee symptom report enables faster pre-screening for employees and supports continued safety at work. The solution allows employees to submit a daily symptom report online before starting work for the day. A human resources representative is notified by email if an employee has an elevated temperature, reports any symptoms or has come in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. These employees are then notified via automated email to stay home and rest or are recommended to work remotely.
  • Work from home experience survey supports employers’ ongoing effort to monitor employee well-being while working remotely. Employers can use this survey solution to assess how well their employees are adjusting to working from home, what works well, and what could be improved. Survey questions can be easily tailored to organisational needs.
  • Inventory tracking and equipment request enables IT teams to track hardware provided to remote employees and manage equipment inventory. To track hardware originally used in-office, employees provide information associated with their hardware, like device ID number, via an electronic form. The form can also be used to request additional equipment. When a request is submitted for additional hardware, an IT representative is automatically designated to assign equipment to the employee.
  • Return to work questionnaire allows employers to collect needed information such as employee symptoms and intended return to work schedule to inform and support organisation’s reopening strategy. Based on employee answers, they can be assigned to a specific cohort or phase that aligns with guidance from local health officials, corresponds to your reopening strategy and enables your organisation to manage in-office capacity.
  • COVID-19 time-off request helps support compliance with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to provide employees with paid sick leave or expanded medical and family leave for reasons related to COVID-19. An employee can submit a time-off request via an online form; it is then automatically assigned to a human resources representative for review and approval. An automated email notifies the employee whether the request is approved or denied.

In addition to enabling the rapid deployment of automated solutions, the Digital Reopening package gives organisations the tools to track requests and process data, allowing for continuous optimisation. Organisations around the world have leveraged Laserfiche throughout the pandemic, developing robust IT infrastructure and business continuity plans, and transforming the digital experience for employees and customers during major disruptions. To learn more about how organisations have used Laserfiche throughout the pandemic and in planning for the future, visit Laserfiche’s Digital Reopening Resource Page.

Notes to Editors

About Laserfiche

Laserfiche is the leading SaaS provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. Through powerful workflows, electronic forms, document management and analytics, the Laserfiche® platform accelerates how business gets done, enabling leaders to focus on growth across the enterprise.

Laserfiche pioneered the paperless office with enterprise content management. Today, Laserfiche’s cloud-first development approach incorporates innovations in machine learning and AI to enable organisations in more than 80 countries to transform into digital businesses. Customers in every industry — including government, education, financial services, healthcare and manufacturing — use Laserfiche to boost productivity, scale their business and deliver digital-first customer experiences.

Laserfiche employees in offices around the world are committed to the company’s vision of empowering customers and inspiring people to reimagine how technology can transform lives.

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Bodies Found in River Between Ethiopia’s Tigray and Sudan

A Sudanese official says local authorities in Kassala province have found around 50 bodies, apparently people fleeing the war in neighboring Ethiopia’s Tigray region, floating in the river between the countries over the past week, some with gunshot wounds or their hands bound.

The official said Monday a forensic investigation is needed to determine the causes of death. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

Two Ethiopian health workers in the Sudan border community of Hamdayet confirmed seeing the bodies found in the Setit River, known in Ethiopia as the Tekeze. The river flows through some of the most troubled areas of the nine-month conflict in Tigray, where ethnic Tigrayans have accused Ethiopian and allied forces of atrocities while battling Tigray forces.

Tewodros Tefera, a surgeon who fled the nearby Tigray city of Humera to Sudan, told The Associated Press that two of the bodies were found Monday, one a man with his hands bound and the other a woman with a chest wound. Fellow refugees have buried at least 10 other bodies, he said.

He shared a video of men appearing to prepare a shroud for a body floating face-down in the river.

Tewodros said the bodies were found downstream from Humera, where authorities and allied fighters from Ethiopia’s Amhara region have been accused by refugees of forcing out local Tigrayans during the war while claiming that western Tigray is their land.

“We are actually taking care of the bodies spotted by fishermen,” Tewodros said. “I suspect there are more bodies on the river.”

While it was difficult to identify the bodies, one had a common name in the Tigray language, Tigrinya, tattooed on his arm, the surgeon said.

Another doctor working in Hamdayet who saw the bodies told the AP that some of the corpses had facial markings indicating they were ethnic Tigrayans.

“I saw a lot of barbaric things,” said the doctor, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters. “Some had been struck by an axe.”

Witnesses at the river told him they had not been able to catch all the bodies floating downstream because of the water’s swift flow during the rainy season, the doctor said.

An Ethiopian government-created Twitter account on Monday called the accounts of bodies a fake campaign by “propagandists” among the Tigray forces.

Samantha Power, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, on Monday visited a refugee camp in Sudan hosting thousands of Ethiopians who fled the Tigray war. She next will visit Ethiopia to press the government to allow humanitarian aid to Tigray, a region of some 6 million people where the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade is unfolding. The U.S. says up to 900,000 people now face famine conditions.

The U.N. food agency said it is working to provide food to Tigray through Sudan despite frayed ties between Khartoum and Addis Ababa.

Negotiations to access the blocked Tigray region have proved to be quite difficult, Marianne Ward, the World Food Program’s deputy country director in Sudan, said. She said WFP has already moved 50,000 tons of wheat to Ethiopia through Sudan.



Source: Voice of America

Cameroon Says Hundreds Boko Haram Fighters Surrendering After Abubakar Shekau’s Death

Authorities in Cameroon say there are seeing an increase in the number of Boko Haram militants surrendering at a disarmament center on the northern border with Nigeria. Officials say there have been hundreds of defections from the terrorist group since May, when Abubakar Shekau, leader of the Islamist group, was declared killed.

Cameroonian authorities said they are overwhelmed by the number of militants fleeing the extremist group Boko Haram. The National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, or the DDR, a center set up by the government, hosts about 750 former militants in Meri, a town on the northern border with Nigeria.

Dieudonne Nkollo Zanga is one of the administrators of the DDR center in Meri. He said the center received more than 155 militants within the past seven days and a total of about 450 militants have arrived at the center since May.

Zanga said the government of Cameroon has provided space in Meme, another northern town not far from Nigeria, for the construction of a center that can host 1,500 former Boko Haram fighters. He said funds to construct the DDR center are available and construction work will begin soon.

Zanga said the center in Meri is small and can’t accommodate the increasing number of Boko Haram militants abandoning the group. DDR officials say a majority of the 155 militants who arrived this week are wives of the fighters and their children. Forty of the 57 men are former Boko Haram fighters.

Francis Fai Yengo is director of the government’s DDR center. He told reporters Monday that the government has taken adequate measures to provide for the needs of the former fighters. Speaking at a news conference in Yaounde, Yengo says Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya, has instructed officials to pardon all fighters who surrender and disarm.

He said a majority of the fighters who escape from the bush to join the DDR center need to detox from substance use. He said it is very difficult to communicate with the former Boko Haram combatants when the fighters are still struggling with substance use disorders. He said the former fighters confess to their crimes, including killing and should be admitted in the deradicalization programs as soon as possible.

Yengo did not say how many weapons were collected from the fighters. However, Cameroon’s military said the militants handed themselves to troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force of the Lake Chad Basin that is fighting the jihadist group. The task force is made up of troops from Niger, Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria.

Cameroon said the troops transported the militants who surrendered from border localities to the DDR center. A majority of the militants surrendered around Nigeria’s Sambisa Forest, an area bordering Cameroon and a stronghold for Boko Haram.


Saibou Issa is a conflict resolution specialist at the University of Maroua in Cameroon. He said many militants have been defecting following the death of Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram, in May.


Issa said attacks by the joint task force in formerly Boko Haram-controlled areas and his fighters have made Shekau’s militants weaker.


“With the demise of Shekau, they [former fighters] were obliged to go in for predatory attacks giving the impression that they were just going in for survival attacks to make money around Lake Chad and be able to, let’s say, be independent at least concerning their daily lives,” he said.


Issa said rival jihadist groups that disagree with Shekau also scare Boko Haram militants who fail to join the rival groups. He said the fighters who defect are either returning to their communities, handing themselves to the military or regrouping to strategize and form a stronger jihadist group.


In May, a video from Bakura Modu, the presumed successor of Shekau, appeared to confirm that the Boko Haram leader was killed by rival jihadist groups in the Sambisa Forest in April.


Although founded in 2002, Boko Haram gained more prominence after attacks against authorities in northeastern Nigeria in 2009. And in 2014, it spread into neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Over 30,000 people been killed and two million have been displaced due to conflict.




Source: Voice of America

Nigerian Doctors Strike Amid Coronavirus Third Wave

Doctors in Nigeria’s state-run hospitals have walked off the job over what they call poor salaries, insurance, and facilities despite a third wave of coronavirus infections. Hospitals were already struggling to cope with the caseload and health authorities fear the strike, which began Monday, could overwhelm them and end up costing lives.

The Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors, or NARD, said the goal is to compel the government to uphold an earlier agreement on pay arrears, hazard allowances and honor benefits for families of members who die in service to the country. The government, for its part, said it was not aware of the plan for the doctors to go on strike.

But as the country faces a third coronavirus wave caused by the lethal delta variant, health authorities said the strike action is dangerous.

Ndaeyo Iwot is the executive secretary at the Abuja Primary Health Care Board.

“It is expected to affect those that are 50 years and above particularly those with co-morbidities,” Iwot said. “The effect of the disease is most likely to be aggravated.”

Out of about 42,000 registered doctors in Nigeria, some 16,800 or 40%, are residents.

Union officials have said there will be no exception for doctors responding to coronavirus cases at hospitals.

Uyilawa Okhuaihesuyi is the national president of the association.

“There’s no better time to have a strike action,” Okhuaihesuyi said. “And as it stands, we have waited patiently for them to try and sort out the issues concerning the welfare of our members, those we lost, those that are still alive. And we actually want to apologize to Nigerians generally but at this stage you can’t blame us.”

Nineteen members of NARD have died since the pandemic started. The union is also demanding improvement on health care facilities across state-run centers.

In April, the union suspended a 10-day strike that stalled activities in various state health facilities.

The latest strike action comes as President Muhammadu Buhari visits Britain for medical reasons. He is expected to return to Nigeria during the second week of August.



Source: Voice of America

UN: Fighting Displaces 200,000 in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region

United Nations aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday 200,000 people have been displaced by fighting in Ethiopia’s Amhara region and 54,000 in its Afar region.

In recent weeks, fighting has spread into the two regions neighboring Tigray, where a war erupted eight months ago between Ethiopia’s central government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.

“We need 100 trucks a day going into Tigray to meet humanitarian needs,” Griffiths told reporters in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, adding that the number was a “calculated need” and not “overestimated.”

The U.N. aid chief also said that 122 trucks made it into Tigray in recent days.

The U.N. says that around 400,000 people are living in famine conditions in Tigray, and more than 90% of the population needs emergency food aid.

The United Nations children’s agency warned last week that more than 100,000 children in Tigray could suffer life-threatening malnutrition in the next 12 months, a tenfold increase in normal numbers.

Afar regional spokesperson Ahmed Koloyta and Amhara spokesperson Gizachew Muluneh did not respond to requests for comment.

Spokespeople for the prime minister and a government task force on Tigray did not respond to a request for comment.




Source: Voice of America