ISW Holdings encerra sua 1ª fase de mais de 100MW da fazenda de mineração de criptomoedas na Geórgia com capacidade de resultar em mais de US$100 milhões em receita bruta anual

LAS VEGAS, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — A ISW Holdings, Inc. (OTC: ISWH) (“ISW Holdings” ou a “Empresa”), uma empresa global de gestão de marcas, tem o prazer de anunciar que fechou um contrato de desenvolvimento de arrendamento de terras, que concede à Empresa na 1ª fase o uso total 7 acres do terreno de sua propriedade na Geórgia adaptado com acesso a recursos energéticos capazes de alimentar mais de 100 MW de capacidade de mineração de criptomoedas.

“Este acordo nos coloca entre os cinco melhores do mundo para expansão da mineração de criptomoedas em termos de volume”, disse Alonzo Pierce, Presidente e Chairman da ISW Holdings. “Temos controle de um terreno ideal para dar início à 1ª fase com acesso adicional a mais de 100 megawatts de energia para uso em mineração de criptomoedas. Também contamos com o nosso parceiro Bit5ive, LLC – o maior fornecedor da América do Norte de gerenciamento coletivo de serviços de energia limpa e renovável e equipamentos de mineração – nas instalações para gerenciar e desenvolver as operações de mineração no local. A China está reprimindo duramente e fechando sua indústria doméstica de mineração de criptomoedas. Isso tem uma grande consequência porque mais da metade da mineração de criptomoedas do mundo vem ocorrendo na China. Com isso, já estamos atendendo chamadas de empresas de mineração em busca de novos locais de operação. Estamos prontos para atender a essa demanda em grande escala. Temos a energia necessária!”

Para mais detalhes e declarações de previsão, veja o comunicado:

Pierce disse ainda: “Pretendemos assinar um acordo adicional com algumas das maiores e mais conhecidas empresas de mineração do mundo que buscam acomodações adicionais para ampliação das operações de mineração. Já estamos começando a projetar e planejar essa escalabilidade adicional. Após a conclusão da implantação dos 100 MW, a nossa receita bruta total deve alcançar um total de mais de US$100 milhões em uma base anualizada.”

Sobre a ISW Holdings
A ISW Holdings, Inc. (ISWH), com sede em Nevada, é uma empresa de portfólio diversificada composta por linhas de negócios essenciais que atendem às demandas de produtos de consumo. Somos experts no desenvolvimento estratégico de marca, facilitação do crescimento antecipado, bem como na identidade da marca através do nosso processo de aquisição proprietário. Juntamente com nossos parceiros, buscamos fornecer uma estrutura que atenda às grandes demandas de escalabilidade, bem como às necessidades previstas do mercado. Atendemos essas necessidades através de uma variedade de processos estratégicos inovadores. A ISWH está criando e gerenciando marcas em um espectro de indústrias disruptivas. Ela conduz suas empresas proprietárias durante as etapas críticas de desenvolvimento do mercado, que inclui conceituação, estratégias de go-to-market, engenharia, integração de produtos e eficiência de distribuição. A empresa também fez parceria com uma conhecida empresa de desenvolvimento e consultoria de software, a Bengala Technologies LLC, que está  desenvolvendo melhorias significativas no espaço de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. Esta parceria tem uma patente essencial pendente.

O segmento de mineração de criptomoedas da Empresa, estabelecido em parceria com a líder do setor, Bit5ive LLC, é impulsionado pela sua missão de mineração de criptomoedas com uma pegada zero de carbono. Saiba mais em

Sobre a Bit5ive

A Bit5ive é líder em data centers de mineração de criptomoedas com vários projetos atualmente em desenvolvimento nos Estados Unidos. O sucesso da Bit5ive é resultado do seu compromisso com seus clientes de várias indústrias e profissões. A sede corporativa da Bit5ive é em Miami, Flórida, onde atua como um hub de gestão para seus data centers, vendas e atendimento ao cliente. Saiba mais em

Contato com a Empresa:

Relações Públicas
EDM Media, LLC

Comunicações Corporativas:
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, Califórnia
310.299.1717 Escritório

Synchronoss Anuncia Encerramento da Oferta de Ações Ordinárias e Notas Seniores no valor de US$235 milhões

A Synchronoss também arrecadou US$75 milhões por meio de uma colocação privada de ações preferenciais

Produto líquido usado para refinanciar a estrutura de capital da empresa

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), líder global e inovadora de soluções de nuvem, mensagens e digitais, anunciou hoje o encerramento no dia 29 de junho de 2021 de uma oferta pública subscrita de 42.307.692 ações ordinárias, com 3.846.154 ações emitidas em conexão com a opção dos subscritores de compra de ações adicionais, a um preço para o público de US$2,60 por ação, obtendo uma receita bruta de aproximadamente US$110 milhões. A Empresa também anunciou o encerramento no dia 30 de junho de 2021 de uma oferta pública subscrita de notas seniores a 8,375%, de valor principal agregado de US$125 milhões com vencimento em 2026, e de notas seniores com valor principal agregado de US$5 milhões emitidas em conexão com a opção dos subscritores de compra de notas seniores. A receita bruta de ambas as ofertas não contabiliza os descontos, comissões de subscrição e despesas estimadas da oferta a pagar pela Empresa.

A Synchronoss e as notas seniores receberam uma classificação BB- da Egan-Jones Ratings Company, uma agência de classificação independente e não afiliada. As notas devem começar a ser negociadas no Nasdaq Global Select Market sob o símbolo “SNCRL” a partir de 1 de julho de 2021.

Além das ofertas públicas, em 30 de junho de 2021, a Empresa também encerrou uma colocação privada de 75.000 das suas Ações Preferenciais Perpétuas Não Conversíveis Série B na B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC por um preço de compra agregado de US$75 milhões.

As duas ofertas públicas e a colocação privada resultaram em uma receita líquida de aproximadamente US$300 milhões, após a dedução dos descontos e comissões de subscrição, mas antes das despesas. Em 30 de junho de 2021, a Empresa usou parte do produto líquido para resgatar todas as suas Ações Preferenciais Contínuas Conversíveis Série A de propriedade de uma afiliada do Siris Capital Group e para reembolsar os valores em aberto sob a linha de crédito rotativo da Empresa.

“A Synchronoss emergiu deste processo de refinanciamento abrangente com uma base financeira sólida que irá apoiar a nossa missão de capacitar nossos clientes a se conectarem com seus assinantes de maneira confiável e significativa”, disse Jeff Miller, Presidente e CEO da Synchronoss. “Temos um ambiente financeiro sustentável que nos dá a flexibilidade operacional necessária para investir na entrega e no aprimoramento de ótimas experiências na nuvem, de mensagens e digitais para nossos clientes; para permitir o crescimento a longo prazo; e para oferecer maior valor aos acionistas que investem na nossa empresa.”

O refinanciamento também resultou na saída dos membros do Conselho de Administração da Synchronoss, Frank Baker, Peter Berger e Robert Aquilina, todos associados ao Siris Capital Group. “Em nome de todo o Conselho e da administração, gostaria de agradecer a Frank, Peter e Bob pela sua contribuição à Synchronoss nos últimos três anos e pela sua generosidade como meus consultores”, disse Miller.

Em conjunto com esta nova capitalização, a B. Riley Financial, Inc., incluindo algumas das suas afiliadas, está atuando como investidora âncora da Synchronoss. A Synchronoss concedeu à B. Riley representação no seu Conselho.

Bryant Riley, Presidente e Co-CEO da B. Riley Financial, Inc., comentou: “Temos o prazer de servir como parceiros estratégicos e patrocinadores financeiros da Synchronoss nessa capitalização, e estamos comprometidos em alavancar todas a capacidade operacional e financeira da nossa plataforma para apoiar a Synchronoss na sua estratégia de agregação de valor. Estamos prontos para continuar a trabalhar em estreita colaboração com Jeff e toda a equipe de gestão à medida que a Synchronoss entra nesta nova e empolgante fase dos seus negócios.”

A B. Riley Securities, Inc., está atuando como principal subscritor e único gerente de contabilidade da oferta de ações ordinárias. A Northland Capital Markets está atuando como cogerente da oferta.

A B. Riley Securities, Inc. está atuando como único gerente de contabilidade da oferta de notas seniores. A Northland Capital Markets, a Aegis Capital Corp. e a EF Hutton, divisão da Benchmark Investments, LLC estão atuando como gerentes principais da oferta de notas seniores.

As ações ordinárias e notas seniores foram oferecidas sob a declaração de registro padrão da Empresa no Formulário S-3, que foi declarado efetivo pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“SEC”) em 28 de agosto de 2020. As ofertas foram feitas apenas através de um suplemento de prospecto e de um prospecto de base que as acompanhavam. Cópias do suplemento do prospecto e do prospecto de base que acompanha a oferta podem ser obtidas no site da SEC em, ou entrando em contato com a B. Riley Securities pelo telefone (703) 312-9580, ou pelo e-mail

Este comunicado de imprensa não constitui uma oferta de venda nem uma solicitação de uma oferta para compra, nem deverá haver qualquer venda desses valores mobiliários em qualquer estado ou outra jurisdição em que tal oferta, venda ou solicitação seja ilegal antes do registro ou qualificação sob as leis de valores mobiliários de qualquer estado ou jurisdição.

Sobre a Synchronoss

A Synchronoss Technologies(NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhões de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantêm em sincronia com as pessoas, serviços e os conteúdos que elas gostam. É por isso que mais de 1.500 funcionários talentosos da Synchronoss em todo o mundo se esforçam todos os dias para reimaginar um mundo em sincronia. Saiba mais em

Declaração de Porto Seguro

Este comunicado contém declarações de previsão de acordo com a definição da Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934, e suas emendas, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, declarações quanto ao encerramento da oferta pública e o uso previsto dos seus produtos. Estas declarações de previsão estão sujeitas a uma série de riscos, incluindo a satisfação das condições habituais de fechamento relacionadas à oferta pública e os fatores de risco estabelecidos ocasionalmente nos registros SEC da Synchronoss, incluindo, mas não se limitando aos riscos descritos nas seções “Fatores de Risco” e “Discussão e Análise da Condição Financeira e Resultados de Operações da Administração” (conforme aplicável) do Relatório Anual da Synchronoss no Formulário 10-K do exercício fiscal encerrado em 31 de dezembro de 2020 e Relatório Trimestral no Formulário 10-Q do período encerrado em 31 de março de 2021, que estão arquivados no SEC e disponíveis no site do SEC em Além dos riscos descritos acima e nos outros registros da Synchronoss no SEC, outros fatores desconhecidos ou imprevisíveis também podem afetar os resultados da Synchronoss. Nenhuma declaração de previsão pode ser garantida e os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes de tais declarações. As informações contidas nesta versão são fornecidas apenas a partir da data desta versão, e a Synchronoss não se compromete a atualizar nenhuma declaração de previsão contida nesta versão por conta de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma, exceto conforme exigido por lei.


Anais Merlin, CCgroup (Internacional)
Diane Rose, CCgroup (América do Norte)

Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

Synchronoss annonce la clôture de 235 millions de dollars d’offres d’actions ordinaires et de billets de premier rang

En outre, Synchronoss a levé 75 millions de dollars par le biais d’un placement privé d’actions privilégiées

Produit net utilisé pour refinancer la structure du capital de la société

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 07 juill. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ : SNCR), un leader et innovateur mondial en solutions de cloud, de messagerie et de numérique, a annoncé aujourd’hui la clôture, le 29 juin 2021, d’un appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme de 42 307 692 actions ordinaires, dont 3 846 154 actions émises en lien avec l’option des preneurs fermes d’acheter des actions supplémentaires, au prix public de 2,60 dollars par action, pour un produit brut d’environ 110 millions de dollars. La société a également annoncé la clôture, le 30 juin 2021, d’un appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme d’un montant total de 125 millions de dollars de billets de premier rang à 8,375 % arrivant à échéance en 2026, comprenant un montant total de 5 millions de dollars de billets de premier rang émis en lien avec l’option des preneurs fermes d’acheter des billets de premier rang. Le produit brut des deux appels ne comprend pas les remises et commissions liées à l’appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme et les frais d’offre estimés dus par la société.

Synchronoss et les billets de premier rang ont tous reçu la note de BB d’Egan-Jones Ratings Company, une agence de notation indépendante et non affiliée. Les billets devraient commencer à être négociés sur le Nasdaq Global Select Market sous le symbole « SNCRL » dès le 1er juillet 2021.

En plus des appels publics, le 30 juin 2021, la société a clôturé un placement privé de 75 000 de ses actions privilégiées perpétuelles non convertibles de série B en faveur de B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC, pour un prix d’achat total de 75 millions de dollars.

Les deux appels publics et le placement privé ont généré un produit net d’environ 300 millions de dollars après déduction des remises et commissions liées à l’appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme, mais avant les frais. Le 30 juin 2021, la société a utilisé le produit net en partie pour échanger intégralement toutes ses actions privilégiées perpétuelles participatives convertibles de série A en circulation détenues par une filiale de Siris Capital Group et pour rembourser les montants en circulation au titre de la facilité de crédit renouvelable de la société.

« Synchronoss a émergé de ce processus de refinancement complet avec une base financière solide qui soutiendra notre mission visant à permettre à nos clients de se connecter à leurs preneurs fermes de manières fiables et significatives », a déclaré Jeff Miller, président-directeur général de Synchronoss. « Aujourd’hui, nous disposons d’un environnement financier durable qui nous donne la flexibilité d’exploitation nécessaire pour investir dans l’offre et l’amélioration d’excellentes expériences de cloud, de messagerie et de numérique pour nos clients, pour permettre une croissance à long terme et pour offrir une plus grande valeur aux actionnaires qui investissent dans l’entreprise. »

Le refinancement a également entraîné le départ de membres du conseil d’administration de Synchronoss, Frank Baker, Peter Berger et Robert Aquilina, qui sont tous associés à Siris Capital Group. « Au nom de l’ensemble du conseil d’administration et de la direction, je tiens à remercier Frank, Peter et Bob pour leurs contributions à Synchronoss au cours des trois dernières années et pour leur générosité en tant que conseillers personnels », a déclaré M. Miller.

En conjonction avec cette nouvelle capitalisation, B. Riley Financial, Inc., y compris certaines de ses filiales, agit comme investisseur phare de Synchronoss. Synchronoss a accordé à B. Riley une représentation au sein de son conseil d’administration.

Bryant Riley, président et co-PDG de B. Riley Financial, Inc., a commenté : « Nous sommes ravis d’agir en tant que partenaire stratégique et sponsor financier de Synchronoss sur cette capitalisation et nous sommes déterminés à tirer parti de toutes les capacités opérationnelles et financières de notre plateforme pour soutenir Synchronoss dans sa stratégie d’offre de valeur. Nous sommes impatients de continuer à travailler en étroite collaboration avec Jeff et l’ensemble de l’équipe de direction alors que Synchronoss entre dans cette nouvelle phase passionnante pour son activité. »

B. Riley Securities, Inc., a agi en tant que preneur ferme principal et seul gestionnaire de livres pour l’offre d’actions ordinaires. Northland Capital Markets a agi en tant que co-responsable de l’offre d’actions ordinaires.

B. Riley Securities, Inc. a agi en tant que seul gestionnaire de livres pour l’offre de billets de premier rang. Northland Capital Markets, Aegis Capital Corp. et EF Hutton, une division de Benchmark Investments, LLC, ont agi en tant que chefs de file de l’offre de billets de premier rang.

Les actions ordinaires et les billets de premier rang ont été offerts en vertu de la déclaration d’inscription préalable de la société sur formulaire S-3, qui a été déclarée effective par la Securities and Exchange Commission (« SEC ») le 28 août 2020. Les offres ont été effectuées seulement aux moyens d’un supplément de prospectus et du prospectus qui l’accompagne. Des exemplaires du supplément de prospectus et du prospectus de base qui l’accompagne pour l’offre peuvent être obtenus sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse, ou en contactant B. Riley Securities par téléphone au (703) 312-9580, ou par e-mail à l’adresse

Le présent communiqué de presse ne constitue ni une offre de vente ni une sollicitation d’une offre d’achat de ces titres, et aucune vente de ces titres n’aura lieu dans un État ou une juridiction au sein duquel ou de laquelle une telle offre, vente ou sollicitation serait illégale avant son enregistrement ou sa qualification en vertu des lois sur les valeurs mobilières dans un tel État ou une telle juridiction.

À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. C’est pourquoi les plus de 1 500 talentueux collaborateurs de Synchronoss à travers le monde s’efforcent chaque jour de repenser un monde synchrone. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

Énoncés prospectifs

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs au sens de l’article 21E du Securities Exchange Act de 1934, tel qu’amendé, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les énoncés concernant la clôture de l’appel public et l’utilisation prévue du produit de celle-ci. Ces énoncés prospectifs sont assujettis à un certain nombre de risques, comprenant la satisfaction des conditions de clôture habituelles liées à l’appel public et les facteurs de risque énoncés de temps à autre dans les documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, incluant, sans s’y limiter, les risques décrits dans les sections « Facteurs de risque » (Risk Factors) et « Rapport et analyse par la direction de la situation financière et des résultats opérationnels » (Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations) (selon le cas) du Rapport annuel sur formulaire 10-K de Synchronoss pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020, ainsi que du Rapport trimestriel sur formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos le 31 mars 2021, déposés auprès de la SEC et disponibles sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse Outre les risques décrits ci-dessus et dans les autres documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, d’autres facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient également affecter les résultats de Synchronoss. Aucun énoncé prospectif ne peut être garanti et les résultats réels peuvent différer sensiblement de ces énoncés. Les informations contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont valables à la date des présentes uniquement, et Synchronoss décline toute obligation de mettre à jour tout énoncé prospectif contenu dans ce communiqué que ce soit à la suite de nouvelles informations, d’événements futurs ou autrement, sauf si la loi l’impose.


Anais Merlin, CCgroup (International)
Diane Rose, CCgroup (Amérique du Nord)

Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc.

‘Falcon’s Beyond Global’ Launches as Fully Integrated Development Enterprise for IP-Driven Parks, Resorts, Media, & Merchandise

Falcon’s Beyond Global

Scott Demerau, Executive Chairman of the Board, Falcon’s Beyond and Cecil Magpuri, Chief Executive Officer, Falcon’s Beyond.

New enterprise brings proprietary ‘Katmandu’ and partner IPs to global markets through theme parks, resorts, feature films, episodic series, consumer products, and beyond.

Joint venture with Meliá Hotels International brings access to prime real estate and a global operating presence in major tourist destinations in 40 countries.

ORLANDO Fla., July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With proven theme park success in Europe, an award-winning creative team, patented technologies, and access to global real estate in prime tourist destinations, Falcon’s Beyond Global, LLC has launched as a fully integrated enterprise to propel story-driven, experiential entertainment around the world.

Until now, it has proven almost impossible for most IP franchises to rapidly deploy across media content, consumer products, and hardest of all, themed location-based entertainment, all at once.

The new enterprise, supercharged by a joint venture with Meliá Hotels International, will be the only vertically-integrated entertainment powerhouse able to simultaneously activate an intellectual property across the full transmedia spectrum — with the potential to transform the $440 billion hospitality and entertainment category.

Meliá, the world’s #1 leisure hotel group with 390+ properties in 40 countries, many in prime beach destinations, is jointly developing theme park + resort combos with Falcon’s Beyond at flagship properties on multiple continents.

Falcon’s Beyond was formalized this May when leading attraction design & master-planning firm Falcon’s Creative Group united with themed-entertainment company Katmandu Group.

This powerful combination has instantly created the only fully integrated source for simultaneous entertainment IP activations—from streaming media development to theme park site acquisition; master planning to brick-and-mortar projects; immersive ride & attraction design to merchandise creation; right through world-class park & resort operation.

Expanding and Evolving the Katmandu IP

A first major focus of Falcon’s Beyond will be to apply its IP Expandermodel to the rapid evolution of its original and wholly-owned “Katmandu” IP—already popular with the millions of Europeans who have visited Sol Katmandu Park & Resort in Mallorca, Spain, and a growing list of Katmandu-branded kids camps in Meliá’s Sol Hotels.

Audiences resonate with the Katmandu universe’s timeless, intertwined tales—where mythical characters come to life in wild adventures, inspiring wonder with imaginative, immersive realms, elusive yetis, and a multicultural cast of adventurers.

Along with new characters, a streaming video series, and merchandise, the proven Katmandu IP will undergo a brick-and-mortar expansion. Through unique technological capabilities, Falcon’s Beyond will establish Katmandu as the first world-class theme park to have every ride and attraction customized to a centralized story “like chapters in the same legend,” and digitally tied to individual guest experiences.

Development is moving forward on additional Katmandu parks on the grounds of Meliá resorts in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Tenerife, Spain and other key tourist destinations.

Enabling the Impossible

“Falcon’s Beyond Global represents the ultimate combination of unlimited storytelling potential, agile and flexible real estate scalability, and imaginative expansion into a multitude of categories,” said Cecil D. Magpuri, CEO of Falcon’s Beyond Global and founder of the original Falcon’s Creative Group. “We develop inclusive, story-driven experiences that we can bring to market with unprecedented speed, removing all the massive challenges IP franchises and developers face when attempting this feat on their own.”

“We are truly enabling the impossible,” said Scott Demerau, Executive Chairman of Falcon’s Beyond Global and co-founder of Katmandu Group. “Through our partnership with Meliá, we have created a new playbook for building cost-effective, ‘Big-Experience, Small-Footprint’ theme parks, from beach resort communities to mixed-use entertainment spaces. Falcon’s Beyond Global brings a full complement of technology, design, and media expertise to the equation. Together, we are offering something that’s simply never been accessible to companies before. This is a huge benefit to developers, emerging IPs, and even entertainment giants.”

Creating “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” Parks

Meliá Hotels and Katmandu Group originally came together in a 2012 joint venture to launch the themed Sol Katmandu Park & Resort in Mallorca and complement the beach holiday experience by providing “entertainment with rooms.” Their proof-of-concept rocketed to the top of the Meliá Sol portfolio and was named in the European Hospitality Awards as the #1 hotel in Europe for innovation in service, out of more than 100,000 hotels. Trivago Global named the park + resort as the #1 Hotel in Spain for Traveling with Kids. TripAdvisor named Katmandu Park in the top 3 parks in Spain three years in a row, and as a Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best 2020.

Falcon’s Beyond will elevate this unique, proven model of “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” theme parks for Katmandu and other IPs around the world, leveraging the joint venture with Meliá, whose global operating presence enables growth in any tourism destination across the Americas, Europe, Asia, and beyond. The rights to additional important IPs have already been secured, and Falcon’s Beyond is in discussions with others to deploy complete transmedia expressions at unheard-of speeds. The company has worked on master planning and design projects totaling over $100 billion and won numerous design awards for its world-class attractions and experiences.

Revolutionary Alternative to Mega Parks

Traditional “mega theme parks” require at least 6-8 years of planning, billions in investment, difficult real estate acquisition, new transportation infrastructures, urban planning, and 5-7 years of construction.

Falcon’s Beyond delivers a revolutionary alternative.

Falcon’s proprietary rides and attractions are world-class, cutting-edge, story-driven, and the first of their kind. Its patented technologies are uniquely able to create mega-park experiences in “Big-Experience, Small-Footprint” parks — which leverage underused land on existing resorts in dense tourist hotspots. Falcon’s Beyond parks can be deployed in as little as a 24-36 month window at a tiny fraction of the cost of a mega park, with Falcon’s providing expert, ongoing operations.

A True Disruptor

“Meliá is committed to bringing extraordinary experiences to our guests around the world,” said André Gerondeau, Chief Operating Officer of Meliá Hotels International. “Katmandu-themed parks and resorts will be a vital part of our story moving forward, and we feel this initiative puts us five years ahead of the rest of the hospitality industry in delivering ‘entertainment with rooms.’ Everyone at Meliá is thrilled to be working with the creative minds and experienced development experts at Falcon’s Beyond.”

“Falcon’s Beyond and its unprecedented, imaginative, and already-deployed IP activation model completely shifts the established entertainment industry paradigm,”  said industry leader Ken Faier, founder of Epic Story Media, a full-service, creator-driven kids entertainment company.  “We have seen first-hand what Falcon’s is creating and we are really excited to explore an epic collaboration. There is a big demand for families looking for exciting experiences around great IP.”

With its expertise in intellectual property expansion, licensing, and immersive experiences, Falcon’s Beyond Global has unprecedented power to turn imagined worlds into reality — inspiring wonder in audiences and guests, with memories to last a lifetime.

About Falcon’s Beyond Global LLC
Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, Falcon’s Beyond Global, LLC is a fully integrated, top-tier experiential entertainment development enterprise specializing in intellectual property expansion. The company brings its own proprietary and partner IPs to global markets through owned and operated theme parks, resorts, attractions, patented technologies, feature films, episodic series, consumer products, licensing, and beyond. The company has won numerous design awards and provided design services in 39 countries around the world. It is composed of four core divisions: Falcon’s Treehouse (master planning & design), Falcon’s Digital Media, Falcon’s Licensing, and Falcon’s Parks & Resorts. Storytelling is the guiding force behind all Falcon’s Beyond projects—which turn imagined worlds into reality. For more information, visit

About Meliá Hotels International
Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Meliá Hotels International (MHI) has more than 390 hotels open, or in the process of opening, in more than 40 countries. They operate under the brands Gran Meliá Hotels & Resorts, Paradisus by Meliá, ME by Meliá, Meliá Hotels & Resorts, INNSiDE by Meliá, Sol by Meliá, and TRYP by Wyndham. The company is a global leader in resort hotels, and its resort experience has allowed it to become a leader in the growing market of urban hotels inspired by leisure. The Sustainability Yearbook 2020, published by S&P Global, named Meliá among the Most Sustainable Hotel Companies in the World (Silver Medal), and it has been included among Europe’s Climate Leaders 2021 by the Financial Times & Statista. Meliá Hotels International is also a member of the IBEX 35 and is the Spanish hotel company with the best corporate reputation, per Merco Ranking. For more information, visit


Joel Moore
Praytell Strategy

María Umbert
Meliá Hotels International

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

ISW Holdings Closes on Its 1st phase of over 100MW Georgia Crypto Mining Farm Capable of Driving Over $100M in Annual Gross Revs

LAS VEGAS, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — ISW Holdings, Inc. (OTC: ISWH) (“ISW Holdings” or the “Company”), a global brand management holdings company, is excited to announce that it has finalized its land lease development agreement, which grants the Company full use of a 1st phase 7-acre parcel of property in Georgia tailored for cryptocurrency mining operations, complete with access to energy resources capable of powering over 100 MW of cryptocurrency mining capacity.

“This agreement puts us in position to scale up into a top-five global cryptocurrency mining position by volume,” remarked ISW Holdings President and Chairman, Alonzo Pierce. “We control an ideal plot of land, to initiate the 1st phase with additional access to over 100 megawatts of power for use in crypto mining. We also have our close partner Bit5ive, LLC – North America’s largest provider of collective management of renewable, clean energy services and mining equipment – right on premises to manage and develop the mining operations at the site. China is cracking down hard and shutting down its domestic crypto mining industry. This has enormous consequences because more than half of the world’s cryptocurrency mining has been taking place in China. As a result, we are already fielding calls from mining firms seeking a new home. We are now equipped to handle this at scale. We have the power!”

For more details and forward-looking statements, view the entire announcement:

Pierce added, “Our plan is to execute an additional agreement with some of the world’s largest and best-known mining companies seeking additional accommodation for expanded mining operations. We are already beginning to design and plan for this added scalability. Once we deploy the full 100 MW, we see total gross revenue run rate exceeding $100 million on an annualized basis.”

About ISW Holdings
ISW Holdings, Inc. (ISWH), based in Nevada, is a diversified portfolio company comprised of essential business lines that serve consumer product demands. Our expertise lies in strategic brand development, early growth facilitation, as well as brand identity through our proprietary procurement process. Together, with our partners, we seek to provide a structure that meets large scalability demands, as well as anticipated marketplace needs. We are able to meet these needs through a variety of strategic innovative processes. ISWH is creating and managing brands across a spectrum of disruptive industries. It maneuvers its proprietary companies through critical stages of market development, which includes conceptualization, go-to-market strategies, engineering, product integration, and distribution efficiency. The company has also partnered with a well-known software development and consulting company, Bengala Technologies LLC, which is developing significant enhancements in the supply chain management space; and the partnership has a vitally needed patent now pending.

The Company’s cryptocurrency mining segment, established in partnership with industry leader, Bit5ive LLC, is driven by a mission to mine cryptocurrency with a zero carbon footprint. Learn more at

About Bit5ive

Bit5ive is a leader in crypto currency mining data centers with several projects currently in development in the United States. Bit5ive’s success lies in its commitment to its clients, hailing from a variety of industries and professions. Bit5ive’s corporate headquarters is based in Miami, Florida, from which it operates as a management hub for its data centers, sales and customer service. Learn more at

Company Contact:

Public Relations
EDM Media, LLC

Corporate Communications:
InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
Los Angeles, California
310.299.1717 Office

Falana & Falana Issues the Following Statement: Alex Saab Challenges Indictment in U.S. Court

WASHINGTON, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the legal team of Baker Hostetler, representing Mr. Alex Saab, filed their Opening Brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, challenging a decision by U.S. District Judge in Miami refusing to consider Mr. Saab’s status as a diplomat immune from U.S. proceedings unless and until he personally appears in the United States.

Mr. Saab was unlawfully detained, at the request of U.S. law enforcement authorities, in Cabo Verde, where his aircraft had stopped to refuel. He was, in fact, traveling from Venezuela to Iran on a diplomatic mission, seeking humanitarian assistance in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a well established rule of international law that diplomats, traveling from their country of origin to an overseas post, whether as a special envoy like Mr. Saab or as part of a permanent mission, are entitled to diplomatic immunity from arrest or detention. Accordingly, at the instruction of his own government, he has vigorously opposed his extradition to the United States.

Mr. Saab, the subject of a U.S. indictment for alleged wrongdoing in Venezuela and neighboring countries, sought to raise this point with the Miami district judge, who refused to consider his immunity until he agreed to personally appear before the judge in the United States. The judge grounded his decision in the “fugitive disentitlement” doctrine, which is a judge-made rule stating that individuals who have fled the court’s authority cannot raise legal arguments until they have been physically brought before the court.

However, this doctrine does not apply in Mr. Saab’s case because he has never fled the United States or U.S. law enforcement authorities, and has opposed his extradition to the United States because he is a diplomat on mission entitled to immunity. Accordingly, Mr. Saab has appealed the District Judge’s ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. In his Opening Brief, Mr. Saab has made plain that he is not a fugitive from the United States and that, as Venezuela’s Special Envoy to Iran, he is a diplomatic Head of Mission under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the United States Diplomatic Relations Act, which implements U.S. treaty obligations under that Convention. In fact, the Eleventh Circuit concluded that Special Envoy’s like Mr. Saab are entitled to immunity in a case decided in 1984, Abdulaziz v. Meto. Dade County, 741 F.2d 1328 (11th Cir. 1984). This case constitutes binding precedent on both the District Judge and the Court of Appeals.

Accordingly, Mr. Saab has asked the Court of Appeals to reject the District Court’s application of the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine and to rule that he is entitled to immunity from arrest, detention, and extradition to the United States, dismissing the case against him.


José Manuel Pinto Monteiro
+234 803 300 4903
Falana & Falana Chambers

Hatch raises C$1 million for COVAX and UNICEF

Mississauga, Canada, July 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mississauga, Canada— Hatch employees came together in an eight-week-long campaign to raise funds in support of COVAX, helping them progress towards their goal of procuring and delivering 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines globally. Through the employees’ generous donations and a corporate match, $C1 million was raised!

COVAX is co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the World Health Organization, alongside key delivery partner, UNICEF. Its aim is to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, and to guarantee fair and equitable access for every country in the world.

Unfortunately, many countries do not have the ability to maintain progress or even start. It is clear the pandemic will not truly end until all countries have equitable access to vaccines. UNICEF is working with manufacturers and partners on the procurement and delivery of vaccine doses, as well as freight, logistics, and storage for countries around the world. With Hatch’s donation, UNICEF will be able to fully vaccinate (two doses) more than 187,000 people worldwide.

“To end this pandemic, we need to think globally and act locally to make a difference beyond our families and our company—this is the basis of real positive change around the world. As a global company, we are engaging great people who make a difference every day in their communities, with our clients, and with each other. Together, we saw the imperative to support the world’s largest mass health campaign to stop the COVID-19 virus and move forward into a better future,” shared John Bianchini, Hatch’s Chairman and CEO.

“On behalf of UNICEF, I would like to thank Hatch for its support in ensuring widespread and equitable delivery of COVID-19 vaccines. They stepped up to help UNICEF in its efforts to deliver the largest fastest immunization campaign in history. We are grateful to Hatch employees for their contributions and to Hatch for increasing the impact by matching every dollar raised,” shared David Morley, UNICEF Canada’s President and CEO.

Hatch is committed to doing its part to support efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Hatch also recently sponsored the “This is our Shot” movement, a consortium of grassroots organizations, Canadian businesses, associations, healthcare professionals, community leaders, and influencers focused on educating and inspiring Canadians so that vaccine hesitancy is replaced with confidence.

To learn more about how Hatch continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, visit our COVID-19 Information Center.

To learn more about the UNICEF COVAX campaign, click here.

About Hatch

Whatever our clients envision, our professional teams can design and build. With over six decades of business and technical experience in the mining, energy, and infrastructure sectors, we know your business and understand that your challenges are changing rapidly. We respond quickly with solutions that are smarter, more efficient, and innovative. We draw upon our 9,500 staff with experience in over 150 countries to challenge the status quo and create positive change for our clients, our employees, and the communities we serve.

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Lindsay Janca