Layout International s’associe à pour automatiser entièrement la production imprimée

La combinaison du système NewsPublish de Layout International et du moteur intelligent basé sur l’IA et l’AA de fait passer de plusieurs heures à seulement quelques minutes la durée du processus de mise en page pour impression

TORONTO, 11 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, une suite d’outils d’optimisation, de prévision et d’automatisation basés sur l’IA et développés par The Globe and Mail, s’est associée à Layout International, un fournisseur de technologies d’entreprise de pointe, pour transformer la production imprimée. Sophi fournira sa technologie intelligente basée sur l’IA/AA pour automatiser entièrement le flux de production imprimée de bout en bout afin de faire économiser du temps et de l’argent aux éditeurs et leur permettre de se concentrer sur la création de contenu de haute qualité.

La mise en page pour impression est généralement un processus long et ardu, impliquant plusieurs éditeurs et concepteurs de pages, et prenant des heures. Sans les contraintes rigides d’un modèle, les clients de Layout International auront désormais la possibilité de créer un papier prêt à l’impression qui soit indéchiffrable à partir d’un papier préparé par des concepteurs de pages humains, et l’ensemble du processus ne prend que quelques minutes. Et pour les plus de 200 clients de Layout International, ce partenariat signifie une intégration transparente de Sophi dans leur flux de travail éditorial actuel avec NewsPublish.

« Nous sommes ravis de travailler avec car cela nous permet d’offrir à nos clients de nouvelles capacités de pointe sous la forme d’une solution d’impression automatisée de bout en bout qui augmente considérablement l’efficacité. Nos clients pourront tirer à multiples reprises leur papier imprimé en seulement quelques minutes, chaque fois qu’ils le choisiront, tout cela dans le système de gestion de contenu d’entreprise NewsPublish qu’ils utilisent déjà quotidiennement », a déclaré Jean-Michel Habis, PDG de Layout International.

La suite d’outils Sophi est conçue pour identifier le contenu le plus précieux d’une entreprise (non pas le contenu le plus populaire, mais le contenu qui stimule les conversions ou la rétention, ou la mesure qui compte le plus pour cette entreprise) et pour le placer dans les endroits les plus précieux de leurs entités numériques, ou derrière un péage de lecture numérique lorsque les revenus d’abonnement dépassent les revenus publicitaires prévus. En plus du système NewsPublish alimenté par, Sophi fournit l’automatisation de site, un péage de lecture numérique entièrement dynamique, personnalisé et en temps réel, et des solutions d’analyse aux éditeurs du monde entier.

« La mise en page pour impression est une entreprise massive », a déclaré Greg Doufas, directeur technologique chez The Globe and Mail. « Nous voyons ce partenariat avec Layout International donner aux éditeurs la liberté de se concentrer sur la création de contenu et les éléments de conception spécifiques auxquels les concepteurs de pages souhaitent consacrer leur énergie. Le mieux, c’est que le système NewsPublish alimenté par devient plus performant et plus intelligent chaque jour. Par conséquent, les clients de Layout International seront toujours à la pointe de la technologie grâce à cette solution. »

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site ou envoyer un e-mail à

À propos de Layout International
Layout International ( répond aux besoins technologiques croissants du marché en fournissant des solutions d’entreprise hautement personnalisables. La société dessert plus de 200 clients, en leur fournissant une technologie de pointe pour améliorer leur façon de travailler. Elle permet à de nombreuses entreprises de migrer, de s’intégrer et de transformer leurs processus numériquement pour travailler sur une plateforme unique.

Contact auprès des médias de Layout International
Ghassan Halawi
Vice-président des ventes, Layout International
+961 70 855685

À propos de ( est une suite d’outils d’optimisation et de prévision basés sur l’IA qui aide les éditeurs de contenu à prendre des décisions stratégiques et tactiques importantes. Les solutions de Sophi vont de Sophi Site Automation et Sophi for Paywalls à Sophi Analytics, un système d’aide à la décision pour les éditeurs de contenu. Sophi vise à améliorer les mesures qui comptent le plus pour votre entreprise, telles que la rétention et l’acquisition d’abonnés, l’engagement, la récence, la fréquence et le volume.

Contact auprès des médias de
Jamie Rubenovitch
Directrice du marketing,
The Globe and Mail

Parceria da Layout International com a Viabiliza a Automação Total da Produção de Impressão

A união do NewsPublish da Layout International com o mecanismo inteligente de IA e ML da reduz o tempo do processo de impressão para apenas alguns minutos

TORONTO, June 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A, uma suíte de ferramentas de otimização, previsão e automação alimentadas por IA desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail, fez uma parceria com a Layout International, uma fornecedora de tecnologia empresarial de ponta, para transformar a produção de impressão. A Sophi fornecerá a tecnologia IA/ML inteligente para automatizar totalmente o fluxo do trabalho de produção de impressão de ponta a ponta para economizar tempo e dinheiro para os editores e permitir que eles se concentrem na criação de conteúdo de alta qualidade.

O laydown de impressão tipicamente é um processo longo e árduo, envolvendo vários editores e designers de páginas e levando horas para ser concluído. Sem as restrições rígidas de um modelo, os clientes da Layout International agora têm a oportunidade de criar um papel indecifrável pronto para impressão a partir de um papel preparado pelos designers de páginas, e todo o processo leva apenas alguns minutos. E para os mais de 200 clientes da Layout International, essa parceria significa a integração perfeita da Sophi ao seu fluxo de trabalho editorial NewsPublish atual.

“Estamos muitos contentes com o fato de o nosso trabalho com a nos permitir oferecer aos nossos clientes novas capacidades de ponta na forma de uma solução de impressão automatizada de ponta a ponta que aumenta drasticamente as eficiências. Nossos clientes poderão executar mais de uma vez seu papel de impressão em apenas alguns minutos, sempre que quiserem, tudo dentro do sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo NewsPublish Enterprise que eles já usam diariamente”, disse Jean-Michel Habis, CEO da Layout International.

O conjunto de ferramentas Sophi foi projetado para identificar o conteúdo mais valioso de uma organização (não o conteúdo mais popular, mas o conteúdo que gera conversões ou retenção ou a métrica que mais importa para essa organização) e colocá-lo nos lugares mais valiosos das suas entidades digitais ou por trás de um paywall quando a receita com a assinatura supera a receita com publicidade prevista. Além da NewsPublish, com a, a Sophi fornece automação de sites, um paywall totalmente dinâmico, em tempo real e personalizado, e soluções analíticas para editores em todo o mundo.

“O laydown de impressão é um trabalho enorme”, disse Greg Doufas, Diretor de Tecnologia da The Globe and Mail. “Essa parceria com a Layout International proporciona para os editores a liberdade de se concentrar na criação de conteúdo e nos elementos de design específicos onde os designers de páginas querem gastar sua energia. A melhor parte é que a NewsPublish acionada pela está ficando melhor e mais inteligente a cada dia, por isso os clientes da Layout International estão sempre na vanguarda da tecnologia com esta solução.”

Para mais informação, visite ou envie um e-mail para

Sobre a Layout International
A Layout International ( atende às crescentes necessidades tecnológicas do mercado, fornecendo soluções empresariais altamente personalizáveis. Ela atende mais de 200 clientes, fornecendo tecnologia de ponta que permite que eles aprimorem o seu trabalho. Com ela, muitas organizações podem transformar, migrar e integrar seus processos digitalmente, permitindo o trabalho em uma única plataforma.

Contato com a Mídia da Layout International
Ghassan Halawi
Vice-Presidente de Vendas, Layout International
+961 70 855685

Sobre a
A ( é uma suíte de ferramentas de otimização e previsão com base em IA que ajuda os editores de conteúdo a tomar decisões estratégicas e táticas importantes. As soluções Sophi variam desde a Sophi Site Automation até Sophi for Paywalls e Sophi Analytics, um sistema de suporte à decisão para editores de conteúdo. A Sophi foi projetada para aprimorar as métricas que mais importam para sua empresa, como retenção e aquisição de assinantes, engajamento, recentidade, frequência e volume.

Contato com a Mídia da
Jamie Rubenovitch
Dirigente de Marketing,
The Globe and Mail

Huawei Digital Power cherche à créer une communauté de partenaires mondiaux compétents pour un avenir vert et brillant

SHENZHEN, Chine, 12 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — En se concentrant sans relâche sur la réussite de ses partenaires, Huawei Digital Power a récemment organisé le Sommet des partenaires de l’écosystème 2021 afin d’explorer la manière dont on peut créer un système de partenariat compétent pour un avenir vert et brillant grâce à des solutions compétitives sans carbone pour tous les cas de figure, un service de qualité et une stratégie de partenariat innovante. En raison de la Covid-19, la série d’événements virtuels, avec des sommets en Asie-Pacifiqueen Amérique latine et en Europe rassemble des partenaires de 81 pays.

« La neutralité carbone est devenue l’objectif commun le plus urgent au monde, ce qui provoque une révolution dans la production et la consommation d’énergie et accélère également la modernisation du secteur. La transformation énergétique est porteuse de nombreuses opportunités industrielles et commerciales. En intégrant les technologies numériques et d’électronique de puissance, Huawei Digital Power fait progresser la révolution énergétique et s’associe à ses partenaires pour construire un avenir vert et brillant », a déclaré James Li, membre du conseil de surveillance de Huawei et président du marketing, des ventes et des services de Huawei Digital Power dans son discours de bienvenue.

M. Li a ajouté que la stratégie d’écosystème est au cœur de la stratégie de développement de Huawei Digital Power. Le secteur de l’énergie numérique est essentiellement un écosystème industriel. Nous nous engageons à faire ce qu’il faut pour apporter de la valeur à nos partenaires, partager les bénéfices avec eux et améliorer leurs capacités. Nous unissons nos forces à celles de tous les partenaires compétents et ambitieux pour construire un avenir vert et brillant grâce à la stratégie d’écosystème coopératif multi-niveaux et multi-entreprises.

Le secteur de l’énergie numérique a besoin d’un écosystème, et c’est pourquoi Huawei Digital Power a mis au point la stratégie d’écosystème « 3-4-5-6 ». « Nous répartissions les services des partenaires en trois domaines – photovoltaïque intelligent, centre de données et installation sur site, et domaine interne à Huawei – pour permettre à chaque acteur de se concentrer sur ses points forts. Lorsque nous coopérons avec des partenaires, nous adhérons aux quatre principes suivants : rentabilité, simplicité, habilitation et écosystème. Dans cette optique, nous mettrons en œuvre cinq mesures majeures cette année – la création d’un système de partenariat centré sur le secteur de l’énergie numérique, l’optimisation des plateformes informatiques, la promotion de la normalisation, le renforcement du marketing et de l’image de marque et l’augmentation des ressources – afin d’aider les partenaires à améliorer leurs six capacités en matière de vente, de service, de marketing, etc. », a souligné M. Li dans son discours.

Le sommet annuel des partenaires de l’écosystème, conçu pour présenter les ressources et les outils dont nos partenaires ont besoin pour accroître leur rentabilité, intervient alors que Huawei intensifie ses efforts pour construire une société intelligente et sans carbone. Lors du sommet, Zhou Taoyuan, président des produits et solutions de Huawei Digital Power, a présenté la solution zéro carbone de Huawei pour tous les cas de figure, qui comprend « 5 technologies de base + 4 scénarios d’application + 1 cloud ». La solution couvre le générateur photovoltaïque intelligent FusionSolar 8.0, l’alimentation résidentielle verte 2.0, l’alimentation C&I verte 1.0, les solutions d’alimentation en énergie hors réseau (suppression du combustible), le cloud énergétique, le centre de données à zéro carbone, le site à zéro carbone, le réseau de charge intelligent et l’alimentation modulaire.

Les représentants des partenaires de l’écosystème venus des quatre coins du monde ont partagé leurs idées sur la stratégie de marketing pendant la pandémie, la stratégie d’expansion du marché, la croissance de l’entreprise, entre autres, lors du sommet virtuel. 72 partenaires les plus performants au niveau mondial ont été sélectionnés pour être récompensés pour leur dévouement à la création de valeur en 2020. En quelques années, certains des partenaires ont étendu leurs activités à plus d’une douzaine de pays, grâce à la coopération avec Huawei. Comme l’a dit M. Li : « Huawei ne pose pas de limites à ses partenaires, alors rêvez en grand et réalisez de grandes choses »

Si vous voulez aller vite, allez-y seul. Si vous voulez aller loin, allez-y ensemble. Huawei Digital Power se concentrera sur notre stratégie d’écosystème et unira ses forces à celles de nos partenaires pour construire une planète plus verte et plus durable qui est la nôtre.

À propos de Huawei

Fondé en 1987, Huawei est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux d’infrastructures de technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) et d’appareils intelligents. Nous comptons plus de 197 000 employés et nous opérons dans plus de 170 pays et régions au service de plus de trois milliards de personnes dans le monde.

Notre vision et notre mission sont d’apporter le numérique à chaque personne, foyer et entreprise pour un monde entièrement connecté et intelligent. À cette fin, nous favoriserons une connectivité omniprésente et l’égalité d’accès aux réseaux ; nous apporterons l’intelligence artificielle et le Cloud aux quatre coins du monde pour fournir une puissance de calcul supérieure là où vous en avez besoin, quand vous en avez besoin ; nous créerons des plateformes numériques pour aider tous les secteurs et toutes les entreprises à devenir plus agiles, efficaces et dynamiques ; nous redéfinirons l’expérience utilisateur avec l’IA, en la rendant plus personnalisée pour les individus dans tous les aspects de leur vie, qu’ils soient à la maison, au bureau ou en déplacement. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site Web ou suivez Huawei sur les réseaux sociaux :

Photo –

Algeria Holds First Parliamentary Elections Since Popular Revolt in 2019

Commentators reported low turnout Saturday in parts of Algeria, which was holding its first parliamentary elections since a 2019 popular uprising swept away veteran President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika.

Some political parties called on voters to boycott the election, while the government urged them to “fulfill their electoral duty.”

Nevertheless, Mohammed Sharafi, head of Algeria’s Independent Electoral Commission, told journalists late Saturday that turnout “was over 30%” and that “more than 23.5 million voters had cast their ballots. Earlier, Saturday afternoon, Sharafi indicated that turnout was aboutas 10.2% as of 2PM, but he said subsequent reports showed it was picking up.

“Voting results,” he insisted, “are no longer being manipulated, as they once were in previous elections.”

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune told a press conference after casting his ballot that he was hoping to put together a “new Algeria” after the country’s fresh parliament was seated. He said democracy “gives citizens the right to boycott elections” but urged voters to “do their civic duty.”

Freedom of expression

He said citizens had the right to boycott the vote as long as they don’t try to impose their boycott on others. Everyone in the country, he said, was free to express convictions and views. Democracy, he said, requires that the majority respect the minority.

Sharafi told voters the “point of the election is that voters should know which candidates’ political platform coincides with their own positions and convictions.”

Abdel Qader, a young man from Algiers who identified himself as a member of the popular protest movement, told Arab media he would like to see a new government that’s responsive to the demands of the people.

He said it was his hope that the new government formed after the elections would respond to the demands of the popular protest movement and that conflicts would start resolving themselves.

Khattar Abou Diab, who teaches political science at the University of Paris, told VOA that Algeria’s political landscape was a bit “disorganized,” but that the country’s political leaders were “seeking a new political legitimacy.”

He said there were many political candidates and the electoral landscape was not entirely clear, but that the president appeared to be trying to win over independents to put together a new political majority.

Lots of candidates

Voters were given an unusually large number of lists of candidates to pick from Saturday. Almost two dozen lists could be seen at some polling stations.

Egyptian political sociologist Said Sadek told VOA that Algerian voters remained suspicious and disappointed that the regime did not meet the demands of the popular revolutionary movement that toppled Bouteflika. “Algeria also continues to suffer from economic woes, corruption and distrust,” he said.

Abdallah Jaballah, leader of the Islamist Growth and Justice Party, told Arab media he was not pleased with the way the situation was evolving.

He said the government had imposed this election on the people, and that it would either continue down this path or would back off and respond to public opinion.

Final results of Saturday’s parliamentary voting were not expected until next week.

Source: Voice of America

Annual meeting of nationals in Sweden

Eritrean community in Sweden conducted annual meeting in the city of Guttenberg on 5 June. The meeting in which over 80 nationals from various Swedish cities took part elected new executive committee and adopted various resolutions and recommendations.

Commending the strong unity and perseverance the Eritrean community members demonstrated in the past years, Mr. Biniam Misgina, chairman of the Eritrean Community in Sweden, called for strengthening organizational capacity and participation in the national development drives.

Mr. Sirak Bahlibi, head of Public and Community Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Sweden, on his part commending the Eritrean community in Sweden for the overall participation in the national affairs called for strengthening unity and participation in the national development programs.

In the same vein, Eritrean nationals from 22 German cities conducted virtual activity assessment meeting on 6 June.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Yohannes Woldu, Charge d’Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy in Germany, called on the youth to play leading role in the nation building process with their knowledge and expertise.

Mr. Kahsai Tewolde, head of Public and Community Affairs, on his part gave briefing on the objective situation in the homeland and the region.

Source: Ministry of Information Eritrea

Malawi Expresses Regret Over Expulsion of Its Diplomats From South Africa

Malawi’s government said Saturday that it had received news of its diplomats’ alleged misconduct in South Africa with regret and that it would punish those involved when they returned home.

South Africa on Friday declared all Malawian diplomats persona non grata for abusing diplomatic privileges and gave them 72 hours to leave the country.

South Africa’s Ministry of International Relations said in a statement that the action followed an investigation that found the diplomats had been buying duty-free alcohol with cash and then reselling it to retailers.

A Malawi government spokesperson, Gospel Kazako, told local media Saturday that the government had already talked with some of its South Africa-based diplomats.

“What they are saying is that they are being accused of abusing the tax privileges that they had,” Kazako said. “You know, according to the Vienna Convention of 1961, diplomats have certain privileges, and one of the privileges is that of not paying tax in the hosting country on certain items and certain services. Alcohol is one of those items, so there was abuse, according to South African government.”

The South African Revenue Service said the scandal, which also involved diplomats from other countries including Rwanda, Burundi and Lesotho, had led to the estimated loss of millions of dollars in unpaid taxes every month. It has not yet been determined how long the illegal enterprise was operating.

Not ‘normal consumption’

John Chikago, Malawi’s former high commissioner to South Africa, told VOA the matter was strange and surprising.

“We buy with the diplomatic card, and you can’t just buy any amount, unless you have a party at your house or there is national day [celebration] for your country,” he said. “But if it is normal consumption, you should buy only one bottle or two bottles. But they were buying cartons. How? So, it appears there was a syndicate.”

Chikago said the issue could tarnish the image of Malawian diplomats in other embassies.

“That is the image we are giving to South Africa — that we are corrupt people, because embassies are the image of Malawi — so it must stop,” he said.

Sheriff Kaisi, a political science lecturer at Blantyre International University, dismissed fears that the incident would affect diplomatic relations between Malawi and South Africa. But he said the image of ordinary Malawians living in South Africa could be affected.

“We have quite a number of citizens living in South Africa,” he said. “They will be seen as people who are not trustworthy, people who cannot follow rules of the game.”

However, Malawi’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement Friday evening that the Malawi government had conveyed regret to the South African government about the conduct of the diplomats involved, and that it would take appropriate action when the diplomats returned to Malawi.

Source: Voice of America

Nigerians Mark Annual Democracy Day With Protests

Protesters hit Nigeria’s streets Saturday to say democracy is under threat from rising insecurity and bad governance.

The Democracy Day demonstrations came as President Muhammadu Buhari has been struggling to control terrorism, criminal abductions and separatist movements. Last week, Buhari suspended Twitter after it deleted a controversial tweet of his. Protesters blasted the act as a dictatorial punishment against free expression.

The protests started early Saturday across many Nigerian states, including Abuja, Lagos, Oyo, Ondo and Port Harcourt.

The protesters were holding placards marked #Buharimustgo and demanding an end to insecurity and what they called systemic oppression.

Tear gas, gunshots

Some protests in Abuja were dispersed by security agents who fired tear gas canisters and gunshots into the air, according to eyewitnesses.

Their banners and placards were also seized by state security operatives, said Cletus Uba, who was at Gudu junction, one of the protest venues.

“I was here when all these protesters were around, and I know what they’re agitating for, the insecurities in the country,” Uba said. “When they were here protesting, police, soldiers, civil defense started shooting tear gas and guns into the air.”

There was a heavy presence of armed security men and women all over the Abuja metropolitan region on Saturday, and the same was seen in many states across the country.

But 15 kilometers from Gudu — the spot in Abuja where protesters were dispersed — hundreds of government supporters gathered in a counteraction.

The inscription on their green-and-white vests read, “I stand with Buhari.”

President’s ‘great worry’

The president on Saturday morning addressed the nation through the government broadcaster and said he was fixing insecurity issues.

“Let me assure my fellow citizens that every incident, however minor, gives me great worry and concern, and I immediately order security agencies to swiftly but safely rescue victims and bring perpetrators to justice,” he said.

Buhari, a former military general, was elected in 2015 on a vow to root out security threats and grow the economy.

But his administration has been plagued by reckless attacks carried out by insurgents and bandits, as well as a booming kidnapping-for-ransom market. His cabinet has been severely criticized for not addressing those issues sooner.

Rising insecurity was not the only reason protesters were marching in the streets. They said last week’s Twitter ban was an attempt to gag free speech.

Ariyo Dare of the Nigeria Center for Liberty, one of the protesting groups, said, “The banning of the Twitter platform in Nigeria is undemocratic, irresponsible, thoughtless and very insensitive. Nigeria should be a leading light in terms of democracy in Africa.”

Nigerian authorities, who say social media has been used to promote comments that threaten the existence of the state, are now in talks with Chinese officials to create an internet firewall, according to Nigeria’s Foundation for Investigative Journalism.

But as the country marked Democracy Day, many protesters and critics said Buhari was Nigeria’s biggest threat to democracy.

Source: Voice of America